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GSOR Collection Catalog
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Use this quick list to preview the rice genetic stocks within our collection.  By clicking the GSOR number, you will be directed to the GRIN page for additional information.




 GSOR 26 - recessive

 Brittle culm

 GSOR 6 - recessive

 Cold-induced sterility resistance

 GSOR 61 - A 1972 selection from California


 GSOR 17 - cross of Calrose 76 and GSOR 14


 GSOR 27 - indica source


 GSOR 28 - indica source; pleiotropic effects for early flowering and reduced seed set

 Early flowering

 GSOR 7 - recessive

 Early flowering

 GSOR 18 - also recessive semidwarf, from Calrose

 Early flowering

 GSOR 19 - also recessive semidwarf, from Calrose

 Early plant death

 GSOR 21 - recessive, indica source

 Extreme dwarf

 GSOR 23 - recessive, indica source

 Elongated uppermost internode

 GSOR 10 - recessive, japonica source

 Elongated uppermost internode

 GSOR 11 - recessive, indica source
 Giant embryo  GSOR 25 - recessive, long grain source

 Gold hull

 GSOR 8 - recessive, in Orion

 Gold hull

 GSOR 9 - recessive, in Bengal

 Gold leaf

 GSOR 24 - recessive, indica source
 Lesion mimic  GSOR 20 - recessive, induced by ethyl methane sulfonate

 Male sterile

 GSOR 1 - dominant;  Please click here for specialized propagation procedures for male steriles.  (pdf format; Adobe Acrobat Reader required.) 

 Male sterile

 GSOR 2 - dominant;  Please click here for specialized propagation procedures for male steriles.  (pdf format; Adobe Acrobat Reader required.) 

 Male sterile

 GSOR 3 - recessive;  Please click here for specialized propagation procedures for male steriles.  (pdf format; Adobe Acrobat Reader required.) 

 Male sterile

 GSOR 4 - dominant;  Please click here for specialized propagation procedures for male steriles.  (pdf format; Adobe Acrobat Reader required.) 
 Narrow leaf  GSOR 22 - recessive, indica source
 Nipponbare Descended from Sasaki source for International Rice Gene Sequencing Project.  Click here to view entry GSOR 100


 GSOR 5 - recessive, from Labelle


 GSOR 14 - recessive, from Calrose; nonallelic to sd1


 GSOR 15 - recessive, from Calrose; nonallelic to sd1; pleiotropic effect for 20% reduction in seed size


 GSOR 16 - recessive, in Colusa


 GSOR 12 - a spontaneous 4X line selected from L-202 (California)


 GSOR 13 - a spontaneous 4X line selected from Jackson (Arkansas)




 Chu Mapping population

GRIN pages:  Click here to view entries GSOR 200001 through 200327 - Cocodrie x MCR01-0277 doubled haploid lines.  Click here to see the observations (html) on the 325 dh lines and the parents.  Click here for the observations in an Excel table.

 Early/Katy Mapping population

GRIN pages:  Click here to view entries GSOR 100361 through 100600 - RU9101001 (aka Early) x Katy  recombinant inbred lines.  Click here to see the agronomic data of this population.

 K/Z Mapping population

GRIN pages:  Click here to view entries GSOR 100001 through 100355 - KBNT lpa1-1 x Zhe733 recombinant inbred lines.  Click here to see the interpretive summary of this article.  Click here to see the agronomic data of this population.

 Katy Putative Mutant population

(20,103 lines)

Putative mutant set of the cv. Katy, a japonica rice well adapted for production in the southern U.S.  Katy (PI 527707) has resistance to sheath blight disease (Rhizoctonia solani) and possesses the major blast resistance genes Pi-ta, Pi-ta2, and Pi-ks

The first subset of 15,192 putative mutants were treated by fast neutrons with 7.7 Gy, 26.3 Gy, and 49.4 Gy.  A total of 15,192 M1 panicles were harvested from 15,192 M0 and were subsequently amplified to M4 by single seed breeding method in Stuttgart, AR, from 2003 to 2006.  An evaluation of 192 randomly selected plants from the entire population in 2006 verified that they were derived from Katy based on 10 diagnostics simple sequence repeat markers.  See the evaluation results - in html and as an Excel table.  This population has been used to identify blast susceptible mutants that can be used to study molecular mechanisms of disease resistance (Jia and Martin, 2008).  This population will be useful for the identification of rice mutants that correlate with any gene in the rice genome.  Click here to view the first GRIN record in the FN set.

The second subset of mutants were treated with 0.4%, 0.8%, and 1.2% ethyl methane sulfonate.  A total 4880 panicles were harvested from 4896 M0 and were subsequently amplified to M4 by single seed breeding method in Stuttgart, AR from 2004 to 2007.  This population has been used to identify lesion mimic mutants (Jia 2002) and will be useful for the identification of useful mutants for crop improvement and functional genomics.  Click here to view the first GRIN record in the EMS set.



 CA mutants

GSOR 61 was selected in 1972 by Tseng, Carnahan, and Johnson at Biggs, California, as having resistance to cold-induced sterility.  The remainder of the CA mutants set was selected by J. Neil Rutger during his California tenure.  There are short stature and early maturing mutants developed by induced mutation.  GRIN pages:  Click here to view entries GSOR 61 through 77.

 Core Collection

With 1794 entries, the Core Collection containing about 10% of the Whole Collection was assembled by stratified random sampling method in 2002, evaluated comprehensively for 25 characteristics and proven to be highly representative of the Whole Collection.  Information drawn from the Core Collection can effectively be used to assess the Whole Collection with 88% certainty.  A single plant was selected from each Core accession in 2006 and bulk seed from the selection produced in 2007 is deposited in the GSOR.  DNA extracted from the selected plant has been analyzed with 80 SSR (Single Sequence Repeat) markers that cover the entire rice genome about 30 cM apart.  A Mini-Core Collection containing about 10% of the Core Collection will be developed and fingerprinted with some 200 SSR markers.  Click here to view GRIN pages:  GSOR 310001 through 311795.  Click here to view a list of the Core Collection, available in html and Excel formats.

 Jodon mutants

As Nelson E. Jodon described in the 1977 Crop Science article, this set contains "Twenty-four morphologic characters that may serve as gene markers for all except Group X of the 12 linkage groups of cultivated rice Oryza sativa L. ..."  GRIN pages:  Click here to view entries GSOR 30-60; GSOR 78-79.

Kinoshita mutant collection

GRIN pages:  Click here to view entries GSOR 300000 through 300192 - Japanese mutants donated by Dr. Toshiro Kinoshita via Dr. Susan McCouch.  Characterization completed prior to donation.  Please click here to see observations on this collection.

Last Modified: 04/16/2009
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