FDA Logo U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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[Flash version] February 21, 2007

ALERT: What's Next?

The purpose of this presentation was to raise your awareness of the issues related to food defense.  Armed with the knowledge of the five parts of the ALERT initiative, you should now have some ideas for implementing a continuous improvement plan in your facility.

Protecting our nation’s food supply is a serious business and one that affects everyone in the food industry.

The time is now to think about how to protect your food supplies.

  • Talk to your employees about the issues we’ve addressed in this program
  • Use this guidance to develop your own plan for continuous improvement

Remember, it can happen to you and your best defense is to be prepared.  For more information on ALERT or other food defense related issues, go to the ALERT: The Basics web site.

Select the Exit button to leave the presentation.

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