[Federal Register: August 2, 2001 (Volume 66, Number 149)]
[Page 40567-40568]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]

[[Page 40567]]


Part IV

Department of Education


Dropout Prevention Program; Notice

[[Page 40568]]



[CFDA No. 84.215W]

Dropout Prevention Demonstration Program

ACTION: Notice Extending Deadline for Submission of Electronic 


SUMMARY: On May 22, 2001, the Assistant Secretary for Elementary and 
Secondary Education published in the Federal Register a Notice Inviting 
Applications for New Awards for Fiscal Year (FY) 2001 under the Dropout 
Prevention Demonstration Program. (66 FR 28319-28339). The application 
closing date was July 23, 2001. Applicants were permitted to submit 
their applications electronically, by hand delivery, or by mail. 
Instructions for each type of submission were detailed in the 
application notice.
    On July 23, 2001, a power outage affected the Department of 
Education's computer system and some applicants that had intended to 
submit electronic applications were unable to do so by the established 
deadline. The Department is therefore extending the deadline for 
submission of electronic applications under the program. The deadline 
for submission of applications by hand delivery or by mail is not being 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Christine Jackson, Dropout Prevention 
Demonstration Program, Academic Improvement and Demonstration Programs, 
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S. Department of 
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Room 2W104, FOB-6, Washington, DC 
20202-6254. Telephone: (202) 260-2516. e-mail: 
christine.jackson@ed.gov. Individuals who use a telecommunications 
device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Information Relay 
Service (FIRS) at 1-888-877-8339.
    Individuals with disabilities may obtain this notice in an 
alternative format (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, or computer 
diskette) on request to the contact person listed in the preceding 
paragraph. Please note, however, that the Department is not able to 
reproduce in an alternative format the standard forms included in the 
    Deadline for Submission of Electronic Applications: August 6, 2001.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Applicants that wish to submit an electronic 
application under the Dropout Prevention Demonstration Program must do 
so by the date established in this notice and comply with the 
requirements in the Notice Inviting Applications. As that notice 
states, applicants that submit electronic applications must, among 
other things, do so by 4:30 p.m. (EST) on the deadline date and fax a 
signed copy of ED 424 (Application for Federal Assistance) to the 
Department's Application Control Center within three working days of 
submitting their applications.
    Some applicants that initially attempted to submit their 
applications electronically but were precluded from doing so due to the 
power outage instead submitted their applications by mail by the 
deadline in the Notice Inviting Applications. If any of these 
applicants did not include a signed copy of ED 424 with their 
submission, they may fax a signed copy of this form to the Department's 
Application Control Center within three days of the revised deadline 
for submission of electronic applications.

Electronic Access to This Document

    You may view this document, as well as all other Department of 
Education documents published in the Federal Register, in text or Adobe 
Portable Document Format (PDF) on the Internet at the following site: 
    To use PDF you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is 
available free at this site. If you have questions about using PDF, 
call the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) at (202) 512-1530 or, 
(toll free, at 1-888-293-6498), or in the Washington, D.C. area at 
(202) 512-1530.

    Note: The official version of this document is the document 
published in the Federal Register. Free Internet access to the 
official edition of the Federal Register and the Code of Federal 
Regulations is available on GPO Access at: http://

    Dated: July 30, 2001.
Susan B. Neuman,
Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education.
[FR Doc. 01-19312 Filed 8-1-01; 8:45 am]