1. Workforce Investment Act Implementation Training i. Designing Services for Adults and Dislocated Workers 2. Building a New Workforce System a. Many ways to build a system b. State and local flexibility 3. Objectives i. Participants will be able to: a. Identify minimum Federal requirements and explain the design options for Adult and Dislocated Worker (ADW) services b. Describe ADW services in the One-Stop system c. Identify who receives services d. Explain how services are delivered 4. Adult and Dislocated Worker Services in the One-Stop System a. One-Stop service delivery is the framework of the new workforce development system b. Various employment and training services are integrated i. Provides better coordination and access ii. Results in improved services 5. Who are Our Adult and Dislocated Workers? a. Adults i. Individuals 18 years old or older (1) Includes all special populations and groups such as people with disabilities, Native Americans, migrant and seasonal farmworkers and older Americans b. Dislocated Workers i. Includes displaced homemakers ii. Excludes long-term unemployed 6. WIA Provides for Three Levels of Services a. Core services i. Basic labor exchange, information, initial assessment and follow- up b. Intensive services i. Services to identify obstacles to employment and development of the individual employment plan 7. WIA Provides for Three Levels of Services (continued) a. Training services i. Services to equip individuals with skills to obtain or retain employment 8. Goal of Services i. Provide adults and dislocated workers with the services needed to obtain employment or obtain/retain employment that allows for self-sufficiency. 9. Seven Key Principles of WIA a. Streamlining services b. Empowering individuals c. Universal access d. Increased accountability e. Strong role for local board and the private sector f. State and local flexibility g. Improved youth programs 10. Design Factors in Adult and Dislocated Worker Services 11. How will Services be Delivered? a. Minimum Requirements i. Use One-Stop delivery system ii. Three service tiers iii. Gateway activities between tiers b. Design Options i. Service mix ii. Criteria for accessing intensive and training services iii. Alternative delivery methods 12. Who Can Receive Services? a. Minimum Requirements i. Core services eligibility ii. Adult funding stream iii. Dislocated worker funding stream b. Design Options i. Operational definitions for eligibility ii. Priority policy for Adult funds 13. Core Services a. Minimum Requirements i. All core services must be provided at One-Stop ii. 12 months of follow-up services available for those in unsubsidized employment iii. Gateway: core services that determines need for intensive services b. Design Options i. Eligibility/registration policy ii. Design of individual services iii. Scope and frequency of follow-up services 14. Intensive Services a. Minimum Requirements i. Eligible individuals ii. Gateway: intensive service that determines need for training services b. Design Options i. Services provided ii. Structure/design of individual services 15. Training Services a. Minimum Requirements i. Eligible individuals ii. Offered through eligible providers iii. Customer choice principle/Individual Training Accounts (ITAs) iv. Linked to demand occupations v. On-the-job training (OJT) 16. Training Services (continued) a. Design Options i. Specific services provided ii. ITA system iii. Exceptions policy, including "demonstrated effectiveness" criteria iv. Format and content of eligible provider information v. OJT policies/customized training agreements 17. Optional Services a. Minimum Requirements i. Supportive services limited to enable participation ii. Needs-Related Payments eligibility b. Design Options i. Services offered ii. Conditions/limits 18. Coordination Arrangements a. Minimum Requirements i. Access other grant assistance ($) before WIA ii. Access other supportive services from community b. Design Options i. Procedures for coordination 19. Western Inland Acres (WIA) i. Answer the following: a. How would you design core, intensive, and training services to effectively meet the needs of adults and dislocated workers in the community? b. How does your service plan reflect the underlying principles of streamlining services, universal access, customer empowerment, and local flexibility?