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Experimental Toxicology Division
Organization: Pulmonary Toxicology Branch

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Mission Statement

Gary Hatch

Gary Hatch,
Branch Chief

The mission of the Pulmonary Toxicology Branch (PTB) is to investigate the toxicological effects of air pollutants on the in vivo and in vitro rodent cardiopulmonary system for use in human health risk assessment. In striving for this goal and maximum programmatic utility, research designs address issues of hazard identification and characterization of the dose-response, inclusive of critical mechanistic and dosimetric perspectives. The priority toxicants for the Branch, historically and presently, have derived from the criteria pollutants (03, PM, N02, SOX, but not Pb) and Air Toxics (as defined by the Clean Air Act Amendment of 1990). PTB investigators have significant involvement in the preparation of criteria pollutant and associated research needs documents, as well in the development of inhalation and various testing strategies. PTB has also been responsive to more immediate Agency needs, such as accidental toxic releases. PTB initiated "post 9/11" investigations of the potential adverse pulmonary effects associated with the dispersed structural debris and combustion materials from the NY World Trade Center collapse. Similarly, PTB has initiated projects in support of EPA's Homeland Security initiatives and Superfund projects dealing with asbestos contamination.

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