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Spitzer Space Telescope

Spitzer Site
Images, news, and information about the Spitzer mission can be found here.

Spitzer en Español

Spitzer en Español
Ofrece en Español la información sobre la misión de Spitzer, antecedentes científicos, un tutorial sobre astronomía de rayos infrarrojos y otras actividades educacionales.

Astronomers' Site (Spitzer Science Center)

Astronomers' Site
The Spitzer Science Center is the source for information on observation planning, proposal submission, observer support, and data archives and analysis.

Infrared Processing and Analysis Center

Infrared Processing and Analysis Center
A site for scientists, with links to all IPAC's missions, archives, and services.

Cool Cosmos

Education and Public Outreach
Learn more about infrared light, astronomy, and the world around us. Spectacular images, fun games, resources for educators, and more!

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Press Release: Spitzer Catches Star Cooking Up Comet Crystals

Scientists have long wondered how tiny silicate crystals, which need sizzling high temperatures to form, have found their way into frozen comets, born in the deep freeze of the solar system's outer edges. more...

Astronomers: Cycle-6 Call for Proposals

The Spitzer Science Center at Caltech is pleased to announce the release of the Cycle-6 Call for Proposals, soliciting research proposals for Exploration Science General Observer (GO) programs, and regular GO programs. See:

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Press Release: NASA's Spitzer Telescope Warms up to New Career

The primary mission of NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope is about to end after more than five and a half years of probing the cosmos with its keen infrared eye. more...

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What's Happening: If Spitzer Could Talk: An Interview with NASA's Coolest Space Telescope

NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope is about to use its last drop of the coolant that has chilled it for the past five-and-a-half years. more...

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What's Happening: Streams of Stars Provide "Missing Link" in the Evolution of Galaxy Disks

Using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, an international team of astronomers has discovered streams of young stars flowing from their natal cocoons in distant galaxies. more...

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You can always know what's new on the Spitzer site with our XML RSS Feed, and you can now receive Spitzer news directly by joining our mailing list. more...


The Spitzer Space Telescope is a NASA mission managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This website is maintained by the Spitzer Science Center, located on the campus of the California Institute of Technology and part of NASA's Infrared Processing and Analysis Center.

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