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Image Library Gallery

Sand verbena plants produce bright lavender blossoms in springtime.

Image library #290

Partnering Organizations partner logos: Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center, Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute, College of Forestry and Conservation's Wilderness Institute at the University of Montana
University of Montana Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute Wilderness Institute Bureau of Land Management Fish and Wildlife Service Forest Service National Park Service


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    Wilderness and Environmental News

    On 3/30/09 President Obama signed the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 (Public law 111-11) into law. This law designates 52 new wilderness areas and adds acreage to 26 existing areas, a total addition to the NWPS of over 2 million acres. Although they are not yet pictured on's maps, you can view a list of these areas.

    Obama boosts area's wilderness inventory
    Wednesday, May 6 9:26 AM

    With placid coastal lagoons and pine-covered mountains, and everything in between, this region has some of the most diverse and best protected areas in the United States in spite of how much has been paved over for malls and houses.

    Well more than 1 million acres of natural lands in San Diego and Riverside counties have enjoyed protection from roads, development, motorized vehicles, mining and logging for years.

    Out of the wilderness
    Tuesday, May 5 10:17 AM

    For years, it looked as though Congressman Mike Simpson's central Idaho Economic Development and Recreation Act would break the Gem State's wilderness logjam.

    Sen. Mike Crapo, however, beat Simpson to the punch.

    Congress voted in March to protect more than 500,000 acres in the Owyhee Canyonlands and 315 miles of the area's rivers. 

    Crapo's Owyhee initiative was Idaho's first wilderness designation since 1980 and the Frank Church River of No Return.

    But Crapo's success may provide the model for Simpson.

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