Table 23

Offense Analysis
Number and Percent Change, 2004-2005
[11,718 agencies; 2005 estimated population 222,030,985]

Classification   Number of offenses 2005 Percent change from 2004 Percent distribution1 Average value
Murder   12,068 +3.9 -  
Forcible rape   70,472 -1.7 -  
Robbery: Total 298,403 +4.6 100.0 $1,230
Robbery by location: Street/highway 131,666 +5.8 44.1 1,005
Commercial house 42,672 +3.5 14.3 1,670
Gas or service station 8,499 +9.1 2.8 1,104
Convenience store 17,029 -0.3 5.7 625
Residence 42,324 +9.7 14.2 1,335
Bank 6,266 -8.9 2.1 4,169
Miscellaneous 49,947 +1.3 16.7 1,217
Burglary: Total 1,612,683 +0.8 100.0 1,725
Burglary by location: Residence (dwelling): 1,060,513 +1.1 65.8 1,745
Residence Night 301,431 +1.2 18.7 1,331
Residence Day 500,972 +2.6 31.1 1,877
Residence Unknown 258,110 -1.9 16.0 1,971
Nonresidence (store, office, etc.): 552,170 +0.2 34.2 1,683
Nonresidence Night 228,743 -0.1 14.2 1,485
Nonresidence Day 165,487 +2.6 10.3 1,583
Nonresidence Unknown 157,940 -1.6 9.8 2,076
Larceny-theft (except motor vehicle theft): Total 5,036,548 -2.4 100.0 764
Larceny-theft by type: Pocket-picking 21,696 -5.9 0.4 346
Purse-snatching 31,214 -5.2 0.6 377
Shoplifting 698,233 -6.3 13.9 163
From motor vehicles (except accessories) 1,301,026 -1.7 25.8 691
Motor vehicle accessories 514,703 -5.4 10.2 457
Bicycles 184,722 -2.3 3.7 268
From buildings 632,933 -0.9 12.6 1,155
From coin-operated machines 30,356 -10.7 0.6 233
All others 1,621,665 -0.5 32.2 1,106
Larceny-theft by value: Over $200 2,016,563 +0.2 40.0 1,828
$50 to $200 1,130,650 -2.5 22.4 111
Under $50 1,889,335 -5.0 37.5 19
Motor vehicle theft 973,451 +0.2 - 6,173

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