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Searched:  Author Contains ("Brown, C G")
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Results:  1–15 of exactly 15 matches. in 0.098 seconds.

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  Size Identifier Title Creator/Author (s) Pub Date
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391 K
UCRL-JC--127730; CONF-9708122-- Plasma mirrors for short pulse lasers Yanovksy, V.P. ; Perry, M.D. ; Brown, C.G. ; 1997 Jun 11
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UCRL-JC-131359 Measurements of MeV photon flashes in petawatt laser experiments Phillips, T. ; Brown, C. G. ; Cowan, T. ; 1998 Nov 10
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253 K
UCRL-JC--127729; CONF-9708122-- Petawatt laser and target irradiation system at LLNL Pennington, D.M. ; Perry, M.D. ; Britten, J.A. ; 1997 Jun 06
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UCRL-ID-142553 Advanced Wavefront Control Techniques Olivier, S S ; Brase, J M ; Avicola, K ; 2001 Feb 21
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UCRL-TR-227864 FY06 Engineering Research and Technology Report Minichino, C ; Alves, S W ; Anderson, A T ; 2007 Jan 22
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UCRL-PROC-208042 Center for Advanced Signal and Imaging Sciences Workshop 2004 McClellan, J H ; Carrano, C ; Poyneer, L ; 2004 Nov 15
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497 K
WSRC-MS--94-0404; CONF-941017--1 Exposure reductions encouraged by the determination of the effective dose equivalent for non-uniform exposures Matheny, M.D. ; Brown, C.G. ; Dyer, S.G. 1994 Aug 01
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UCRL-PROC-215623 Double-passed, high-energy quasi-phase-matched optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifier Jovanovic, I ; Forget, N ; Brown, C G ; 2005 Sep 19
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UCRL-PROC-207888 Precision damage tests of multilayer dielectric gratings for high-energy petawatt lasers Jovanovic, I ; Brown, C G ; Stuart, B C ; 2004 Nov 08
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UCRL-CONF-223696 Tuning the Magnetic Transport of an Induction LINAC using Emittance Houck, T L ; Brown, C G ; Ong, M M ; 2006 Aug 11
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UCRL-JC-135029 Electron, Photon, and Ion Beams from the Relativistic Interaction of Petawatt Laser Pulses with Solid Targets Hatchett, S.P. ; Brown, C.G. ; Cowan, T.E. ; 1999 Nov 12
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UCRL-TR-218211 Lightning Protection System for HE Facilities at LLNL - Certification Template Clancy, T J ; Ong, M M ; Brown, C G 2005 Dec 08
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UCRL-CONF-218103 Lightning Protection Certification for High Explosives Facilities at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Clancy, T J ; Brown, C G ; Ong, M M ; 2006 Jan 11
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LLNL-CONF-401192 Electromagnetic Pulses at Short-Pulse Laser Facilities Brown, C G ; Throop, A ; Eder, D ; 2008 Feb 04
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UCRL-JC-134900; YN0100000; 98-ERD-061 High-resolution wavefront control using liquid crystal spatial light modulators Bauman, B J ; Brase, J M ; Brown, C G ; 1999 Jul 20
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