1. Workforce Investment Act Implementation Training i. Transition to the Workforce Investment Act & JTPA Closeout 2. Training i. Handouts a. Presentation slides b. True & false exercise c. State of Transition exercise d. Transition matrix e. Transition & closeout Q&As f. Closeout readiness matrix g. JTPA closeout readiness survey h. OMB Circulars chart i. TEGL 11-98, dated February 17, 1999 3. Training Objectives i. Identify: a. The requirements of the 2% Transition planning monies under PY 98 & PY 99 JTPA Allotments b. The areas that need to be addressed in the Transition: Funding, Participants & Systems c. Closeout readiness activities & issues 4. Pretest i. True & False Exercise 5. 2% Transition Planning Funds i. From PY 98 & PY 99 JTPA Allocations a. No PY 99 WIA appropriation -- up to 2% of JTPA PY 98 & 99 funds may be used for transition planning b. Remaining 98% of JTPA allocations may be used for either JTPA or WIA program activities c. Monies can be taken from one or more JTPA titles (IIA, IIB, IIC, or III) d. Reported in the "Remarks" section of the corresponding JTPA report 6. 2% Transition Planning Funds i. From PY 98 & PY 99 JTPA Allocations a. Under Option 1, if a State implements WIA by July 1, 1999, all services to new participants will only be WIA services b. Under Option 2, a State can provide either JTPA or WIA services as approved in their State plan (i) In essence, not all SDAs would be providing the same services depending on their stage in the transition c. Under Option 3, a State fully implements WIA by July 1, 2000 7. 2% Transition Planning Funds i. From PY 98 & PY 99 JTPA Allocations a. States will not receive additional JTPA/WIA allocations for transition planning activities, but can use existing JTPA admin funds b. Will not count against the admin cost limits for the States and Local areas c. States must make available 50% of the transition funding (or up to 1%) to the new or existing local level(s) d. For transitional planning activities only 8. Transitional Planning Activities i. What is allowable under the 2% ? a. Any activity that prepares a State or Local area in making a smooth transition to WIA b. Example: Developing an ITA system, developing the certification criteria for training providers, the transfer of equipment and records from a JTPA SDA to a WIA One- Stop Operator c. What are some other activities? 9. Funding Issues a. Life of Funds - The time a State or Local area has to expend JTPA funds remains the same, regardless of the transition date b. Waivers - Granted under JTPA (effective 12/31/97) remain in effect regardless transition date c. Allocations will be based on JTPA rules unless the State Plan describes the funding transition from JTPA to WIA 10. Funding Issues (continued) a. Funding for One-Stop Grants will remain separate from WIA b. Funding for Wagner-Peyser and other partner programs such as TAA and WtW will remain separate and must meet their own program requirements c. No Older Workers, education coordination or incentives set-asides i. Such activities can be addressed under the Adult & Dislocated Workers, Youth, or State WIA set-asides 11. Funding Issues (continued) a. 10% Hold Harmless Provision - No similar provision for locals for first two years of WIA b. An alternative method based on a State's WIA plan may allocate up to 30% of their funds c. State Hold Harmless - Still applies under WIA d. Discretionary & Competitive Grants awarded under JTPA will continue for the period specified in the award document 12. Carry-Over of Funds a. Unexpended PY 98 & PY 99 JTPA funds are carried over into PY 2000: i. First, States and Local areas must set aside sufficient funds to close out JTPA (i) Using PY 98 funds first and then PY 99 funds ii. Remaining funds may be carried over into PY 2000 and be expended and reported as WIA funds 13. Carry-Over of Funds i. Life of Funds a. Unexpended PY 98 funds carried over will be available for expenditure only in PY 2000, which ends 6/30/2001, and be reported as WIA b. Unexpended PY 99 funds carried over will be available for expenditure in PY 2000 and PY 2001, which ends 6/30/2002, and be reported as WIA c. Funds set aside for the closeout of JTPA are not carried over 14. Participant Issues i. Continuation of Services a. Once enrolled in JTPA, participants are grand-fathered into WIA and can continue to receive services b. If participants have received only an assessment under any Title of JTPA, States may enroll them into WIA c. CY 99 JTPA (Title IIB) summer participants will fall under JTPA rules 15. Participant Issues (continued) a. For changes in the geographic composition of an SDA to a Workforce Investment Area, the States must ensure that participants are assigned to the new Workforce Investment Area b. Follow-up services for JTPA participants must meet JTPA regulations and may be supplemented with WIA follow-up services 16. Systems Issues a. States encouraged to use One-Stop Career Center system-building grants to implement WIA system reforms b. Operating systems for Individual Training Accounts (ITA), consumer report cards, performance measures, participant information, and financial records must be in place by July 1, 2000 17. Closeout Readiness Activities a. Set aside sufficient JTPA funds for claims, debts, unpaid bills b. Under no circumstance will DOL pay for any late claims once JTPA is closed c. Liability remains the responsibility of the existing SDA unless otherwise agreed by the State, LEO, and newly formed One-Stop Operator 18. Closeout Readiness Activities (continued) a. Maintenance of records - Participant & financial records must be retained 3 years after the submittal of the final expenditure report i. Note: Clock does not start ticking until all outstanding audit or litigation issues are resolved b. Financial reconciliations c. Grant Award = Expenditures = Cash Payments 19. Closeout Readiness Activities (continued) a. Equipment i. States provide guidance in the transfer of equipment from SDAs to newly formed Workforce Investment Areas ii. Guidance based on need, staffing requirements or a proportion of the funding allocation 20. Essential Websites a. WIA - http://usworkforce.org b. DOL-Employment & Training Programs i. www.doleta.gov c. Federal Codified Regulations i. www.access.gpo.gov or www.dol.gov/dol/public/regs/cfr/main.htm d. OMB Circulars i. www.whitehouse.gov/WH/EOP/OMB/html/circulars or call (202/395-7332) e. Federal Cost Guides i. www2.dol.gov/dol/oasam/public/programs/guide.htm OR www.hhs.gov/progorg/grantsnet/index2.htm 21. State of Transition Exercise i. Also address other issues & possible solutions! a. What must the SDA do to ensure that they have no outstanding expenditures? b. How will the State handle liability issues of the old SDA? c. How will the State deal with the issue of equipment? d. What will happen to participants served by the old SDA? e. How will the State reallocate unexpended SDA funding? f. How will States allocate the CY 99 Summer Youth funds? g. What will happen to the SDA's participant & financial records? 22. Report Out i. State in Transition Exercise Each Break-Out Group identifies transition issues and possible solutions for the State in Transition! 23. True & False 1. The 2% transition funding can be used for the development of new OJT (On-the- Job-Training) strategies. T or F 2. States will receive a JTPA and WIA allocation in Program Year (PY) 1999. T or F 3. Wagner-Peyser funds will be included in the States' PY 2000 WIA Title I allocation. T or F 24. True & False (continued) 4. States and locals can begin incurring transitional costs after August 7, 1998. T or F 5. PY 1998 Carryover funds at the local level will be available for expenditure through PY 2000. T or F 6. PY 1999 Carryover funds could be reported as either JTPA or WIA depending on when the State implement WIA. T or F 25. True & False (continued) 7. PY 1999 funding used for WIA transitional planning activities must meet the admin cost limit applicable to the JTPA Title. T or F 8. Depending on the date of implementation, a State can provide either JTPA or WIA services. T or F 26. True & False (continued) 9. If the State of Transition implements WIA by July 1, 1999, the substate allocations will be reissued based on funding formulas in WIA. T or F 10. An SDA no longer in service after WIA can keep all equipment purchased using JTPA funds. T or F 27. True & False (continued) 11. Local Boards can meet the WIA Out-of- School Youth (OSY) requirement by serving at-risk youth that are in alternative schools. T or F 12. 30% of the youth participants served under WIA must be for out-of-school youth. T or F 13. All JTPA grants must be closed out by June 30, 2000. T or F 28. True & False (continued) 14. Once closed, any outstanding JTPA claims will be paid by Department of Labor (DOL). T or F 15. DOL is responsible for any claims or liability issues resulting from an SDA that is no longer in service after WIA. T or F 29. True & False (continued) 16. Community Based Organizations (CBOs) that provided training under JTPA are grand fathered into WIA and can provide training services for the duration of the program. T or F 30. Recap i. Training Objectives a. The requirements of the 2% Transition monies under PY 98 & PY 99 JTPA Allotments b. The areas that need to be addressed in the Transition: Funding, Participants & Systems c. Closeout readiness activities & issues 31. Questions & Answers a. Questions & Answers