[Federal Register: September 28, 2001 (Volume 66, Number 189)]
[Page 49647-49653]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services; Grant 
Applications Under Part D, Subpart 2 of the Individuals With 
Disabilities Education Act

AGENCY: Department of Education.

ACTION: Notice inviting applications for new awards for fiscal year 
(FY) 2002.


SUMMARY: This notice provides closing dates and other information 
regarding the transmittal of applications for FY 2002 competitions 
under three programs authorized by the Individuals with Disabilities 
Education Act (IDEA), as amended. The three programs are: (1) Special 
Education--Research and Innovation to Improve Services and Results for 
Children with Disabilities (five priorities); (2) Special Education--
Technology and Media Services for Individuals with Disabilities (one 
priority); and (3) Special Education--Training and Information for 
Parents of Children with Disabilities (one priority).

National Education Goals

    The eight National Education Goals focus the Nation's education 
reform efforts and provide a framework for improving teaching and 
    These priorities address the National Education Goals by helping to 
improve results for children with disabilities.

Waiver of Rulemaking

    It is generally our practice to offer interested parties the 
opportunity to comment on proposed priorities. However, section 
661(e)(2) of IDEA makes the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 553) 
inapplicable to the priorities in this notice.

General Requirements

    (a) The projects funded under this notice must make positive 
efforts to employ and advance in employment qualified individuals with 
disabilities in project activities (see section 606 of IDEA).
    (b) Applicants and grant recipients funded under this notice must 
involve individuals with disabilities or parents of individuals with 
disabilities in planning, implementing, and evaluating the projects 
(see section 661(f)(1)(A) of IDEA).
    (c) The projects funded under these priorities must budget for a 
two-day Project Directors' meeting in Washington, DC during each year 
of the project.
    (d) In a single application, an applicant must address only one 
absolute priority in this notice.
    (e) Part III of each application submitted under a priority in this 
notice, the application narrative, is where an applicant addresses the 
selection criteria that are used by reviewers in evaluating the 
application. You must limit Part III to the equivalent of no more than 
the number of pages listed under each applicable priority and in the 
table at the end of this notice, using the following standards:
     A ``page'' is 8.5"  x  11" (on one side only) with one-
inch margins (top, bottom, and sides).
     Double-space (no more than three lines per vertical inch) 
all text in the application narrative, including titles, headings, 
footnotes, quotations, and captions, as well as all text in charts, 
tables, figures, and graphs.
     If using a proportional computer font, use no smaller than 
a 12-point font, and an average character density no greater than 18 
characters per inch. If using a nonproportional font or a typewriter, 
do not use more than 12 characters per inch.
    The page limit does not apply to Part I--the cover sheet; Part II--
the budget section, including the narrative budget justification; Part 
IV, the assurances and certifications; or the one-page abstract, the 
resumes, the bibliography or references, or the letters of support. 
However, you must include all of the application narrative in Part III.
    We will reject without consideration or evaluation any application 
if --
     You apply these standards and exceed the page limit; or
     You apply other standards and exceed the equivalent of the 
page limit.


    Purpose of Program: To produce, and advance the use of, knowledge 
to improve educational and early intervention results and outcomes for 
infants, toddlers, and children with disabilities.
    Eligible Applicants: State and local educational agencies; 
institutions of higher education; other public agencies; private 
nonprofit organizations; outlying areas; freely associated States; and 
Indian tribes or tribal organizations.
    Applicable Regulations: (a) The Education Department General 
Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) in 34 CFR parts 74, 75, 77, 80, 81, 
82, 85, 86, 97, 98, and 99; (b) The selection criteria for the 
priorities under this program that are drawn from the EDGAR general 
selection criteria menu. The specific selection criteria for each 
priority are included in the funding application packet for the 
applicable competition.

    Note: The regulations in 34 CFR part 86 apply to institutions of 
higher education only.


    Under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(3), we consider only applications that meet 
one of the following priorities:

Absolute Priority 1--Student-Initiated Research Projects (84.324B)

    This priority provides support for short-term (up to 12 months) 
postsecondary student-initiated research projects focusing on special 
education and related services for children with disabilities and early 
intervention services for infants and toddlers with

[[Page 49648]]

disabilities, consistent with the purposes of the program, as described 
in section 672 of the Act.
    Projects must--
    (a) Develop research skills in postsecondary students; and
    (b) Include a principal investigator who serves as a mentor to the 
student researcher while the project is carried out by the student.
    Project Period: Up to 12 months.
    Maximum Award: The maximum award amount is $20,000. Consistent with 
EDGAR 34 CFR 75.104(b), we will reject any application that proposes a 
project funding level for any year that exceeds the stated maximum 
award amount for that year.
    Page Limits: The maximum page limit for this priority is 25 double-
spaced pages.

    Note: Applications must meet the required page limit standards 
that are described in the ``General Requirements'' section of this 

Absolute Priority 2--Field-Initiated Research Projects (84.324C)

    This priority provides support for a wide range of field-initiated 
research projects that support innovation, development, exchange, and 
use of advancements in knowledge and practice as described in section 
672 of the Act including the improvement of early intervention, 
instruction, and learning for infants, toddlers, and children with 
    Projects must--
    (a) Prepare their procedures, findings, and conclusions in a manner 
that will improve results and outcomes for children with disabilities 
by informing other interested researchers and advancing professional 
practice or improving programs and services to infants, toddlers, and 
children with disabilities and their families; and
    (b) Disseminate project procedures, findings, and conclusions to 
appropriate research institutes and technical assistance providers.

Invitational Priorities

    Within absolute priority 2 for FY 2002, we are particularly 
interested in applications that meet one or more of the following 
invitational priorities.
    However, under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(1) we do not give to an application 
that meets one or more of these invitational priorities a competitive 
or absolute preference over other applications.
    (a) Projects to address the specific problems of over-
identification and under-identification of children with disabilities. 
(See section 672(a)(3) of the Act).
    (b) Projects to develop and implement effective strategies for 
addressing inappropriate behavior of students with disabilities in 
schools, including strategies to prevent children with emotional and 
behavioral problems from developing emotional disturbances that require 
the provision of special education and related services. (See section 
672(a)(4) of the Act).
    (c) Projects studying and promoting improved alignment and 
compatibility of regular and special education reforms concerned with 
curriculum and instruction, evaluation and accountability, and 
administrative procedures in order to improve results and outcomes for 
children with disabilities. (See section 672(b)(2)(D) of the Act).
    (d) Projects that advance knowledge about the coordination of 
education with health and social services in order to improve results 
and outcomes for children with disabilities and their families. (See 
section 672(b)(2)(G) of the Act).

Competitive Preference

    Within this absolute priority, we will give the following 
competitive preference points under section 606 of IDEA and 34 CFR 
75.105(c)(2)(i), to applications that are otherwise eligible for 
funding under this priority:
    Up to ten (10) points based on the effectiveness of the applicant's 
strategies for employing and advancing in employment qualified 
individuals with disabilities in project activities as required under 
paragraph (a) of the ``General Requirements'' section of this notice. 
In determining the effectiveness of those strategies, we may consider 
the applicant's past success in pursuit of this goal.
    Therefore, within this competitive preference, applicants can be 
awarded up to a total of 10 points in addition to those awarded under 
the published selection criteria for this priority. That is, an 
applicant meeting this competitive preference could earn a maximum 
total of 110 points.
    Project Period: The majority of projects will be funded for up to 
36 months. Only in exceptional circumstances--such as research 
questions that require repeated measurement within a longitudinal 
design--will projects be funded for more than 36 months, up to a 
maximum of 60 months.
    Maximum Award: The maximum award amount is $180,000. Consistent 
with EDGAR (34 CFR 75.104(b)), we will reject any application that 
proposes a project funding level for any year that exceeds the stated 
maximum award amount for that year.
    Page Limits: The maximum page limit for this priority is 50 double-
spaced pages.

    Note: Applications must meet the required page limit standards 
that are described in the ``General Requirements'' section of this 

Absolute Priority 3--Model Demonstration Projects for Children with 
Disabilities (84.324M)

    This priority supports model demonstration projects that improve 
results and outcomes for children with disabilities. Projects must 
develop, implement, evaluate, and disseminate new or improved 
approaches for providing early intervention, special education, and 
related services to infants, toddlers, and children with disabilities 
and students with disabilities who are pursuing post-school employment, 
postsecondary education, or independent living goals. Projects 
supported under this priority are expected to be major contributors of 
models or components of models for service providers and for outreach 
projects funded under IDEA.


    A model demonstration project must--
    (a) Develop and implement the model with specific components or 
strategies that are based on theory, research, or evaluation data 
documenting improved results and outcomes;
    (b) Determine the effectiveness of the model and its components or 
strategies by using multiple measures of results; and
    (c) Produce detailed procedures and materials that would enable 
others to replicate the model.
    Federal financial participation for a project funded under this 
priority will not exceed 90 percent of the total annual costs of 
development, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of the 
project (see section 661(f)(2)(A) of IDEA).
    In addition to the annual two-day Project Directors' meeting in 
Washington, DC mentioned in the ``General Requirements'' section of 
this notice, projects must budget for another annual meeting in 
Washington, DC to collaborate with the Federal project officer and the 
other projects funded under this priority, to share information and 
discuss model development, implementation, evaluation, and 
dissemination issues.

Competitive Preferences

    Within this absolute priority, we will give the following 

[[Page 49649]]

preference points under section 606 of IDEA and 34 CFR 75.105(c)(2)(i), 
to applications that are otherwise eligible for funding under this 
    Up to ten (10) points based on the effectiveness of the applicant's 
strategies for employing and advancing in employment qualified 
individuals with disabilities in project activities as required under 
paragraph (a) of the ``General Requirements'' section of this notice. 
In determining the effectiveness of those strategies, we may consider 
the applicant's past success in pursuit of this goal.
    Therefore, for purposes of this competitive preference, applicants 
can be awarded up to a total of 10 points in addition to those awarded 
under the published selection criteria for this priority. That is, an 
applicant meeting this competitive preference could earn a maximum 
total of 110 points.
    Project Period: Up to 48 months.
    Maximum Award: The maximum award amount is $175,000. Consistent 
with EDGAR (34 CFR 75.104(b)), we will reject any application that 
proposes a project funding level for any year that exceeds the stated 
maximum award amount for that year.
    Page Limit: The maximum page limit for this priority is 50 double-
spaced pages.

    Note: Applications must meet the required page limit standards 
that are described in the ``General Requirements'' section of this 

Absolute Priority 4--Initial Career Awards (84.324N)


    There is a need to enable individuals in the initial phases of 
their careers to initiate and develop promising lines of research that 
would improve results and outcomes for children with disabilities and 
their families through better early intervention services for infants 
and toddlers, and special education and related services for children 
with disabilities. Support for research activities among individuals in 
the initial phases of their careers is intended to develop the capacity 
of the early intervention and special education research community to 
more effectively meet the needs of children with disabilities and their 
families. This priority would address the additional need to provide 
support for a broad range of field-initiated research projects--
focusing on the special education and related services for children 
with disabilities and early intervention for infants and toddlers--
consistent with the purpose of the program as described in section 672 
of the Act.
    Priority: The purpose of this priority is to award grants to 
eligible applicants for the support of individuals in the initial 
phases of their careers to initiate and develop promising lines of 
research consistent with the purposes of the program. For purposes of 
this priority, the initial phase of an individual's career is 
considered to be the first three years after completing a doctoral 
program and graduating (i.e., for fiscal year 2002 awards, projects may 
support individuals who completed a doctoral program and graduated no 
earlier than the 1998-1999 academic year).
    At least 50 percent of the initial career researcher's time must be 
devoted to the project.
    Projects must--
    (a) Pursue a line of research that is developed either from theory 
or a conceptual framework. The line of research must establish 
directions for designing future studies extending beyond the support of 
this award. The project is not intended to represent all inquiry 
related to the particular theory or conceptual framework; rather, it is 
expected to initiate a new line or advance an existing one;
    (b) Include, in design and conduct, sustained involvement with one 
or more nationally recognized experts having substantive or 
methodological knowledge and expertise relevant to the proposed 
research. The experts do not have to be at the same institution or 
agency at which the project is located, but the interaction with the 
project must be sufficient to develop the capacity of the initial 
career researcher to effectively pursue the research into mid-career 
    (c) Prepare procedures, findings, and conclusions in a manner that 
improve results and outcomes for children with disabilities by 
informing other interested researchers and is useful for advancing 
professional practice or improving programs and services to infants, 
toddlers, and children with disabilities and their families; and
    (d) Disseminate project procedures, findings, and conclusions to 
appropriate research institutes and technical assistance providers.

Invitational Priority

    Within absolute priority 4 for FY 2002, we are particularly 
interested in applications that meet the following invitational 
priority. However, under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(1) we do not give to an 
application that meets the priority a competitive or absolute 
preference over other applications.
    Projects that include, in the design and conduct of the research 
project, a practicing teacher or clinician, in addition to the required 
involvement of nationally recognized experts.
    Project Period: Up to 36 months.
    Maximum Award: The maximum award amount is $75,000. Consistent with 
EDGAR (34 CFR 75.104(b)), we will reject any application that proposes 
a project funding level for any year that exceeds the stated maximum 
award amount for that year.
    Page Limits: The maximum page limit for this priority is 30 double-
spaced pages.

    Note: Applications must meet the required page limit standards 
that are described in the ``General Requirements'' section of this 

Absolute Priority 5--Outreach Projects for Children with Disabilities 

    This priority supports projects that will improve results and 
outcomes by assisting educational and other agencies in replicating 
proven models, components of models, and other exemplary practices that 
improve services for infants, toddlers, children with disabilities, and 
students with disabilities who are pursuing post-school employment, 
postsecondary education, or independent living goals.
    For the purposes of this priority, a ``proven model'' is a 
comprehensive description of a theory or system that, when applied, has 
been shown to be effective by evidence of improved results and 
outcomes. ``Exemplary practices'' are effective strategies and methods 
used to deliver educational, related, or early intervention services. 
The models, components of models, or exemplary practices selected for 
outreach may include those developed for pre-service and in-service 
personnel preparation, and do not need to have been developed through 
projects funded under IDEA, or by the applicant.
    Important elements of an outreach project include but are not 
limited to:
    (a) Providing supporting data or other documentation in the 
application regarding the effectiveness of the model, components of a 
model, or exemplary practices selected for outreach;
    (b) Selecting implementation sites in multiple regions within one 
State or multiple States and describing the criteria for their 
    (c) Describing the expected costs, needed personnel, staff 
training, equipment, and sequence of implementation activities 
associated with the replication efforts, including a description of any 
modifications to the model or practice made by the sites;

[[Page 49650]]

    (d) Including public awareness, product development and 
dissemination, training, and technical assistance activities as part of 
the implementation of the project; and
    (e) Coordinating dissemination and replication activities conducted 
as part of outreach with dissemination projects, technical assistance 
providers, consumer and advocacy organizations, State and local 
educational agencies, and the lead agencies for Part C of IDEA, as 
    Projects must prepare products from the project in formats that are 
useful for specific audiences, including parents, administrators, 
teachers, early intervention personnel, related services personnel, and 
individuals with disabilities. (See section 661(f)(2)(B) of IDEA).
    Federal financial participation for a project funded under this 
priority will not exceed 90 percent of the total annual costs of 
development, operation, and evaluation of the project (see section 
661(f)(2)(A) of IDEA).
    Applicants must (1) specify in the application whether the primary 
focus of the models, components of models, or exemplary practices 
intended for outreach are for pre-service or in-service personnel 
preparation, and (2) specify the use of scientifically based research 
demonstrating improved results and outcomes for children with 
disabilities and their families.
    In addition to the annual two-day Project Directors' meeting in 
Washington, DC mentioned in the ``General Requirements'' section of 
this notice, projects must budget annually for another annual meeting 
in Washington, DC to collaborate with the Federal project officer and 
the other projects funded under this priority, to share information and 
discuss project implementation issues.

Competitive Preference

    Within this absolute priority, we will give the following 
competitive preference points under section 606 of IDEA and 34 CFR 
75.105(c)(2)(i), to applications that are otherwise eligible for 
funding under this priority:
    Up to ten (10) points based on the effectiveness of the applicant's 
strategies for employing and advancing in employment qualified 
individuals with disabilities in project activities as required under 
paragraph (a) of the ``General Requirements'' section of this notice. 
In determining the effectiveness of those strategies, we may consider 
the applicant's past success in pursuit of this goal.
    Therefore, for purposes of this competitive preference, applicants 
can be awarded up to a total of 10 points in addition to those awarded 
under the published selection criteria for this priority. That is, an 
applicant meeting this competitive preference could earn a maximum 
total of 110 points.
    Project Period: Up to 36 months.
    Maximum Award: The maximum award amount is $175,000. Consistent 
with EDGAR (34 CFR 75.104(b)), we will reject any application that 
proposes a project funding level for any year that exceeds the stated 
maximum award amount for that year.
    Page Limits: The maximum page limit for this priority is 50 double-
spaced pages.

    Note: Applications must meet the required page limit standards 
that are described in the ``General Requirements'' section of this 

[CFDA 84.327]

    Purpose of Program: The purpose of this program is to improve 
results and outcomes for children with disabilities by promoting the 
development, demonstration, and utilization of technology and to 
support educational media activities designed to be of educational 
value to children with disabilities. This program also provides support 
for some captioning, video description, and cultural activities.
    Applicable Regulations: (a) The Education Department General 
Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) in 34 CFR parts 74, 75, 77, 79, 80, 
81, 82, 85, 86, 97, 98, and 99; (b) The selection criteria for the 
priorities under this program that are drawn from the EDGAR general 
selection criteria menu. The specific selection criteria for each 
priority are included in the funding application packet for the 
applicable competition.

    Note: The regulations in 34 CFR part 86 apply to institutions of 
higher education only.

    Eligible Applicants: State and local educational agencies; 
institutions of higher education; other public agencies; private 
nonprofit organizations; outlying areas; freely associated States; 
Indian tribes or tribal organizations; and for-profit organizations.


    Under section 687 of IDEA and 34 CFR 75.105(c)(3), we consider only 
applications that meet the following priority:

Absolute Priority 1--Steppingstones of Technology Innovation for 
Students With Disabilities (84.327A)

    The purpose of this priority is to support projects that--
    (a) Develop or select and describe a technology-based approach for 
achieving one or more of the following purposes for early intervention, 
preschool, elementary, middle school, or high school students with 
disabilities: (1) improving the results of education or early 
intervention; (2) improving access to and participation in the general 
curriculum, or developmentally appropriate activities for preschool 
children; and (3) improving accountability and participation in 
educational reform. The technology-based approach must be an innovative 
combination of a new technology and additional materials and 
methodologies that enable the technology to improve educational or 
early intervention results and outcomes for children with disabilities;
    (b) Justify the approach on the basis of scientifically rigorous 
research or theory that supports the effectiveness of the technology-
based approach for achieving one or more of the purposes presented in 
paragraph (a);
    (c) Clearly identify and conduct work in ONE of the following 
    (1) Phase 1--Development: Projects funded under Phase 1 must 
develop and refine a technology-based approach, and test its 
feasibility for use with students with disabilities. Activities may 
include development, adaptation, and refinement of technology, 
curriculum materials, or instructional methodologies. Activities must 
include formative evaluation. The primary product of Phase 1 should be 
a promising technology-based approach that is suitable for field-based 
evaluation of effectiveness in improving results and outcomes for 
children with disabilities.
    (2) Phase 2--Research on Effectiveness: Projects funded under Phase 
2 must select a promising technology-based approach that has been 
developed in a manner consistent with Phase 1, and subject the approach 
to rigorous field-based research and evaluation to determine 
effectiveness and feasibility in educational or early intervention 
settings. Approaches studied in Phase 2 may have been developed with 
previous funding under this priority or with funding from other 
sources. Products of Phase 2 include a further refinement and 
description of the technology-based approach, and sound evidence that, 
in a defined range of real world contexts, the approach can

[[Page 49651]]

be effective in achieving one or more of the purposes presented in 
paragraph (a).
    (3) Phase 3--Research on Implementation: Projects funded under 
Phase 3 must select a technology-based approach that has been evaluated 
for effectiveness and feasibility in a manner consistent with Phase 2, 
and must study the implementation of the approach in multiple, complex 
settings to acquire an improved understanding of the range of contexts 
in which the approach can be used effectively, and the factors that 
determine the effectiveness and sustainability of the approach in this 
range of contexts. Approaches studied in Phase 3 may have been 
developed and tested with previous funding under this priority or with 
funding from other sources. Factors to be studied in Phase 3 include 
factors related to the technology, materials, and methodologies that 
constitute the technology-based approach. Also to be studied in Phase 3 
are contextual factors associated with students, teacher attitudes and 
skills, physical setting, curricular and instructional or early 
intervention approaches, resources, professional development, policy 
supports, etc. Phases 2 and 3 can be contrasted as follows: Phase 2 
studies the effectiveness the approach can have, while Phase 3 studies 
the effectiveness the approach is likely to have in sustained use in a 
range of typical educational settings. The primary product of Phase 3 
should be a set of research findings that provide evidence of improved 
results and outcomes for children with disabilities and that can be 
used to guide dissemination and utilization of the technology-based 
    (d) In addition to the annual two-day Project Directors' meeting in 
Washington, DC mentioned in the ``General Requirements'' section of 
this notice, budget for another annual trip to Washington, DC to 
collaborate with the Federal project officer and the other projects 
funded under this priority, and to share information and discuss 
findings and methods of dissemination; and
    (e) Prepare products from the project in formats that are useful 
for specific audiences as appropriate, including parents, 
administrators, teachers, early intervention personnel, related 
services personnel, researchers, and individuals with disabilities.
    Projects for Children From Birth to 3: We intend to fund at least 
two projects focusing on technology-based approaches for children with 
disabilities, ages birth to 3.

Competitive Preference

    Within this absolute priority, we will give the following 
competitive preference points under section 606 of IDEA and 34 CFR 
75.105(c)(2)(i), to applications that are otherwise eligible for 
funding under this priority:
    Up to ten (10) points based on the effectiveness of the applicant's 
strategies for employing and advancing in employment qualified 
individuals with disabilities in project activities as required under 
paragraph (a) of the ``General Requirements'' section of this notice. 
In determining the effectiveness of those strategies, we may consider 
the applicant's past success in pursuit of this goal.
    Therefore, for purposes of this competitive preference, applicants 
can be awarded up to a total of 10 points in addition to those awarded 
under the published selection criteria for this priority. That is, an 
applicant meeting this competitive preference could earn a maximum 
total of 110 points.
    Project Period: We intend to fund at least three projects in each 
phase. Projects funded under Phase 1 will be funded for up to 24 
months. Projects funded under Phase 2 will be funded for up to 24 
months. Projects funded under Phase 3 will be funded for up to 36 
months. During the final year of projects funded under Phase 3, we will 
determine whether or not to fund an optional six-month period for 
additional dissemination activities.
    Maximum Award: The maximum award amount is $200,000 for projects in 
Phases 1 and 2, and $300,000 for projects in Phase 3. Consistent with 
EDGAR (34 CFR 75.104(b)), we will reject any application that proposes 
a project funding level for any year that exceeds the stated maximum 
award amount for that year.
    Page Limits: The maximum page limit for this priority is 50 double-
spaced pages.

    Note: Applications must meet the required page limit standards 
that are described in the ``General Requirements'' section of this 


    Purpose of Program: The purpose of this program is to ensure that 
parents of children with disabilities receive training and information 
to help improve results and outcomes for their children.
    Eligible Applicants: Eligible applicants are local parent 
organizations. According to section 682(g) of the Act, a parent 
organization is a private nonprofit organization (other than an 
institution of higher education) that:
    (a) Has a board of directors --
    (1) The parent and professional members of which are broadly 
representative of the population to be served;
    (2) The majority of whom are parents of children with disabilities; 
    (3) That includes individuals with disabilities and individuals 
working in the fields of special education, related services, and early 
intervention; or
    (b) Has a membership that represents the interests of individuals 
with disabilities and has established a special governing committee 
meeting the requirements for a board of directors in paragraph (a) and 
has a memorandum of understanding between this special governing 
committee and the board of directors of the organization that clearly 
outlines the relationship between the board and the committee and the 
decisionmaking responsibilities and authority of each.
    According to section 683(c) of the Act, local parent organizations 
are parent organizations that must meet one of the following criteria--
    (a) Have a board of directors the majority of whom are from the 
community to be served; or
    (b) Have, as part of their mission, serving the interests of 
individuals with disabilities from that community; and have a special 
governing committee to administer the project, a majority of the 
members of which are individuals from that community.
    Examples of administrative responsibilities include controlling the 
use of the project funds, and hiring and managing project personnel.
    Applicable Regulations: (a) The Education Department General 
Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) in 34 CFR parts 74, 75, 77, 79, 80, 
81, 82, 85, 97, 98, and 99; and (b) The selection criteria for this 
priority that are drawn from the EDGAR general selection criteria menu. 
The specific selection criteria for this priority are included in the 
funding application packet for this competition.


    Under sections 661(e)(2) and 683 of the Act, and 34 CFR 
75.105(c)(3), we will give an absolute preference to applications that 
meet this absolute priority:

Absolute Priority--Community Parent Resource Centers (84.328C)

    The purpose of this priority is to support local parent training 

[[Page 49652]]

information centers that will help ensure that underserved parents of 
children with disabilities, including low-income parents, parents of 
children who are English language learners, and parents with 
disabilities, have the training and information they need to enable 
them to participate effectively in helping their children with 
disabilities to--
    (a) Meet established developmental goals and, to the maximum extent 
possible, those challenging standards that have been established for 
all children; and
    (b) Be prepared to lead productive independent adult lives, to the 
maximum extent possible.
    Each community parent training and information center supported 
under this priority must--
    (a) Provide training and information that meets the training and 
information needs of parents of children with disabilities proposed to 
be served by the project, particularly underserved parents and parents 
of children who may be inappropriately identified;
    (b) Assist parents to understand the availability of, and how to 
effectively use, procedural safeguards under section 615 of the Act, 
including encouraging the use, and explaining the benefits, of 
alternative methods of dispute resolution, such as the mediation 
process described in the Act;
    (c) Serve the parents of infants, toddlers, and children with the 
full range of disabilities by assisting parents to--
    (1) Better understand the nature of their children's disabilities 
and their educational and developmental needs;
    (2) Communicate effectively with personnel responsible for 
providing special education, early intervention, and related services;
    (3) Participate in decisionmaking processes and the development of 
individualized education programs and individualized family service 
    (4) Obtain appropriate information about the range of options, 
programs, services, and resources available to assist children with 
disabilities and their families;
    (5) Familiarize themselves with the provision of special education 
and related services in the areas they serve to help ensure that 
children with disabilities are receiving appropriate services;
    (6) Understand the provisions of the Act for the education of, and 
the provision of early intervention services designed to improve 
results and outcomes to, children with disabilities; and
    (7) Participate in school reform activities;
    (d) Contract with the State educational agencies, if the State 
elects to contract with the community parent resource centers, for the 
purpose of meeting with parents who choose not to use the mediation 
process to encourage the use and explain the benefits of mediation, 
consistent with section 615(e)(2)(B) and (D) of the Act;
    (e) In order to serve parents and families of children with the 
full range of disabilities, network with appropriate clearinghouses, 
including organizations conducting national dissemination activities 
under section 685(d) of the Act, and with other national, State, and 
local organizations and agencies, such as protection and advocacy 
    (f) Establish cooperative partnerships with the parent training and 
information centers funded under section 682 of the Act;
    (g) Be designed to meet the specific needs of families who 
experience significant isolation from available sources of information 
and support; and
    (h) Annually report to the Department on--
    (1) The number of parents to whom it provided information and 
training in the most recently concluded fiscal year, demographic 
information about those parents served; and
    (2) The effectiveness of strategies used to reach and serve 
parents, including underserved parents of children with disabilities by 
providing evidence of how those parents were served effectively.
    We intend to fund a maximum of 15 awards.

Competitive Preferences

    Within this absolute priority, we will give competitive preference 
to applications under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(2)(i) that meet one or more of 
the following priorities:
    (a) We will award 20 points to an application submitted by a local 
parent organization that has a board of directors, the majority of whom 
are parents of children with disabilities, from the community to be 
    (b) We will award 5 points to an application that proposes to 
provide services to one or more Empowerment Zones or Enterprise 
Communities that are designated within the areas served by projects. To 
meet this priority an applicant must indicate that it will:
    (1)(i) Design a program that includes special activities focused on 
the unique needs of one or more Empowerment Zones or Enterprise 
Communities; or
    (ii) Devote a substantial portion of program resources to providing 
services within, or meeting the needs of residents of these zones and 
    (2) As appropriate, contribute to the strategic plan of the 
Empowerment Zones or Enterprise Communities and become an integral 
component of the Empowerment Zone or Enterprise Community activities.
    A list of areas that have been selected as Empowerment Zones or 
Enterprise Communities is included in the application packet.
    (c) We will award up to five (5) points based on the effectiveness 
of the applicant's strategies for employing and advancing in employment 
qualified individuals with disabilities in project activities as 
required under paragraph (a) of the ``General Requirements'' section of 
this notice (section 606 of IDEA). In determining the effectiveness of 
those strategies, we may consider the applicant's past success in 
pursuit of this goal.
    Therefore, for purposes of these competitive preferences, 
applicants can be awarded up to a total of 30 points in addition to 
those awarded under the published selection criteria for this priority. 
That is, an applicant meeting all of these competitive preferences 
could earn a maximum total of 130 points.
    Project Period: Up to 36 months.
    Maximum Award: The maximum award amount is $100,000. Consistent 
with EDGAR (34 CFR 75.104(b)), we will reject any application that 
proposes a project funding level for any year that exceeds the stated 
maximum award amount for that year.
    Page Limits: The maximum page limit for this priority is 30 double-
spaced pages.

    Note: Applications must meet the required page limit standards 
that are described in the ``General Requirements'' section of this 

    For Applications Contact: Education Publications Center (ED Pubs), 
P.O. Box 1398, Jessup, Maryland 20794-1398. Telephone (toll free): 1-
877-4ED-Pubs (1-877-433-7827). FAX: 301-470-1244. Individuals who use a 
telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call (toll free) 1-
    You may also contact Ed Pubs via its Web site (http://www.ed.gov/
pubs/edpubs.html) or its E-mail address (edpubs@inet.ed.gov).
    If you request an application from ED Pubs, be sure to identify the 
competition by the appropriate CFDA number.
    For Further Information Contact: Grants and Contracts Services 
Team, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., room 

[[Page 49653]]

Switzer Building, Washington, DC 20202-2550. Telephone: (202) 260-9182.
    If you use a TDD you may call the Federal Information Relay Service 
(FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339.
    Individuals with disabilities may obtain this document in an 
alternative format (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, or computer 
diskette) on request to the contact persons listed in the preceding 
    Individuals with disabilities may obtain a copy of the application 
package in an alternative format by contacting the Department as listed 
above. However, the Department is not able to reproduce in an 
alternative format the standard forms included in the application 

Intergovernmental Review

    All programs in this notice (except for the Research and Innovation 
to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities Program) 
are subject to the requirements of Executive Order 12372 and the 
regulations in 34 CFR part 79. The objective of the Executive Order is 
to foster an intergovernmental partnership and a strengthened 
federalism by relying on processes developed by State and local 
governments for coordination and review of proposed Federal financial 
    In accordance with the order, we intend this document to provide 
early notification of the Department's specific plans and actions for 
those programs.

                                     Individuals With Disabilities Education Act Application Notice Fiscal Year 2002
                                                                     Deadline for                                                            Estimated
        CFDA No. and Name          Applications     Application   intergovernmental   Maximum award     Project period     Page limit **     number of
                                     available     deadline date        review         (per year)*                                            awards
84.324B Student Initiated               10/05/01        02/08/02          04/09/02          $20,000  Up to 12 mos.......              25              12
 Research Projects.
84.324C Field-Initiated Research        10/05/01        11/16/01          01/16/02          180,000  ***Up to 60 mos....              50              14
84.324M Model Demonstration             10/05/01        11/30/01          01/30/02          175,000  Up to 48 mos.......              50              14
 Projects for Children with
84.324N Initial Career Awards...        10/05/01        11/09/01          01/09/02           75,000  Up to 36 mos.......              30               4
84.324R Outreach Projects for           10/05/01        12/14/01          02/12/02          175,000  Up to 36 mos.......              50              14
 Children with Disabilities.
84.324A Steppingstones of               10/05/01        12/07/01          02/05/02   ..............  ...................                              10
 Technology Innovation for
 Students with Disabilities.
    Phase 1 and 2...............  ..............  ..............  .................         200,000  Up to 24 mos.......              50
    Phase 3.....................  ..............  ..............  .................         300,000  Up to 36 mos.......              50
84.328C Community Parent                10/05/01        12/21/01          02/19/02          100,000  Up to 36 mos.......              30             10
 Resource Centers.
* Consistent with EDGAR (34 CFR 75.104(b)), we will reject any application that proposes a project funding level for any year that exceeds the stated
  maximum award amount for that year. We will consider, and may fund, requests for additional funding as an addendum to an application to reflect the
  costs of reasonable accommodations necessary to allow individuals with disabilities to be employed on the project as personnel on project activities.
  ** Applicants must limit the Application Narrative, Part III of the Application, to the page limits noted above. Please refer to the ``Page Limit''
  requirements and the page limit standards described in the ``General Requirements'' section included under each priority description. We will reject
  and will not consider an application that does not adhere to this requirement. ***The majority of projects will be funded for up to 36 months. Only in
  exceptional circumstances will projects be funded for more than 36 months, up to a maximum of 60 months.

Electronic Access to This Document

    You may view this document, as well as all other Department of 
Education documents published in the Federal Register, in text or Adobe 
Portable Document Format (PDF) on the internet at the following site: 
To use the PDF you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available 
free at this site. If you have questions about using the PDF, call the 
U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO), toll free, at 1-888-293-6498; or 
in the Washington, DC, area at (202) 512-1530.

    Note: The official version of this document is published in the 
Federal Register. Free Internet access to the official edition of 
the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations is 
available on GPO Access at: http://www.access.gpo/nara/index.html

    Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1405, 1461, 1472, 1474, and 1487.

    Dated: September 25, 2001.
Robert H. Pasternack,
Assistant Secretary for Special Education and, Rehabilitative Services.
[FR Doc. 01-24403 Filed 9-27-01; 8:45 am]