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Medicaid Prescription Drugs

Sections 6001, 6002, and 6003 of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA) made significant changes to the Medicaid prescription drug provisions of the Social Security Act.  These changes include revising the definition of average manufacturer price (AMP), establishing a new formula for calculating Federal upper limits (FULs), requiring rebates for certain physician-administered drugs, and clarifying rebate liability for authorized generic drugs.  In the Downloads section we have provided several resources and documents that will help stakeholders understand the impact of these provisions on the Medicaid program and keep informed about how CMS is implementing these provisions.

To view the AMP Final Rule, please click on CMS-2238-FC Medicaid Program: Prescription Drugs under Downloads.

To view the AMP Proposed Rule, please click on the AMP Proposed Rule CMS-2238-P link below.


December 21, 2007 State Medicaid Letter on AMP Final Rule [PDF 51KB]

Preliminary Injunction Court Order on AMP Final Rule [PDF 17KB]

DRA Policy Inquiries [PDF 60KB]

Section 6001, 6002 and 6003 of the DRA [PDF, 1311KB]

March 22, 2006 State Medicaid director letter on the return and reuse of nursing facility drugs [PDF, 309KB]

May 4, 2006 State release #141 relating to drug compendia [PDF, 857KB]

July 3, 2006 State release #142 relating to the provision of AMP data to States on a monthly basis [PDF, 1556KB]

July 11, 2006 State Medicaid director letter [PDF, 461KB]

December 15, 2006 State release #144 relating to the Implementation of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA) [PDF, 71KB]
Related Links Inside CMS
CMS-2238-P Medicaid Program:  Prescription Drugs

CMS-2238-FC Medicaid Program:  Prescription Drugs

CMS-2238-IFC Medicaid Program:  Multiple Source Drug Definition

CMS-2238-F Medicaid Program:  Multiple Source Drug Definition

Medicaid Prescription Drug Policy & Reimbursement
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Page Last Modified: 01/13/2009 1:47:31 PM
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