Apr 11 30, 1947 With refeiienae to n$y Guropeaa trip, I am afraid that your plan ie nd; WOFkabl6. EO will not bo able to aprernge to mtwn to Amerioa with you. As a rptirttiec of feat I have not a8 yeti gottan all the monq? to@ her ev8n $0 go by boat. I have been waiting to 273 ar from Ephrutwii wlaD -been trying to get Seedbra to auppbmnt the grant I got from StooNhoZmo If slomething doer notmQp0 throua aom 1 heve herve to give \xp the entite Mea. I wlll not Ium mough money to take a plsml, and 'PPlue far, glua, LP: everything tu- aut all right, 18 ta arrive in Paris about the laat me% la June, jwt; a8 you sueat, mil to rembn there wt11 f go to Stoakholm, and then, after the Cope@sgen meetfngs SnB the nieatlng In Wfovd, I plan to return to Paris for a ?e# more weeks, and tllan go beok tb &:osrioa at the end ai August. Give fond ragads to are and t3 Borie, if you $88 him. Hoping to see you mon,