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Data Tools

Tools Economic Development Profiles by Industry with number of business establishments, employees and wages.

Tools Industry Staffing Patterns & Occupational Employment Profiles list occupations within an industry and industries that employ a specified occupation.

Tools Jobs & Training Tool. Select an occupation to view its average wages, projected openings, summary, job postings and training options.

Tools Occupational Profiles with wages and skills. Includes occupational codes, titles and definitions.

Tools Occupational Supply Demand System  provides information to assist with the analysis of supply and demand issues relevant to today's labor market.

Tools Occupational Wages & Employment provides occupational wage data for a variety of occupations by area.

Tools Occupations by Education and Wages allows you to view occupations for education, training and wage levels you specify.

Tools Ohio Skills Bank Data Tool provides economic indicators by industry and occupation for Ohio's Economic Development Regions. Included are employment, wages, licensing, projections, plant closings, layoffs, training and education.


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