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Substantially Equivalent 510(k) Device Information

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Applicant: Biotest Diagnostics Corp. Denville, NJ
510(k) number: BK960086
Product: Biotest High Resolution Supplementary Kit
Date: 07/03/1997

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Summary of Safety and Effectiveness

  1. Legally Marketed Device
  2. Biotest Diagnostics claims substantial equivalence to the DRB-SSO Typing Kit (BK950015) currently in commercial distribution by Biotest Diagnostics.

  3. Device Description
  4. The Biotest DRB-SSO Typing Kit is a highly sensitive dot blot assay. In the first step, genomic DNA is purified and the relevant genetic region - for the DRB-SSO Typing Kit this is a DRB fragment - is replicated using PCR *.

    Two PCR amplifications with primer pairs DRB-G5/DRB-86G and DRB-G5/DRB-86T, respectively, designed towards the glycine/valine dimorphism at codon 86 of DRB sequences are performed in the high resolution assay. The two primer pairs amplify two non-overlapping groups of DRB sequences; primer pair DRB-G5/DRB-86G amplifies DRB alleles encoding amino acid residue glycine at position -86-, primer pair DRB-G5/DRB-86T amplifies those DRB alleles encoding amino acid residue -86- valine.

    The DNA from the two PCR products is attached to a membrane, denatured and, at the same time, immobilized. If the DNA in the sample contains complementary sections, HLA allele-specific oligonucleotide probes can hybridize to the single-stranded DNA (oligotyping, SSO). Unbound oligonucleotide probes are removed by washing. The oligonucleotide probes are labeled with diaoxigenin **.

    The presence of the DNA-oligonucleotide complex is detected by means of a specific enzyme-labeled antibody (anti-digoxigenin alkaline phosphatase conjugate). The presence of the bound antibody is demonstrated in a subsequent enzyme reaction, in which a color product is formed. All reactions, including the color reaction, are carried out on the membrane bottom of a microplate well. After completion of the test, the membrane is stripped off, evaluated and archived.

  5. Intended Use
  6. The Biotest High Resolution Supplementary Kit is intended for high resolution HLA-DRB typing using the DRB-SSO Typing Kit, an oligonucleotide probe detection system.

  7. Comparison with Predicate Device
  8. A summary comparison of the features of the Biotest High Resolution Supplementary Kit and the DRB-SSO Typing Kit is provided in Table 1 below:

    Table 1

    Feature Comparison of High Resolution Supplementary Kit and DRB-SSO Typing Kit
      High Resolution DRB-SSO
    Intended Use HLA-DRB Typing HLA-DRB Typing
    Assay Method Oligonucleotide Probe Detection Oligonucleotide Probe Detection
    Reactive Ingredients Digoxigenin labeled SSO Probes Primer Digoxigenin labeled SSO Probes Primer
         Type Anticoagulated blood
    (EDTA, citrate, heparin)
    Anticoagulated blood
    (EDTA, citrate, heparin
        Min. Volume 500ml x 2 500ml
        Evaluation Visual color Visual Color
        Interpretation Pattern of positive reactions
    (computer or manual scheme)
    Pattern of positive reactions
    (computer or manual scheme)
    Kit Size 15 tests 15 tests

  9. Performance Data
  10. The Biotest High Resolution DRB-SSO Typing Kit was compared to commercially available anti-HLA serological test by testing 410 specimens (well characterized, serologically known HLA panel specimens). There was 99.5% concordance (408/410) between the DRB-SSO Typing results and the results obtained using the anti-HLA serological tests.


N = Number of Samples

Upon further testing to resolve discordants using additional methods (standardized in-house DNA methods), there was 100% concordance (410/410).


N = Number of Samples

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*The PCR process is covered by US patents owned by Hoffmann-LA Roche Inc. The use of the PCR process requires a license. Nothing in this publication should be construed as an authorization or an implicit license to practice PCR under any patents held by H-LR Inc.

**Licensed from Boehringer Mannheim GmgH

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