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SECY 99-125

April 30, 1999

For: The Commissioners
From: James L. Blaha, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO /s/
Contents Enclosure
Nuclear Reactor Regulation A
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards B
Nuclear Regulatory Research C
Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data D
General Counsel E*
Administration F
Chief Information Officer G
Chief Financial Officer H*
Human Resources I
Small Business & Civil Rights J*
Enforcement K*
State Programs L*
Public Affairs M
International Programs N
Office of the Secretary O
Region I P
Region II P
Region III P
Region IV P
Executive Director for Operations Q*
Congressional Affairs R
*No input this week
James L. Blaha
Assistant for Operations, OEDO

Contact:  J. Shackelford, OEDO


Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 23, 1999

Three Mile Island Unit 1

On April 20, 1999, the Commission issued an Exemption to GPU Nuclear, Inc., from the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.G.2 for 6 of 10 requested fire areas/zones at TMI-1. The Commission denied the request for 4 fire zones. The licensee had requested an exemption from the requirement to enclose cable and equipment and associated non-safety-related circuits necessary to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in a fire barrier having a 1-hour fire endurance rating. The exemption, for 2 of the 6 areas approved, is contingent upon modifications by the licensee including installation of an automatic sprinkler system in one fire zone and installation of combustible gas detectors in one fire area.

The staff will issue a "consent" letter shortly to the licensee to confirm the schedule for completion of Thermo-lag resolution at TMI-1 (currently scheduled for December 31, 1999) and upon receipt of the licensee's confirmation of that schedule will follow with issuance of a confirmatory Order. This will complete the staff's technical review of Thermo-lag resolution at TMI-1.

Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1, 2, and 3

Duke Energy Corporation has informed the staff that the Improved Technical Specifications (ITS) have been implemented at Oconee. This represents a major effort by the licensee and the NRC staff because the ITS replaced a set of technical specifications that had been in effect since the units were licensed in 1973. In addition, the electrical section was significantly revised based on submittals and supplements that started in 1993 and a major evaluation of the emergency electrical distribution system (with comprehensive reports prepared by the Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data and NRR) that started in 1995.

Virginia Power

Dominion Resources Inc. announced a major restructuring of the company effective May 1, 1999. Two subsidiary companies will be formed. Virginia Power and Dominion Energy will be restructured such that one of the new subsidiaries, Dominion Generation, will be responsible for all power generation including certain foreign power plants and the other subsidiary, Virginia Power, will be responsible for transmission and distribution.

A recent press release announces the retirement of Mr. Norman Askew, President and Chief Executive Officer of Virginia Power, effective May 1, 1999. Mr. Thomas F. Farrell II will be the Chief Executive Officer of the new company, Dominion Generation, and James P. O'Hanlon will be the President and Chief Operating Officer. Farrell is currently Executive Vice President of Dominion Resources and Virginia Power, and O'Hanlon is Senior Vice President of nuclear operations at Virginia Power.

When the licensee formally details the restructure, we will request OGC to review and comment, as required.


Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 23, 1999

Meeting with Fansteel, Inc.

On April 13, 1999, staff from the Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards and the Division of Waste Management held an open meeting with Fansteel, Inc., to discuss their current decommissioning plan. The meeting was held to resolve any open issues pertaining to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's request for additional information dated March 31, 1999. Topics addressed included restricted use, unrestricted use, presentation and format, submittal date, dose assessment, disposal cell requirements, and the quality assurance plan. Of note, the Assistant Attorney General from the State of Oklahoma was in attendance.

Meeting with Bureau of Land Management and Bureau of Indian Affairs

During the week of April 12, 1999, staff from the Spent Fuel Project Office (SFPO) traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah, to meet with representatives of the U.S. Department of Interior's Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) to discuss the development of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Private Fuel Storage (PFS), Limited Liability Corporation's application. PFS has applied for a license to operate an away-from-reactor independent spent fuel storage installation on the reservation of the Skull Valley Band of Goshute Indians. The staff has signed a memorandum of understanding with BLM and BIA which will enable these two agencies to be cooperating federal agencies with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the development of the environmental impact statement. This results in a significant efficiency for the federal government by reducing from three to one, the number of environmental impact statements to be prepared in association with the licensing action. In addition to the meeting which took place at BLM's Salt Lake City, Utah, office, SFPO staff and representatives from BLM and BIA visited: (1) the site of the proposed PFS facility; (2) the location of the proposed rail head for a new rail line which PFS plans to build to carry spent fuel from the existing rail line to the reservation; and (3) other points of interest on the reservation of the Skull Valley Band of Goshute Indians and neighboring Tooele County, Utah.

Meeting with NAC International Regarding the Universal MPC System Spent Fuel Storage Application

On April 15, 1999, staff from the Spent Fuel Project Office (SFPO) met with NAC International (NAC) to discuss the status and schedule for completing the review of the Universal MPC System dry spent fuel storage cask design. The staff informed NAC that, based on its acceptance review of NAC's responses to the first request for additional information (RAI), SFPO intends to issue a second RAI in June 1999. Based on current schedules and assuming an adequate response to the second RAI, the staff anticipates forwarding the preliminary safety evaluation report and Certificate of Compliance to the Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety to initiate rulemaking in November 1999.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission/Nuclear Energy Institute Workshop on Standard Technical Specifications for Spent Fuel Storage

On April 20, 1999, the Spent Fuel Project Office (SFPO) sponsored a workshop to further the development of standard technical specifications for spent fuel dry cask storage systems. The workshop, co-sponsored by the Nuclear Energy Institute, was attended by representatives of dry cask system vendors and utilities. The workshop objective was to further an initiative, developed by SFPO in late 1997, to standardize dry cask storage technical specifications. During the workshop, the industry presented proposed criteria for technical specification content. In addition, industry representatives presented the results of analysis of the application of those criteria to recent dry cask storage technical specifications. The staff questioned and presented commentary on aspects of the proposals. As a result of the workshop, the industry expects to formally submit a draft set of standard dry cask storage technical specifications by mid-June 1999 for Nuclear Regulatory Commission review and comment.

Application for Innovative Irradiator Approval

On April 19, 1999, GrayStar, Inc., submitted an application for approval of a new concept in irradiator design which contains a number of unique features. The large dry irradiator, with a total activity level of approximately 3,000,000 Ci, would be fabricated as a turn-key unit, transported to the site of use as a self-contained transportation package, and installed within a short period of time. It is intended primarily as a food irradiator. GrayStar, Inc., designed, developed, and tested a unique source which is double encapsulated, sealed with an innovative technology, and uses Cs-137 chloride as the source material.

Public Meeting to Discuss Molycorp Proposal to Store Decommissioning Waste

On April 15, 1999, staff from the Division of Waste Management, Region I, and Office of the General Counsel held a facilitated public meeting in Washington, Pennsylvania, to discuss the staff's review of a license amendment request from Molycorp to store waste from the decommissioning of its York, Pennsylvania, site at its Washington, Pennsylvania, facility. The basis for discussion was the staff's draft environmental assessment. Molycorp's plans for decommissioning its Washington facility include onsite disposal of both the York and Washington waste. However, a decommissioning plan for the Washington site is still under development. Over 300 people attended the meeting, including local elected officials, a state representative, and a staff member from Congressman Mascara's office. In addition, staff from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) attended.

The public was generally opposed to both the interim storage facility and onsite disposal. Concerns included radiation exposure, impact on property values, the potential for an accident during transportation of the material, airborne contamination during placement of the waste, and subsidence under the storage structure. PADEP staff assured the public that the material could not be disposed of at the Washington site because the site did not meet the state's low-level waste disposal facility siting criteria. PADEP further noted that it had submitted an application to become an Agreement State and that this action would ultimately fall under the state's jurisdiction. The state's position had been communicated to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff the day before, after the state had previously concurred with the storage amendment. Local newspapers and television stations covered the five hour meeting. Earlier in the day, staff had met with the editorial board of the local newspaper, the township supervisors, and the state in three separate meetings.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission/Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate White Paper on Model Validation - NUREG-1636

During the past two decades, several international symposiums and cooperative studies have addressed the validation of mathematical models used in performance assessments of geologic repositories for radioactive waste disposal. Repository regulators, including the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), have participated in these activities. To fill a need for a practical approach to building confidence in performance assessment models, staff members from the Division of Waste Management, the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI), and the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses have developed and published a White Paper, (NUREG-1636), that articulates a strategy for achieving an appropriate degree of model validation.

Overall, it is believed that the responsibility for validating models to be used in any potential licensing action rests with the repository developer. The degree of validation should be commensurate with the extent to which the safety case depends upon the model(s) in question. This White Paper is not intended to be formal guidance or a staff position on this matter. Rather, based on a review of the literature and previous experience in this area, this White Paper presents the views of members of the three organizations regarding how, and to what degree, validation might be accomplished in the models used to estimate the performance of waste repositories. Nevertheless, NRC and SKI may move jointly or individually to develop formal guidance or a staff position on this matter, at a later date. Until that time, the authors would welcome public feedback on the concepts being advanced in this White Paper. Finally, this White Paper will be published in parallel by SKI, under its own cover, as SKI Technical Report 99:2.

International Atomic Energy Agency Consultancy Meeting on the Treatment of Human Intrusion in Safety Assessments

During the week of April 12-16, 1999, a representative from the Division of Waste Management participated in an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)-sponsored consultants meeting to develop a common international approach to the treatment of human intrusion scenarios in safety assessments for the disposal of radioactive wastes. The purpose of the meeting was to prepare a preliminary draft that: (1) reviewed existing practitioner experience in this area; and (2) explored the possibility of developing a standard (or stylized) set of approaches that could be used in safety assessments for various types of radioactive waste disposal facilities. The intent of this consultancy is to prepare a document for the consideration and review by the Working Group on Principles and Criteria for Radioactive Waste Disposal within IAEA's Division of Radiation and Waste Safety by January 2000. In addition to representation by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and IAEA staff, this consultancy was supported by staff from the South African Council for Nuclear Safety, the Swedish Radiation Protection Institute, and the United Kingdom's National Radiological Protection Board.


Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 23, 1999

RES Meets with ACRS Subcommittees on Performance-Based Regulation

On April 21, 1999, the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards subcommittees on "Reliability and Probabilistic Risk Assessment" and "Regulatory Policies and Practices" met with the staff to discuss performance-based initiatives. This meeting was part of the staff's activity to solicit proposals from stakeholders for improving regulatory areas by making them more performance-based. Substantive input was obtained that will be used in preparing a response to the SRM on SECY-98-132, "Plans to Increase Performance-Based Approaches in Regulatory Activities." The discussions took into account the contents of the Commission's White Paper on risk-informed, performance-based regulation and NUREG/CR-5392, "Elements of an Approach to Performance-Based Regulatory Oversight." Although the stakeholders had no specific proposals relative to making specific rules or regulatory guidance documents more performance-based, the stakeholders provided useful information for preparing the plans called for in the SRM to SECY-98-132.


Incident Response Operations
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 23, 1999

Sunrise Exercise

At 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 22, 1999, IRO conducted an unannounced, off-hours exercise to test the agency's ability to staff the Operations Center and Region II Incident Response Center with critical functions within an hour after the initial decision to activate. A recycled Turkey Point scenario was used to support the exercise. Preliminary analysis of call-out results indicated that the exercise was a success in that all critical agency functions were staffed within the hour. This exercise was the first unannounced, off-hours call-in exercise conducted by the NRC since 1991. Cooperation by all notified NRC employees was outstanding.

DOE/FBI "Quiet Storm" Exercise

At the invitation of DOE, an IRO staff member observed the DOE/FBI "Quiet Storm" exercise conducted at Oak Ridge. The primary objective was to exercise the establishment and operations of selected elements the FBI field response. This included the establishment of a Command Post and tactical teams (e.g., SWAT). The FBI deployed about 300 agents and support personnel to staff these operational elements for two shifts. The Command Post required 2000-3000 sq. ft. of space and included numerous DOE liaisons. The field elements that would provide technical assessment (e.g., hazmat assessment and response) or coordination of public information (e.g., Joint Information Center) were not exercised. If all the elements of the FBI field response were deployed, the total size of each FBI shift at the scene could exceed 200. A similar level of FBI response is expected in the event of a protracted terrorist event at an NRC licensed facility.



  2. PNO-I-99-018, Medi-Physics, Inc., RECEIPT OF A CONTAMINATED PACKAGE


  4. PNO-III-99-024, Iowa Electric Light & Power Co. (Duane Arnold 1), FORCED OUTAGE DUE TO MAIN GENERATOR GROUND


Office of Administration
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 23, 1999

Nuclear Energy Institute; Denial of Petition for Rulemaking (PRM-30-61)

A document that denies a petition for rulemaking submitted by the Nuclear Energy Institute was published in the Federal Register on April 16, 1999 ( 64 FR exit icon 18833). The petitioner requested that the NRC amend its regulations governing the timeliness of decommissioning sites and separate buildings or outdoor areas.

Energy Compensation Sources for Well Logging and Other Regulatory Clarifications (Part 39)

A proposed rule that amends the regulations governing well logging was published in the Federal Register on April 19, 1999 (64 FR 19089). The proposed rule would modify the regulations applicable to low activity energy compensation sources and remove unnecessary regulatory requirements for these devices. The proposed rule would reflect developments made in well logging technology and reduce potential regulatory requirements for licensees that use these devices without adversely affecting safety. The comment period for the proposed rule closes July 5, 1999.


Contract No. NRC-10-99-141, entitled, "Building Operations and Management Services." was awarded to NVT Technologies, Incorporated on April 21, 1999. The contractor will provide management, administrative and technical support (management, architectural, engineering, mechanical, electrical, maintenance, and repair functions) for the NRC building systems and facilities. The contract period of performance is April 21, 1999 through November 30, 1999, with four one-year option periods. The total amount of the contract, inclusive of the option years, is $4,103,402.00. The following streamlining initiatives were applied: established deadline for proposer's questions; conducted oral presentations and awarded without discussions.

Contract No. NRC-10-99-145 entitled, "Translation Services" was awarded to Schreiber Translations, Inc. on April 22, 1999. The contractor will provide services for translation of research and technological documents in the Germanic, Romance, Oriental, and Cyrillic languages. The contract period of performance is 2 years with three one-year option periods. The total amount of the contract, inclusive of options, is $652,150.00. The solicitation document for this procurement was the first to be posted to the Division of Contracts and Property Management External Website as a means to streamline the procurement process. As a result, the posted document was immediately available to the commercial vendors interested in competing for the contract. This allowed us to request vendors to prepare and submit proposals on an accelerated schedule. Other streamlining methods utilized were: reduced proposal preparation time, simplified evaluation criteria, conducted oral presentations and awarded without discussions.

Regional Reviews

The Division of Contracts and Property Management conducted a property inventory and procurement review at Region I from April 19 through April 21, 1999. The procurement review team examined approximately 611 BankCard transactions and 205 purchase orders for FY98 and FY99. The property review consisted of 100% inventory of all sensitive items and items with a depreciated value of more than $300 (approximately 1,337 items). A report of the review team's findings is expected to be issued on April 29, 1999.


Chief Information Officer
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 23, 1999

Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Requests received during the 5-Day Period of April 16, 1999 through April 22, 1999:

Named individual, all records. (FOIA/PA 99-190)
Named individual, all information between 1940 and 1970. (FOIA/PA 99-191)
IMPAC listing. (FOIA/PA 99-192)
Voorheesville Storage Area, Guilderland, NY, types of strategic materials stored and dates of storage. (FOIA/PA 99-193)
Williams Power Company, OI case file # 1-98-005. (FOIA/PA 99-194)
Cesium-137 contaminated emissions, rulemaking and final staff technical position. (FOIA/PA 99-195)
Formerly Utilized Site Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP), regulatory authority. (FOIA/PA 99-196)
Budget, foreign travel allocation for Commissioners 6/1/98 through 8/31/98. (FOIA/PA 99-197)
ComSecy 98-027, Allocation of Commission Representation Funding. (FOIA/PA 99-198)


Office of Human Resources
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 23, 1999

Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Keyworker Appreciation Gala Attended

On Wednesday, April 21, 1999, a CFC Keyworker Appreciation Gala was held at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel for all National Capital Area employees who participated in the 1998 campaign. This was the most successful campaign in CFC's history with over $40.75 million dollars donated. In attendance from NRC were Henry Rubin, agency campaign manager from the Office of Human Resources; Terry Reis, office coordinator from the Office of Enforcement; Jeanne Cucura, office coordinator from the Office of Administration; and Cornelia Burkhalter and Elaine Raphael, keyworkers from the Office of Administration.

University of Maryland Career Fair Attended

On Thursday, April 22, 1999, Henry Rubin, from the Office of Human Resources, along with Phil Justus and Marissa Bailey, from the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, attended the University of Maryland Career Fair. The fair was highly successful as over 90 applicants dropped off their resumes for possible full time and summer positions. In addition, there were two additional junior recruiters, Lea and Lauren Rubin, who assisted in the career fair as part of "Take Your Daughter to Work" day.



Office of Public Affairs
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 23, 1999

Media Interest

There was media interest in NRC's decision on the potassium iodide funding issue.

One reporter attended the Hatch plant performance review meeting

Press Releases
99-79 Note to Editors: ACRS/ACNW joint working group meeting
99-80 Commission Publishes Final Rule for Expanded Utility Role in Testing Reactor Operator License Candidates
99-81 NRC Public Document Room to be Closed During NATO Summit April 23
99-82 NRC Schedules Public Workshop on Methods to Assess Risk of Low Power and Shutdown Operations at Nuclear Power Plants
99-83 NRC Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste to Meet in Rockville, Maryland
99-84 Note to Editors: Indian tribes
99-85 NRC Proposes Revisions to its Regulations on Use of Potassium Iodide in Emergency Response
I-99-47 Note to Editors: Meeting with Northeast Utilities April 20
II-99-28 NRC Staff to Hold Performance Evaluation Meeting at Hatch
II-99-29 NRC Staff Sets Enforcement Conference With Alabama Company to Discuss Apparent Violation of NRC Regulations
III-99-27 NRC Staff to Meet With Consumers Energy Officials to Discuss Performance at Palisades Nuclear Plant


Office of International Programs
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 23, 1999

United Kingdom

The Waste Vitrification Plant (WVP) at Sellafield converts high-level radioactive liquid waste into easier to manage solid glass blocks. On April 11, 1999, during routine operations at WVP, a worker was contaminated on his glove, coverall, and basic clothing. The contamination on the glove resulted in an extremity dose exceeding the annual limit given in the Ionizing Radiation Regulations (1985). No other workers were affected by this incident and there were no environmental implications. The event is provisionally rated at Level 2 on INES.


Mr. Jiro Uchida, a consultant to the Japan Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), met with G. Millman, RES, to discuss NRC's use of standards and the effect on that use of the public law and OMB circular. MITI is planning on making greater use of consensus standards starting next year and is in a fact gathering mode on issues associated with endorsing standards and working with standards development.


Arrangements are being finalized for Commissioner Merrifield to sign the renewal of the NRC-Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (SNSA) Arrangement for the Exchange of Technical Information and Cooperation in Nuclear Safety Matters during his visit to Ljubljana this Thursday, April 29. Chairman Miroslav Gregoric will sign for the SNSA. The previous arrangement expired last December, but cooperation has been continued on an informal basis while the renewal text and administrative clearances is being completed.

Republic of Korea

OIP is working with NRR, Region IV, and the Resident Inspectors' Office to arrange an overview briefing, and a tour of, the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station for a three-person delegation from the Embassy of Korea led by Minister Myung-Hwan Yu. The "orientation visit," which has now been scheduled for Tuesday, May 4, was requested by the Embassy because of its increasing involvement in activities supporting the ROK Government vis-a-vis the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization and the Agreed Framework, under which two 1000 MWe PWRs are to be provided to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.


Office of the Secretary
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 23, 1999

Documents Released to Public Date Subject
Decision Documents
1.    Revised SRM on COMSECY-99-006 4/19/99 Draft Federal Register Notice Announcing Intent to Implement Sunshine Act Rules
2. SECY-99-077 3/12/99 To Request Commission Approval to Grant Exemptions from Portions of 10 CFR Part 20
SRM on SECY-99-077 4/21/99 (same)
Voting Record on SECY-99-077 4/21/99 (same)
3. SECY-99-079 3/15/99 Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences for Fiscal Year 1998
SRM on SECY-99-079 4/21/99 (same)
Voting Record on SECY-99-079 4/21/99 (same
4. SECY-99-109 4/9/99 Recovery of Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit 2
5. SECY-99-100 3/31/99 Framework for Risk-Informed Regulation in the Office of Nuclear Material safety and Safeguards
6. SECY-98-264 11/10/98 Proposed Amendments to 10 CFR 50.47; Granting of Petitions for Rulemaking (PRM 50-63 and 50-63A) Relating to a Reevaluation of Policy on the Use of Potassium Iodide (KI) After a Severe Accident at a Nuclear Power Plant
7. SRM on SECY-98-264 4/22/99 Proposed Amendments to 10 CFR 50.47; Granting of Petitions for Rulemaking (PRM 50-63 and 50-63A) Relating to a Reevaluation of Policy on the Use of Potassium Iodide (KI) After a Severe Accident at a Nuclear Power Plant and COMJSM-98-002 - Funding for Potassium Iodide Stockpiles
Voting Record on SECY-98-264 4/22/99 (same)
8. COMJSM-98-002 12/21/98 Funding for Potassium Iodide Stockpiles
Memo fm A. Vietti-Cook, Secretary, to Comr Merrifield 4/22/99 COMJSM-98-002 - Funding for Potassium Iodide Stockpiles
Chmn Jackson vote on COMJSM-98-002 12/29/98 (same)
Cmr Dicus vote on COMJSM-98-002 2/2/99 (same)
Cmr Diaz vote on COMJSM-98-002 1/7/99 (same)
Cmr McGaffigan vote on COMJSM-98-002 1/22/99 (same)
9. Cmr Diaz vote on SECY-98-300 2/8/99 Options for Risk-Informed Revisions to 10 CFR Part 50 - "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities"
Cmr Diaz supplemental vote on SECY-98-300 4/14/99 (same)
10. SECY-99-011 1/15/99 Draft Rulemaking Plan: Domestic Licensing of Uranium and Thorium Recovery Facilities - Proposed New 10 CFR Part 41
11. SECY-99-013 3/12/99 Recommendations on Ways to Improve the Efficiency of NRC Regulation at In Situ Leach Uranium Recovery Facilities
12. SECY-99-012 4/8/99 Use of Uranium Mill Tailings Impoundments for the Disposal of Waste Other than 11e.(2) Byproduct Material and Reviews of Applications to Process Material Other than Natural Uranium Ores
13. COMJSM-99-001 3/2/99 (same)
Chmn Jackson vote on COMJSM-99-001 4/7/99 Rulemaking Schedule for Part 35, COMJSM-99-01
Cmr Dicus vote on COMJSM-99-001 3/22/99 Schedule for Final Rulemaking Concerning 10 CFR Part 35, Medical Use of Byproduct Material
Cmr Diaz' vote on COMJSM-99-001 3/11/99 (same)
Cmr McGaffigan vote on COMJSM-99-001 3/9/99 (same)
Memo fm Secretary to Cmr Merrifield 4/23/99 Schedule for Final Rulemaking Concerning 10 CFR Part 35, Medical Use of Byproduct Material
1. M990319A 4/23/99 SRM - Briefing on Status of External Regulation of DOE Facilities, Friday, March 19, 1999
2. M990325B 4/23/99 SRM - Briefing on Part 35 Rulemaking, Thursday, March 25, 1999

Commission Correspondence

  1. Letter to Representatives Dan Burton and C.W. Bill Young, dated April 16, 1999, concerns reports on the most serious fraud, waste, mismanagement, and performance problems facing the NRC (incoming dated March 9, 1999 also released).

  2. Letter to Mr. Kaoru Mamiya, Japanese Science and Technology Agency, concerns the assignment of a foreign national at the NRC (incoming dated March 3, 1999 also released).

Federal Register Notices Issued

  1. 10 CFR Part 55; Initial Licensed Operator Examination Requirements; Final Rule.

  2. Gary Isakoff (Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRC-Licensed Activities); Docket No. IA 98-006; Notice of Hearing.


Region I
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 23, 1999

Irradiator Source Rack Problem at SteriGenics, Inc.

On April 16, 1999, SteriGenics, Inc. of Rockaway, NJ, reported that the source rack at its Rockaway irradiator became stuck in the unshielded position. Licensee personnel examined the source rack cables and drive mechanism and were successful in lowering the source rack to the fully shielded position. No personnel exposures occurred as a result of the event. The licensee removed the source modules from the rack, examined the rack and drive mechanism, and found that the brass bushings that guide the source rack were worn. After replacing the bushings and tightening the guide cables, the licensee tested the drive mechanism through about 20 up and down cycles. No further problems were noted and the licensee reinitiated irradiation activities.

Public Briefing on NRC Activities at Haddam Neck

On April 20, 1999, Ronald Bellamy, Chief, Decommissioning and Laboratory Branch (DLB), Division of Nuclear Materials Safety and Marie Miller, Senior Health Physicist, DLB, briefed the Community Decommissioning Advisory Committee (CDAC) regarding NRC activities at the Haddam Neck nuclear facility for the period January 19 thru April 19, 1999. The NRC presentation summarized: the findings from two recently completed NRC inspections; discussions from the NRC and Connecticut Yankee management meeting on the licensee's transition to a Decommissioning Operations Contractor (Bechtel) held on March 10; and the basis for the recent NRC enforcement decisions that to Connecticut Yankee were issued on April 5, 1999. About twenty members of the public attended the meeting in addition to several licensee representatives. Questions from CDAC focused on how NRC uses enforcement discretion to send the appropriate regulatory message, and whether there is a sufficient staff budget for inspection coverage, both routine and reactive, during decommissioning projects.

During the meeting the license introduced Mr. Asa Kelly, Project Manager for Bechtel, and three of his staff members. The licensee expects to transition the decommissioning activities to Bechtel by October 1999. However, some major projects, such as removal of the steam generators, could be conducted as early as July. Also, it was announced that Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson, will meet with the Middlesex (CT) County Chamber of Commerce on June 21 to discuss spent nuclear fuel disposal.


Region II
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 23, 1999

Code Services Inc. - Predecisional Enforcement Conference

On April 22, the Regional Administrator, the Director of the Division of Nuclear Materials Safety and other regional staff met with representatives from the Code Services, Inc. for a predecisional enforcement conference in the Regional office. The purpose of the conference was to discuss the an apparent violation regarding the failure of personnel to wear an alarm ratemeter while conducting radiographic operations at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center on February 16, 1999.

Duke Energy Corporation - Oconee License Renewal Application

On April 21, the Director of the Division of Reactor Safety and other NRC personnel attended a management meeting with Duke representatives to receive a presentation on the methodology supporting the Oconee license renewal application. The first license renewal team inspection is planned for the week of April 26.

Southern Nuclear Operating Company -- Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant - Chairman's Visit

On April 21, the Deputy Regional Administrator accompanied the Chairman to the Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant. The Chairman's activities included a tour of the licensee's two-unit reactor facility as well as the nearby combustion turbine fossil station used for backup AC power to Vogtle in the event of station blackout. She also met with the licensee managers during an informal question and answer session.

Hatch Nuclear Power Plant - Plant Performance Review (PPR) Meeting

On April 22, the Director of the Division of Reactor Safety attended the Hatch PPR public meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the results of the periodic Plant Performance Review for the facility for the period of February 1997 to January 1999. Following this meeting, an additional meeting was held with the State and local officials from the surrounding area.


Region III
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 23, 1999

Management Change Announced - ABB Combustion Engineering

On April 19, 1999, ABB Combustion Engineering, Inc., announced that effective May 1, 1999, Mr. Gilles Page will succeed Dr. Bruce Kaiser as the Vice President, Nuclear Fuels, at the ABB-CE Hematite and Windsor facilities. Mr. Page has been with the ABB-CE nuclear power organization since 1985 and is currently the Director of Operations at the Hematite and Windsor facilities.


Region IV
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 23, 1999

South Texas Project

The Director, Division of Reactor Safety, and members of the DRS staff, held a meeting with licensee emergency preparedness representatives on April 19, 1999, to discuss program activities. This meeting was open to attendance by members of the general public.

Public Meeting to Present the Results of the Plant Performance Review for River Bend Station

On April 20, 1999, the Chief, Project Branch C, DRP Region IV, met with the Entergy Operations, Inc. (EOI) Chief Operating Officer, the River Bend Vice President of Operations, and other members of the River Bend staff to discuss the results of the most recent Plant Performance Review. The meeting was held at the site training center in St. Francisville, Louisiana. Additional topics discussed included the new reactor inspection and assessment process and the NRC's Y2K contingency plans. Subsequent to the meeting, the Branch Chief and Senior Resident Inspector met with members of the public and press and with local officials.

Public Meeting for Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station to Present Plant Performance Review Results

On April 19, 1999, the Chief, Project Branch B, Division of Reactor Projects, held a public meeting with the Omaha Public Power District Vice President and other members of his staff at the Administration Building at the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the results of the Plant Performance Review completed on February 11, 1999. Additionally, the new assessment process and NRC planning for Y2K issues were addressed. Subsequent to the meeting, the Branch Chief and the Senior Resident Inspector met with local officials.

Public Meeting to Present Results of the Plant Performance Review for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

On April 22, 1999, the Chief, Project Branch E, Division of Reactor Projects, conducted a public meeting with the Manager of Nuclear Regulatory Affairs, Southern California Edison, and other members of the licensee staff. The meeting was held at the site training and education center in San Clemente, California. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the results of the Plant Performance Review completed on February 11, 1999. Also discussed were the new assessment process and upcoming actions being taken in response to Y2K concerns. Members of the public and press attended the meeting and were met with subsequent to the presentation.

Public Meeting to Present Results of the Plant Performance Review for Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant

On April 23, 1999, the Chief, Project Branch E, Division of Reactor Projects, conducted a public meeting with the Senior Vice President and General Manager, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, and other members of the licensee staff. The meeting was held at the Embassy Suites hotel in San Luis Obispo, California. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the results of the Plant Performance Review completed on February 11, 1999. Also discussed were the new assessment process and upcoming actions being taken in response to Y2K concerns. Subsequent to the meeting, the Branch Chief met separately with the public attendees.


Office of Congressional Affairs
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 23, 1999


Combs 04/28/99
406 DSOB
2:30 George Frampton Confirmation, CEQ Chairman Senators Chafee/Baucus
Environment & Public Works
Gerke 04/29/99
342 DSOB
10:00 Chris Sale, John Spotila Confirmation to OFFM & OIRA at OMB Senators Thompson/Lieberman
Governmental Affairs
Gerke Late April
562 DSOB
TBA DOD, DOE Y2K and Nuclear Issues Senators Bennett/Dodd
Special Year 2000 Tech Problem
Combs TBA
1324 LHOB
TBA Markup H.R. 45, Amending Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 Rep. Young/Miller

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Thursday, February 22, 2007