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Sexual Assault and PTSD: Information, Screening, and Treatment

Dawne Vogt, Ph.D., Lisa Welch, B.A., Candice Monson, Ph.D. and Patricia Resick, Ph.D.
National Center for PTSD

About this Course Module

This course provides information on who is most at risk for sexual assault, the health-related consequences of sexual assault, screening for sexual assault within the VA health-care setting, and major treatments for sexual assault-related PTSD.

Goal: This course in intended to enhance participants' knowledge about the prevalence and consequences of sexual assault, as well as screening and treatment of sexual assault-related PTSD within the VA health-care setting.

Objectives: After viewing the presentation, the participant will be able to:

  1. Recognize sexual assault
  2. Identify populations most at risk for sexual assault
  3. Review the consequences of sexual assault
  4. Report the unique issues related to sexual assault within military and veteran populations
  5. Integrate screening for sexual assault within the VA health-care setting
  6. Implement major treatments for sexual assault-related PTSD

Download course module with instructor's narration

(ZIP file - 14.5 MB)

Download Transcript (PDF)

Abbreviated instructions:

  1. Download ZIP archive of module
  2. Unzip ZIP archive of module
  3. Double-click to open "vogt_sexual_assault_a.pps" (do not move files out of folder)

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Download course module without instructor's narration

(ZIP file - 1.5 MB)

Download Transcript (PDF)

Abbreviated instructions:

  1. Download ZIP archive of module
  2. Unzip ZIP archive of module
  3. Double-click to open "vogt_sexual_assault.pps"

Read complete instructions

How to obtain Continuing Education Credits

Continuing education credits can be earned for this course. For more information and step-by-step instructions, please visit the CE Credits page. Here is the brochure required for CEs for this course.