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Experimental Toxicology Division
Immunotoxicology Branch

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Mission Statement

M. Ian Gilmour

M. Ian Gilmour,
Acting Branch Chief

The Immunotoxicology Branch (ITB) assesses the effects of selected chemicals, indoor molds, and potential food allergens on both local and systemic immune responses and investigates the mechanisms underlying these effects. The research is designed to improve the Agency's ability to detect effects of environmental agents on the immune system and to evaluate the consequences in terms of increased risk of infectious, allergic, or autoimmune diseases.

Much of ITB's work focuses on two of the most problematic issues in risk assessment:

  1. Crossing levels of biologic organization from effects at the cellular or subcellular level (where most of the immunotoxicity testing is conducted) to effects at the whole organism or population level (e.g., severity or incidence of disease); and
  2. Extrapolating from animal data to human health effects.

The Animal Inhalation Exposure Facility (AIEF) Team is part of ITB. The AIEF allows ETD scientists to study health effects of air pollution generated by diesel, fuel oil, natural gas, and coal. The AIEF team also conducts air particulate matter (PM) sampling.

ITB has several student and postdoctoral trainees from local universities who conduct their research in ITB laboratories. ITB investigators also provide significant advice to EPA program offices on a number of immunotoxicity related issues.

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