NASA: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEarth Observatory

Heron Island, Australia

Posted December 25, 2001
Heron Island, Australia
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Heron Island is located at the sourthern end of Australia’s 2,050 km-long Great Barrier Reef. Surrounded by coral reef and home to over 1000 species of fish, scuba divers and scientists alike are drawn to the island’s resort and research station. The true-color image above was taken by Space Imaging’s Ikonos satellite with a resolution of 4 meters per pixel—high enough to see individual boats tied up at the small marina. The narrow channel leading from the marina to the ocean was blasted and dredged decades ago, before the island became a national park. Since then the Australian government has implemented conservation measures, such as limiting the number of tourists and removing or recycling, instead of incinerating, all trash. One of the applications of remote sensing data from Ikonos is environmental monitoring, including studies of coral reef health.

For more information about the island, read Heron Island.

Image by Robert Simmon, based on data copyright Space Imaging

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