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Craters of the Moon, Idaho
Craters of the Moon National Monument

Craters of the Moon Volcanic Field

Craters of the Moon National Volcanic Monument Information

Craters of the Moon National Monument was set aside back in 1924 to preserve the unique volcanic features. The Craters of the Moon Lava Field is the largest (618 square miles) basaltic, dominantly Holocene (last 10,000 years) lava field in the conterminous United States. The monument which protects 83 square miles of the field provides a stunning array of volcanic features and is literally an outdoor classroom. The features include: lava flows such as pahoehoe, aa, and blocky; cinder cones; spatter cones; rafted blocks; and lava tubes (caves). It hosts a fascinating number of plants and animals adapted to live in the harsh volcanic and high desert environment.

Follow highway 93/26/20 west 18 miles from Arco, Idaho to the park entrance. The visitor center is located at the park entrance. There is a seven mile loop drive through the monument, and numerous trails from 1/4 to 8 miles round trip. In the summer, spring, and fall there is hiking, self-guided trails, wildlife and plant viewing, photography, sight seeing, caving, and backpacking in the wilderness. In the winter there is cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, telemarking, skate skiing, photography, and observing animal tracks in snow.

Excerpts courtesy of: U.S. National Park Service, Craters of the Moon National Monument Website, 1999

For More National Monument Information

Click on logo to link to Craters of the Moon National Monument Website

Link to: Craters of the Moon National Monument

Craters of the Moon National Monument
P.O. Box 29
Arco, ID 83213
(208) 527-3257

Location Map
Map, click to enlarge

Idaho and Craters of the Moon National Monument

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04/15/08, Lyn Topinka