[Image from Galileo]

Galileo SSI Imaging

Enter the Quantity of the item(s) you want to purchase, then click "Add to Order".   Continue browsing by clicking "CD-ROM Catalog".   Move down the page for detailed information.
Quantity DesiredItem Description Price
galileo-csGalileo SSI Imaging-Complete Set$230
galileo-s1Galileo SSI Imaging-Moon Subset$60
galileo-s2Galileo SSI Imaging-Earth Subset$100
galileo-s3Galileo SSI Imaging-Asteroid and Comet subset$20
galileo-s4Galileo SSI Imaging-Jupiter subset$90
Individual Volumes: -Volume 1     -Volume 2     -Volume 3     -Volume 4     -Volume 5     -Volume 6     -Volume 7     -Volume 8     -Volume 9     -Volume 10     -Volume 11     -Volume 12     -Volume 13     -Volume 14     -Volume 15     -Volume 16     -Volume 17     -Volume 18     -Volume 19     -Volume 20     -Volume 21     -Volume 22     -Volume 23     $10 each


        Planetary Data System
        NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
        Mail Stop 202-101
        4800 Oak Grove Drive
        Pasadena, CA  91109
        (818) 354-4321






Any subset or combination of discs may be requested.


This collection consists of all images acquired by Galileo since its launch. Included are images of Venus, the Moon, the Earth, the asteroids Gaspra, Ida, and Dactyl, Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9's impact on Jupiter, and Jupiter, its satellites and rings.

The images are in raw experiment data record, or REDR, format. In this format, the original telemetry data have been processed into raster-formatted files. Multiple versions of some files, derived from separate downlinks or playbacks, have been merged to produce a file containing the best data. Each disc contains roughly 800 images. Each image is stored as a VICAR file with an accompanying, detached PDS label for each image. Also included are documentation files which contain a description of the organization and contents of each disc and the definition of the labels.

Each CD-ROM has been formatted according to the ISO 9660 level 1 Interchange Standard and file attributes are specified by Extended Attribute Records (XARs). Thus, they can be read by a variety of computer systems (e.g., IBM, PC, Macintosh, Sun, and VAX).

Most of the disks contain a mixture of images as well as calibration shots.

Subset Information

Subset                     Volumes
_______                    _______
Venus                      2
Moon                       3-6, 9, 10
Earth                      3-6, 10-15
Asteroids and Comets
  Gaspra                   7
  Ida and SL9 Encounters   16
Jupiter (includes
  satellites and rings)    16-23
Calibration only           1, 8

Related Documents

  1. Galileo Fact Sheet (B41979-000A)
  2. Galileo Software Interface Specification (SIS) document for raw experiment data records from the Solid-State Imaging experiment (B41977-000A)
  3. Galileo SIS document for SSI REDR data on CD-ROM (B41978-000A)

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Volumes 02-06 on-line Volumes 07-15 on-line Volume 16 on-line Volumes 17-23 on-line
Galilio SSI CDs on-line NSSDC Galileo Information Galileo page NSSDC home page

Catalog content & ordering questions contact: Request Coordination Office
Programmer/Curator: Kelly Gygax
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NASA Privacy Policy & Important Notices
NASA Official: Ed Grayzeck, edwin.j.grayzeck@nasa.gov
Last Updated: 12 February, 2009