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Telecommunications Access Program

TAP for Telephone        TAP for Internet

The Telecommunications Access Program, mandated by S.B. 721, includes the Telecommunications Access Program for Telephone (TAP-T) and Telecommunications Access Program for Internet (TAP-I). The Missouri Assistive Technology Advisory Council administers both programs. While both programs have many similarities in their administration, they are intended to provide different types of equipment.

To qualify for the Telecommunications Access Program, the applicant must:

  • Be certified by a licensed physician, audiologist, speech pathologist, hearing instrument specialist or qualified agency as unable to use traditional telecommunications equipment or computer equipment due to disability;
  • Be a resident of the state of Missouri;
  • Have access to basic telephone service for TAP-T; have a computer and internet service for TAP-I;
  • Meet financial income standards (Generally, the applicant's adjusted gross income must not exceed $60,000 for a 1-2 person household.

The Telecommunications Access Program for Telephone (TAP-T) provides access to basic voice telephone calling (both sending and receiving) for individuals with all types of disabilities through the delivery of adaptive telephone equipment. The program provides such equipment as text telephones, voice carry over phones, phone for hearing carry over, amplified phones, Braille phones, hands-free phones and photo phones.

The TAP-T program is not designed to provide access to other types of telecommunications, such as two-way radio, alphanumeric paging, etc. The program is also not designed to assist individuals resolve face-to-face communication disabilities; thus the program does not provide devices such as hearing aids and augmentative communication devices.

The Telecommunications Access Program for Internet (TAP-I) provides to Missourians who cannot use traditional computer equipment, the adaptive computer equipment necessary for basic access to the internet and e-mail. The program provides such equipment as screen enlargement software, screen readers, adaptive keyboards or alternative pointing devices such as trackballs or rollerballs. The TAP-I program provides consumer support during the selection and initial usage of the adaptive equipment.

The TAP-I program will not provide computers or adaptive equipment not needed for basic internet access such as Braille embossers, electronic notetakers or personal communication devices.

To get specific information about either program, click on program in which you are interested.