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NUREG-Series Publications
Publications Prepared by NRC Staff
Brochures Prepared by NRC Staff
Conference Proceedings Prepared by NRC Staff or Contractors
Publications Prepared NRC Contractors
Publications Resulting from International Agreements
Publications Available in ADAMS
Drafts for Comment

Publications Resulting from International Agreements

Publications resulting from international agreements and overseen by NRC staff. Other International Agreements may be available in ADAMS.

Document Identifier Title
NUREG/IA-0156 Data Base on the Behavior of High Burnup Fuel Rods with Zr-1%Nb Cladding and U02 Fuel (VVER Type) under Reactivity Accident Conditions
NUREG/IA-0206 Simulation of the Propagation of Pressure Waves in Piping Systems with RELAP5/MOD 3.2.2, Comparison of Computed and Measured Results
NUREG/IA-0210 In-Tube Steam Condensation in the Presence of Air Under Transient Conditions
NUREG/IA-0211 Experimental Study of Embrittlement of Zr-1%Nb VVER Cladding under LOCA-Relevant Conditions
NUREG/IA-0212 Kalinin VVER-1000 Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 PRA (Beta Project): Executive Summary
NUREG/IA-0213 Experimental Study of Narrow Pulse Effects on the Behavior of High Burnup Fuel Rods with Zr-1%Nb Cladding and UO2 Fuel (VVER Type) under Reactivity-Initiated Accident Conditions

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Thursday, July 26, 2007