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Experimental Toxicology Division
Immunotoxicology Branch Personnel

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(email = email)

Principal Investigators

  • MaryJane Selgrade email CV
       Branch Chief
  • Robert Luebke email CV
       Research Biologist
  • Marsha Ward email CV
       Research Biologist

Inhalation Exposure Facility Team

  • M. Ian Gilmour email CV
       Research Biologist & Team Leader
  • David Davies email CV
       Environmental Engineer
  • Paul Evansky email
       Environmental Engineer
  • George Hudson email
       Electronics Technician
  • Q. Todd Krantz email
  • Edwin Lappi email
       Environmental Technician
  • Allen Ledbetter email
       Environmental Technician
  • John McGee email
       Environmental Engineer
  • John McKee email
       Environmental Engineer
  • Dock Terrell email
  • Leon Walsh email
       Environmental Engineer

EPA Staff

  • Debora Andrews email
  • Elizabeth Boykin email
  • Carey Copeland email
  • Lisa Copeland email
  • Mary Daniels email
  • Donald Doerfler email
  • Wanda Williams email


  • Britton Bishop email
       Student Volunteer
  • Seung-Hyun Cho email
       Postdoctoral Fellow, Oak Ridge Institute
  • Jamie DeWitt email
       Postdoctoral Fellow, UNC
  • Kymberly Gowdy email
       Predoctoral Trainee, NCSU
  • Gaynelle McGee (SEE) email
       Glassware and Media Preparation
  • Cherie Pucheu-Haston email
       Postdoctoral Fellow, UNC
  • Tuya Sharkhuu email
       Postdoctoral Fellow, Oak Ridge Institute
  • Tina Stevens email
       Predoctoral Trainee, UNC
  • John Sullivan (SEE) email
       Analytical Chemistry Support
  • Jonathan Volmer
       Guest Scientist
  • Weiyan Zhu email
       Postdoctoral Fellow, UNC

EPA Fellows - R-Authority Postdocs

  • Christal Bowman email CV

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