[Federal Register: July 1, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 126)]
[Page 44250-44256]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Civilian Acquisition Workforce Personnel Demonstration Project; 
Department of Defense

AGENCY: Office of Personnel Management.

ACTION: Notice of amendment to this demonstration in order to list all 
organizations that are eligible to participate in the project and make 
the resulting adjustments to the table that describes the project's 
workforce demographics and union representation.


SUMMARY: The Department of Defense (DoD), with the approval of the 
Office of Personnel Management (OPM), may conduct a personnel 
demonstration project within DoD's civilian acquisition workforce and 
those supporting personnel assigned to work directly with it. (See 
Section 4308 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 
1996 (Pub. L. 104-106; 10 U.S.C.A. Sec. 1701 note), as amended by 
section 845 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 
1998 (Pub. L. 105-85)). This notice amends the project plan for this 
demonstration to list as eligible to participate (1) all organizations 
composed of civilian acquisition workforce members, that is, personnel 
in acquisition positions designated pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 1721 and (2) 
all organizations with teams of personnel in which more than half the 
team consists of members of the acquisition workforce and the remainder 
consists of supporting personnel assigned to work directly with the 
acquisition workforce. The notice also makes the resulting adjustments 
to the table that describes the project's demographics and union 

DATES: This amendment is effective July 1, 2002.

Acquisition Workforce Personnel Demonstration Project, 2001 North 
Beauregard Street, Suite 750, Alexandria, VA 22311, 703-681-3553. OPM: 
Mary Lamary, U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 1900 E Street NW., 
Room 7460, Washington, DC 20415, 202-606-2820.


1. Background

    OPM approved and published the project plan for the Civilian 
Acquisition Workforce Personnel Demonstration Project in the Federal 
Register on January 8, 1999 (Volume 64, Number 5, part VII). An 
amendment was published in the May 21, 2001, Federal Register, Volume 
66, Number 98, to (1) correct discrepancies in the list of occupational 
series included in the project and (2) authorize managers to offer a 
buy-in to Federal employees entering the project after initial 
implementation. A second amendment was published in the April 24, 2002, 
Federal Register, Volume 67, Number 79 to (1) make employees in the top 
broadband level of their career path eligible to receive a ``very 
high'' overall contribution score (OCS) and (2) reduce the minimum 
rating period under the Contribution-based Compensation and Appraisal 
System (CCAS) to 90 consecutive calendar days. This demonstration 
project involves hiring and appointment authorities; broadbanding; 
simplified classification; a contribution-based compensation and 
appraisal system; revised reduction-in-force procedures; academic 
degree and certificate training; and sabbaticals.

 2. Overview

    This amendment will reduce the need for future Federal Register 
amendments regarding project coverage by listing all organizations that 
are eligible to participate in this demonstration. Further, this 
amendment makes the resulting adjustments to the project's demographics 
and union representation.

    Dated: June 26, 2002.

    Office of Personnel Management.
Kay Coles James,

I. Executive Summary

    The project was designed by a Process Action Team (PAT) under the 
authority of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and 
Technology, with the participation of and review by DoD and OPM. The 
purpose of the project is to enhance the quality, professionalism, and 
management of the DoD acquisition workforce through improvements in the 
human resources management system.

[[Page 44251]]

II. Introduction

    This demonstration project provides managers, at the lowest 
practical level, the authority, control, and flexibility they need to 
achieve quality acquisition processes and quality products. This 
project not only provides a system that retains, recognizes, and 
rewards employees for their contribution, but also supports their 
personal and professional growth.

A. Purpose

    The purpose of this notice is to list all organizations that are 
eligible to participate in the Civilian Acquisition Workforce Personnel 
Demonstration Project. A comprehensive table will reduce the need for 
future Federal Register amendments. Other provisions of the approved 
plan are unchanged. Pursuant to 5 CFR 470.315, changes are hereby made 
to the Federal Register, Civilian Acquisition Workforce Personnel 
Demonstration Project; Department of Defense; Notice, Friday, January 
8, 1999, Volume 64, Number 5, Part VII, pages 1432-7 and 1447.

B. Employee Notification and Collective Bargaining Requirements

    The demonstration project program office shall notify employees of 
this amendment by posting it on demonstration's web site (http://
www.acq.osd.mil/acqdemo/new--site). As stated in the existing 
demonstration project plan, ``Employees within a unit to which a labor 
organization is accorded exclusive recognition under Chapter 71 of 
title 5, United States Code, shall not be included as part of the 
demonstration project unless the exclusive representative and the 
agency have entered into a written agreement covering participation in 
and implementation of the project'' (Ibid., p. 1432, section II. D., 
first paragraph).

III. Personnel System Changes

    1. Section II. E. Delete all of Section II. E. and replace it with 
the following:
E. Eligible Organizations
    The DoD Civilian Acquisition Workforce Personnel Demonstration 
Project may include various organizational elements of the Departments 
of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, and the Office of the Secretary of 
Defense (Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, 
Technology, and Logistics). Eligible organizations are shown in Table 

                    Table 1.--Eligible Organizations
   DoD component/DoD component       Organization/
major organizational subdivision     office symbol         Locations
                       DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE
Air Force Materiel Command        Aeronautical        Wright-Patterson
 (AFMC).                           System Center       AFB, OH and all
                                   (ASC).              other locations.
AFMC............................  Air Armament        Eglin AFB, FL and
                                   Center              all other
                                   (AAC)(except        locations.
                                   comparison group
                                   at Eglin AFB, FL).
AFMC............................  Air Force Flight    Edwards AFB, CA
                                   Test Center         and all other
                                   (AFFTC).            locations.
AFMC............................  Arnold Engineering  Arnold AFB, TN and
                                   Development         all other
                                   Center (AEDC).      locations.
AFMC............................  Electronic Systems  Hanscom AFB, MA
                                   Center (ESC).       and all other
AFMC............................  HQ AFMC...........  Wright-Patterson
                                                       AFB, OH and all
                                                       other locations.
AFMC............................  Ogden Air           Hill AFB, UT and
                                   Logistics Center    all other
                                   (OO-ALC).           locations.
AFMC............................  Oklahoma City Air   Tinker AFB, OK and
                                   Logistics Center    all other
                                   (OC-ALC).           locations.
AFMC............................  Warner Robins Air   Warner Robins AFB,
                                   Logistics Center    GA and all other
                                   (WR-ALC).           locations.
Air Force Space Command (AFSPC).  HQ AFSPC..........  Peterson AFB, CO
                                                       and all other
AFSPC...........................  Space and Missile   Los Angeles, CA
                                   Center (SMC).       and all other
Miscellaneous Air Force.........  Contracting         All locations in
                                   Organizations.      the National
                                                       Capital Region.
Secretary of the Air Force......  Assistant           Pentagon,
                                   Secretary of the    Arlington, VA and
                                   Air Force           all other
                                   (Acquisition)       locations.
                                   (SAF/AQ) and
                                   Space Acquisition
                         DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY
Army Acquisition Executive        Headquarters,       Orlando, FL;
 Support Agency (AAESA).           Research,           Alexandria, VA;
                                   Development, and    Ft. Belvoir, VA;
                                   Acquisition         Falls Church, VA;
                                   Information         Pentagon,
                                   Systems Activity    Arlington, VA;
                                   (RDAISA); Army      Radford, VA; and
                                   Digitization        all other
                                   Office (ADO);       locations.
                                   Career Management
                                   Office; Contract
                                   Support Agency
                                   (CSA); Joint
                                   Support Pentagon
                                   Support; Training
AAESA...........................  Program Executive   Huntsville, AL;
                                   Office (PEO) Air    Pentagon,
                                   and Missile         Arlington, VA;
                                   Defense (See Note   and all other
                                   1).                 locations.
AAESA...........................  Program Executive   All locations.
                                   Office Ammo (See
                                   Note 1).
AAESA...........................  Program Executive   Huntsville, AL;
                                   Office Aviation     Pentagon,
                                   (AVN) (See Note     Arlington, VA;
                                   1).                 and all other
AAESA...........................  Program Executive   All locations.
                                   Office Chemical/
                                   Defense (See Note

[[Page 44252]]

AAESA...........................  Program Executive   Huntsville, AL; El
                                   Office Command,     Segundo, CA;
                                   Control, and        Tallahassee, FL;
                                   Communication       Ft. Wayne, IN;
                                   Systems (C3S).      Ft. Leavenworth,
                                                       KS; Seoul, Korea;
                                                       Yong San, Korea;
                                                       Ft. Monmouth, NJ;
                                                       White Sands
                                                       Missile Range,
                                                       NM; Ft. Sill, OK;
                                                       Ft. Hood, TX; Ft.
                                                       Bliss, TX: Ft.
                                                       Belvoir, VA;
                                                       McLean, VA;
                                                       Arlington, VA;
                                                       and all other
AAESA...........................  Program Executive   All locations.
                                   Office CS/CSS
                                   (See Note 1).
AAESA...........................  Program Executive   Picatinny Arsenal,
                                   Office Ground       NJ; Warren, MI;
                                   Combat Support      Pentagon,
                                   Systems (GCSS)      Arlington, VA;
                                   (See Note 1).       Washington, DC;
                                                       and all other
AAESA...........................  Program Executive   Ft. Monmouth, NJ;
                                   Officer             Ft. Belvoir, VA;
                                   Intelligence,       and all other
                                   Electronic          locations.
                                   Warfare, and
                                   Sensors (IEW&S)
                                   (See Notes 1 and
AAESA...........................  Program Executive   Orlando, FL; and
                                   Office/Program      all other
                                   Management (PM)     locations.
                                   Joint Simulation
                                   System (See Note
AAESA...........................  Program Executive   All locations.
                                   Office National
                                   Missile Defense
                                   Joint Program
                                   Office (See Note
AAESA...........................  Program Executive   All locations.
                                   Office Soldier
                                   (See Note 1).
AAESA...........................  Program Executive   Ft. Knox, KY; Ft.
                                   Office Standard     Monmouth, NJ; Ft.
                                   Army Management     Belvoir, VA; Ft.
                                   Information         Lee, VA; Ft.
                                   Systems (STAMIS)    Monroe, VA; and
                                   (See Note 1).       all other
AAESA...........................  Program Executive   Huntsville, AL;
                                   Officer Tactical    Pentagon,
                                   Missiles (See       Arlington, VA;
                                   Note 1).            Washington, DC;
                                                       and all other
AAESA...........................  Program Management  Aberdeen Proving
                                   (PM) Chemical       Ground, MD;
                                   Demilitarization.   Pentagon,
                                                       Arlington, VA;
                                                       Washington, DC;
                                                       and all
AAESA...........................  Program Management  Aberdeen Proving
                                   (PM) Joint          Ground, MD; Ft.
                                   Program for         Detrick, MD; Ft.
                                   Biological          Ritchie, MD;
                                   Defense.            Falls Church, VA;
                                                       and all
Army Materiel Command (AMC).....  Headquarters--      Alexandra, VA and
                                   Acquisition.        all locations.
AMC.............................  AMC Headquarters    Nahbohnch,
                                   Staff Support       Germany; Rock
                                   Activities.         Island, IL; Yong
                                                       San, Korea;
                                                       Aberdeen Proving
                                                       Ground, MD;
                                                       Alexandria, VA;
                                                       and all other
AMC.............................  Installations and   All locations.
                                   Intelligence and
                                   Program Activity;
                                   Logistics Support
                                   Activity; Schools
                                   of Engineering
                                   and Logistics;
                                   Activities: Field
                                   Assistance in
                                   Science and
                                   Surety Field
                                   Activity; Systems
                                   Analysis Activity
                                   (See Note 2).
AMC.............................  Aviation and        All locations.
                                   Missile Command
                                   (AMCOM) (See Note
AMC.............................  Communications-     All locations.
                                   Command (CECOM)
                                   (See Note 3).
AMC.............................  Operations Support  All locations.
                                   Command (See Note
AMC.............................  Security            All locations
                                   Command (See Note
AMC.............................  Simulation,         All locations.
                                   Training, and
                                   Command (STRICOM)
                                   (See Note 3).
AMC.............................  Soldier and
                                   Chemical Command
                                   (SBCCOM) (See
                                   Note 3) All
AMC.............................  Tank-Automotive     All locations.
                                   and Armaments
                                   Command (TACOM)
                                   (See Note 3).
Headquarters, Department of the   Office of the       Pentagon,
 Army (HQDA).                      Auditor General;    Arlington, VA.
                                   Office Surgeon
                                   General; G1; G2;
                                   G3; G4; G6; G8.
HQDA............................  Army Contracting    All locations.
Office of the Assistant           Cost and Economic   Falls Church, VA;
 Secretary of the Army             Analysis Center;    Pentagon,
 (Financial Management and         SAFM-BUI.           Arlington, VA;
 Comptroller).                                         and all other

[[Page 44253]]

Office of the Assistant           Director of         Ft. Belvoir, VA;
 Secretary of the Army             Assessment and      Falls Church, VA;
 (Acquisition, Logistics, and      Evaluation (SARD-   Pentagon,
 Technology).                      ZD); Deputy         Arlington, VA;
                                   Assistant           Radford, VA; and
                                   Secretary of the    all other
                                   Army for            locations.
                                   Logistics (SARD-
                                   ZL); Deputy
                                   Secretary for
                                   Policy (SARD-ZR);
                                   Deputy Assistant
                                   Secretary of the
                                   Army for
                                   Procurement (SARD-
                                   ZP); Deputy
                                   Secretary for
                                   Research and
                                   Technology (SARD-
                                   ZT); Deputy for
                                   Management (SARD-
                                   ZS); Management
                                   Support; SACO and
Medical Command (MEDCOM)........  Healthcare          Augusta, GA;
                                   Acquisition         Honolulu, HI; El
                                   Activity, MEDCOM    Paso, TX; San
                                   Acquisition         Antonio, TX;
                                   Activity.           Seattle, WA;
                                                       Walter Reed Army
                                                       Medical Center,
                                                       Washington, DC;
MEDCOM..........................  Medical Research    Ft. Rucker, AL;
                                   and Materiel        Natick, MA;
                                   Command (MRMC)      Aberdeen Proving
                                   (See Note 3).       Ground, MD; Ft.
                                                       Detrick, MD;
                                                       Washington, DC.
MEDCOM..........................  Medical Department  Ft. Greeley, AK;
                                   Activity.           Ft. Richardson,
                                                       AK; Ft.
                                                       Wainwright, AK;
                                                       Ft. Huachuca, AZ;
                                                       Ft. Carson, CO;
                                                       Germany; Ft.
                                                       Campbell, KY;
                                                       West Point, NY;
                                                       Ft. Jackson, SC;
                                                       Ft. Hood, TX.
MEDCOM..........................  Army Medical        Honolulu, HI; Ft.
                                   Centers.            Bragg, NC; San
                                                       Antonio, TX;
                                                       Tacoma, WA;
                                                       Washington, DC.
MEDCOM..........................  Center for Health   Aberdeen Proving
                                   Promotion and       Ground, MD.
US Army Eighth Army (EUSA)......  Contracting         Seoul, Korea and
                                   Command Korea/      all other
                                   EAKC.               locations.
EUSA............................  Troop Command.....  Seoul, Korea and
                                                       all other
US Army Test and Evaluation       HQ, ATEC..........  Alexandria, VA.
 Command (ATEC).
ATEC............................  Operational Test     Ft. Hood, TX and
                                   Command (OTC).      all other
ATEC............................  Army Evaluation     Alexandria, VA and
                                   Center (AEC).       all other
ATEC............................  Developmental Test  Aberdeen Proving
                                   Command (DTC).      Ground, MD and
                                                       all other
Headquarters, Department of the   Defense Supply      Alexandria, VA;
 Army (HQDA).                      Services            Ft. Belvoir, VA;
                                   Washington (DSSW)/  Falls Church, VA;
                                   Joint-DSSW.         Washington, DC.
National Guard Bureau (NGB) (See  Program Executive   Arlington, VA.
 Note 4).                          Office/Program
                                   Management RCAS,
Joint Activities................  Information         Pentagon,
                                   Management          Arlington, VA and
                                   Support Center.     all other
Military Traffic Management       HQ, MTMC..........  Alexandria, VA.
 Command (MTMC).
MTMC............................  MTAQ..............  Falls Church, VA
                                                       and all other
MTMC............................  PM Global Freight   Alexandria, VA.
                                   Management System.
MTMC............................  598th               Yokohama, Japan;
                                   Transportation      Rotterdam,
                                   Terminal Group;     Netherlands;
                                   599th               Oahu, HI; Fort
                                   Transportation      Eustis, VA; and
                                   Terminal Group;     all other
                                   836th               locations.
                                   Terminal Group
                                   Support Command.
Space and Missile Defense         SMDC (See Note 1).  Huntsville, AL;
 Command (SMDC).                                       Kwajalein Atoll,
                                                       Marshall Islands;
                                                       Colorado Springs,
                                                       CO; White Sands
                                                       Missile Range,
                                                       NM; Arlington,
                                                       VA; Fairfax, VA;
                                                       all other
Training and Doctrine Command     Headquarters,       Ft. Monroe, VA.
 (TRADOC).                         TRADOC
                                   Directorate and
                                   Small and
TRADOC..........................  Directorate of      Ft. Eustis, VA.
                                   Contracting and
TRADOC..........................  Directorate of      Ft. Leavenworth,
                                   Contracting and     KS.
TRADOC..........................  Directorate of      Ft. Lee, VA.
                                   Contracting and
TRADOC..........................  Directorates of     McClellan, AL;
                                   Contracting.        Rucker, AL; Ft.
                                                       Huachuca, AZ;
                                                       Presidio at
                                                       Monterey, CA; Ft.
                                                       Benning, GA; Ft.
                                                       Gordon, GA; Ft.
                                                       Knox, KY; Ft.
                                                       Leonard Wood, MO;
                                                       Ft. Sill, OK;
                                                       Barracks, PA; Ft.
                                                       Jackson, SC; Ft.
                                                       Bliss, TX; Ft.
                                                       Lee, VA.
Corps of Engineers (COE)........  Headquarters......  Washington, DC.
COE.............................  Regional            All locations.
COE.............................  Division,           All locations.
                                   Directorates of
COE.............................  District            All locations.

[[Page 44254]]

COE.............................  Transatlantic       All locations.
                                   Programs Center,
                                   Directorate of
COE.............................  Humphreys           All locations.
                                   Center Support
COE.............................  Marine Design       All locations.
Intelligence and Security         704 Military        All locations.
 Command.                          Brigade,
                                   Headquarters and
                                   Company; 718th
                                   Military Group;
                                   HQ, U.S. Army
                                   Security Command;
                                   USA Element
                                   National Security
                                   Agency (NSA); USA
                                   Foreign Counter
                                   Intelligence (CI)
                                   Activity; USA
                                   Land Information
                                   Warfare; USA
                                   National Ground
                                   Center (See Note
Criminal Investigation Command..  Headquarters......  Ft. Belvoir, VA
                                                       and all other
U.S. Army Europe and 7th Army     Wiesbaden           Wiesbaden,
 (USAREUR).                        Contracting         Germany.
USAREUR.........................  USA Contracting     Brussels, Belgium;
                                   Command Europe.     Bad Kreuznach,
                                                       Germany; Vicenza,
                                                       Italy; and all
                                                       other locations.
USAREUR.........................  USA Transportation  Grafenwoehr,
                                   Management Center.  Germany.
USAREUR.........................  Southern European   Vicenza, Italy.
                                   Task Force.
USAREUR.........................  21st Theater Army   Kaiserslautern,
                                   Area Command.       Germany.
USAREUR.........................  V Corps...........  Heidelberg,
USAREUR.........................  7th Army Training   Grafenwoehr,
                                   Command.            Germany.
USAREUR.........................  26th Support Group  Heidelberg,
Forces Command (FORSCOM)........  U.S. Army           Ft. Carson, CO;
                                   Garrisons (USAGs).  Ft. McPherson,
                                                       GA; Ft. Stewart,
                                                       GA; Ft. Riley,
                                                       KS; Ft. Campbell,
                                                       KY; Ft. Polk, LA;
                                                       Ft. Bragg, NC;
                                                       Ft. Hood, TX; Ft.
                                                       Dix, NJ; Ft.
                                                       Drum, NY; Ft.
                                                       Lewis, WA; Ft.
                                                       McCoy, WI.
FORSCOM.........................  Reserve Command...  All locations.
FORSCOM.........................  Signal Command....  Ft. Huachuca,
                                                       Arizona and all
                                                       other locations.
FORSCOM.........................  First Army; Third   All locations.
                                   Army; Fifth Army.
US Military Academy.............  West Point (See     West Point, NY.
                                   Note 5).
Military District of Washington.  3rd U.S. Infantry;  All locations.
                                   12th Aviation
                                   Battalion; Army
                                   Signal Activity;
                                   Cemetery; Joint
                                   Personal Property
                                   Shipping Office;
                                   U.S. Army Band;
                                   White House
U.S. Army National Guard Bureau   USPFO Activity      All locations.
 (ANGB).                           (See Note 3).
ANGB............................  State Area Command  All locations.
                                   (See Note 3).
Southern Command................  U.S. Army Element,  Miami, FL and all
                                   Headquarters        other locations.
                                   Southern Command.
Recruiting Command..............  USA Recruiting      Fort Knox, KY and
                                   Support             all other
                                   Battalions.         locations.
Military Entrance Processing      Headquarters, USA,  North Chicago, IL.
 Command (MEPCOM).                 MEPCOM.
Total Army Personnel Command....  Information System  St. Louis, MO.
                                   Agency, Army
                                   Reserve Personnel
U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC).....  HQ, USARPAC; and    All locations.
Office of the Secretary of the    Immediate Office    Pentagon,
 Army.                             of the Secretary    Arlington, VA and
                                   of the Army.        all other
Office of the Secretary of the    Office of the       Pentagon,
 Army.                             Administrative      Arlington, VA and
                                   Assistant to the    all other
                                   Secretary of the    locations.
Office of the Secretary of the    Office of the       Pentagon,
 Army.                             Chief of            Arlington, VA and
                                   Legislative         all other
                                   Liaison.            locations.
Office of the Secretary of the    Office of Small     Pentagon,
 Army.                             and Disadvantaged   Arlington, VA and
                                   Business            all other
                                   Utilization.        locations.
Office of the Secretary of the    Office of           Pentagon,
 Army.                             Director,           Arlington, VA and
                                   Information         all other
                                   Systems for         locations.
                                   Command Control,
                                   and Computers.
Field Operating Offices of the    Army Broadcasting   Alexandria, VA.
 Office of the Secretary of the    Service.
Field Operating Offices, Office   Cost and Economic   Arlington, VA and
 of the Secretary of the Army.     Analysis Agency.    all other
Field Operating Offices, Office   Army Safety Center  Ft. Rucker, AL and
 of the Secretary of the Army.                         all other
Field Operating Offices, Office   USA War College     Carlisle Barracks,
 of the Secretary of the Army.     (See Note 5).       PA and all other

[[Page 44255]]

Field Operating Offices, Office   Communication       Alexandria, VA and
 of the Secretary of the Army.     Electronic          all other
                                   Service Office.     locations.
Special Operations Command......  Office of the       All locations.
                                   Executive and all
                                   associated PEOs
                                   and PMs.
Joint Activities................  Army Visual         Pentagon,
                                   Information         Arlington, VA and
                                   Center.             all other
Joint Activities................  Defense             Ft. Belvoir, VA.
                                   University (DUA)
                                   (See Note 5).
                         DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY
Assistant Secretary of the Navy   (ASN(RD&A)).......  Arlington, VA.
 (Research, Development, and
Navy International Program        NIPO..............  Arlington, VA.
 Office (NIPO).
Naval Supply Systems Command      Fleet and           Bremerton, WA.
 (NAVSUP).                         Industrial Supply
                                   Center, Puget
NAVSUP..........................  Fleet and           San Diego, CA.
                                   Industrial Supply
Naval Seal Systems Command        TEAM CX (Surface    Arlington, VA.
 (NAVSEA).                         Ship Directorate
                                   (SEA 91), Program
                                   Executive Office
                                   Carriers, and
                                   Program Executive
                              Marine Corps
Marine Corps Systems Command      Amphibious Vehicle  Camp Pendleton,
 (MARCORSYSCOM).                   Test Bed (AVTB);    CA.
                                   Marine Corps
                                   Tactical Systems
                                   Support Activity
MARCORSYSCOM....................  Headquarters,       Albany, GA; Rock
                                   Marine Corps        Island, IL;
                                   Systems Command     Picatinny
                                   (MARCORSYSCOM);     Arsenal, NJ;
                                   CSLE; Program       Warren, MI;
                                   Support Section.    Quantico, VA.
                          DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
Office of the Secretary of        ATSD (NCB); DIR,    Pentagon,
 Defense Office of the Under       Admin; DIR, API;    Arlington, VA.
 Secretary of Defense for          DDR&E; DIR, DP;
 Acquisition, Logistics, and       DSB; DUSD (ES);
 Technology (USD(AT&L)).           DUSD (AR); DUSD
                                   (AT); DUSD
                                   (IA&I); DUSD
                                   (I&CP); DUSD (L);
                                   DIR, S&TS; DIR,
                                   TSE&E; Spec Prog;
Defense Advanced Research         All (See Note 5)..  Arlington, VA.
 Projects Agency (DARPA).
Defense Logistics Agency........  All...............  All locations.
Missile Defense Agency..........  All...............  Arlington, VA.
Defense Contract Management       All...............  All locations.
 Agency (DCMA).
Defense Threat Reduction Agency   All...............  Arlington, VA; Ft.
 (DTRA).                                               Belvoir, VA.
Defense Information Systems       PM DISN System      Falls Church, VA.
 Agency.                           Integration

    Note 1: Includes all associated PMs and liaison representatives.
    Note 2: Excludes Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System 
    Note 3: Excludes positions covered by another demonstration project 
that is operating or under development within DoD.
    Note 4: Only title 5 National Guard Bureau positions are eligible 
to be included in this demonstration.
    Note 5: Excludes Administratively Determined pay plan employees.
    2. Section II F.: Delete the entire first paragraph of Section II. 
F. and replace it with the following two paragraphs:
    In determining the scope of the demonstration project, primary 
consideration was given to the number and diversity of occupations 
within (1) the DoD acquisition workforce and (2) the teams of 
personnel, more than half of which consist of members of the 
acquisition workforce and the remainder of supporting personnel 
assigned to work directly with the acquisition workforce. This can 
include positions in the following fields, as well as any other 
position or group of positions in acquisition-related fields or that 
perform acquisition-related duties: program management; systems 
planning, research, development, engineering, and testing; procurement, 
including contracting; industrial property management; logistics; 
quality control and assurance; manufacturing and production; business, 
cost estimating, financial management, and auditing; education, 
training, and career development; construction; and joint development 
and production with other Government agencies and foreign governments.
    Additionally, in determining the scope of the demonstration 
project, current DoD human resources management design goals and 
priorities for the entire civilian workforce were

[[Page 44256]]

considered. While the intent of this project is to provide DoD 
activities with increased control and accountability for their covered 
workforce, the decision was made to restrict development efforts 
initially to covered General Schedule (GS) positions. Employees covered 
under the Performance Management and Recognition System Termination Act 
(pay plan code GM) are General Schedule employees and are covered under 
the demonstration project.
    3. Replace current Table 3 and the first sentence of the final 
paragraph of Section II. F. with the following:

       Table 3.--DoD Acquisition Workforce Demographics and Union

Career Paths:
  Business Management & Technical Management Professional....     95,821
  Technical Management Support...............................      1,084
  Administrative Support.....................................      3,389
      Total..................................................   *100,294
DoD Components:
  DoD Agencies...............................................     23,574
  Air Force..................................................     16,969
  Army.......................................................     33,180
  Navy.......................................................     25,823
  Marine Corps...............................................        748
      Total..................................................   *100,294
Occupational Families  22....................................
Percentage of Veterans  26.9%................................
Union Affiliation  54,944 ...................................
* These figures are as of February 25, 2002.

    Although more than 100,000 employees have been identified for 
eligibility to participate in this demonstration project, the project 
is limited by statute to a maximum of 95,000 participants at any given 
time. Of the approximately 100,000 personnel currently eligible to 
participate in the project, 55 percent are represented by labor unions. 
The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), the National 
Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE), and the National Association of 
Government Employees (NAGE) represent the vast majority of bargaining 
unit employees.

[FR Doc. 02-16603 Filed 6-27-02; 12:18 pm]