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HEASARC: Software


KY Relativistic Accretion Disk models

A set of models from Dovciak et al. (2004) for accretion disk spectra in the strong gravity regime. The models are

kyrlineRelativistic line from accretion disc around Kerr black hole, axisymmetric version.
kyr1lineRelativistic line from accretion disc around Kerr black hole, non-axisymmetric version.
kyr2lineTwo relativistic lines from accretion disc around Kerr black hole.
kyf1llfluorescent lamp-post line emission from accretion disc around Kerr black hole.
kyh1reflRelativisticly smeared hrefl(powerlaw) emission from an accretion disc around Kerr black hole (valid below ~15keV)
kyl1crLamp-post Compton reflection model for an accretion disc around Kerr black hole (valid above ~2keV)
kyBBphenAxisymmetric phenomenological black-body model for an accretion disc around Kerr black hole
kyB1BpheNon-axisymmetric phenomenological black-body model for an accretion disc around Kerr black hole
kyconvAxisymmetric convolution model for relativistic smearing.
kyc1onvNon-axisymmetric convolution model for relativistic smearing.

The functions and help files are available in gzipped tar files. These models also require about 1Gb of data which we make available in separate files to make the download easier : fluorescent_line.fits, KBHline00.fits, KBHline01.fits, KBHline02.fits, KBHtables00.fits, KBHtables99.fits, lamp.fits, refspectra.fits. These should be placed in some convenient directory. Before invoking any of these models the user should use the xset command to define KYDIR as the directory location (eg xset KYDIR /aestas/kaa/ky/fits_files).

Keith Arnaud, Lab. for High Energy Astrophysics, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

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Last modified: Tuesday, 05-Jul-2005 18:59:39 EDT