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§ 30.72 Schedule C--Quantities of radioactive materials requiring consideration of the need for an emergency plan for responding to a release.

Radioactive material1 Release fraction Quantity (curies)
Actinium-228 0.001 4,000
Americium 241 .001 2
Americium-242 .001 2
Americium-243 .001 2
Antimony-124 .01 4,000
Antimony-126 .01 6,000
Barium-133 .01 10,000
Barium-140 .01 30,000
Bismuth-207 .01 5,000
Bismuth-210 .01 600
Cadmium-109 .01 1,000
Cadmium-113 .01 80
Calcium-45 .01 20,000
Californium-252 .001 g (20 mg)
Carbon-14 (non-carbon dioxide) .01 50,000
Cerium-141 .01 10,000
Cerium-144 .01 300
Cesium-134 .01 2,000
Cesium-137 .01 3,000
Chlorine-36 .5 100
Chromium-51 .01 300,000
Cobalt-60 .001 5,000
Copper-64 .01 200,000
Curium-242 .001 60
Curium-243 .001 3
Curium-244 .001 4
Curium-245 .001 2
Europium-152 .01 500
Europium-154 .01 400
Europium-155 .01 3,000
Germanium-68 .01 2,000
Gadolinium-153 .01 5,000
Gold-198 .01 30,000
Hafnium-172 .01 400
Hafnium-181 .01 7,000
Holmium-166m .01 100
Hydrogen-3 .5 20,000
Iodine-125 .5 10
Iodine-131 .5 10
Indium-114m .01 1,000
Iridium-192 .001 40,000
Iron-55 .01 40,000
Iron-59 .01 7,000
Krypton-85 1.0 6,000,000
Lead-210 .01 8
Manganese-56 .01 60,000
Mercury-203 .01 10,000
Molybdenum-99 .01 30,000
Neptunium-237 .001 2
Nickel-63 .01 20,000
Niobium-94 .01 300
Phosphorus-32 .5 100
Phosphorus-33 .5 1,000
Polonium-210 .01 10
Potassium-42 .01 9,000
Promethium-145 .01 4,000
Promethium-147 .01 4,000
Radium-226 .001 100
Ruthenium-106 .01 200
Samarium-151 .01 4,000
Scandium-46 .01 3,000
Selenium-75 .01 10,000
Silver-110m .01 1,000
Sodium-22 .01 9,000
Sodium-24 .01 10,000
Strontium-89 .01 3,000
Strontium-90 .01 90
Sulfur-35 .5 900
Technitium-99 .01 10,000
Technitium-99m .01 400,000
Tellurium-127m .01 5,000
Tellurium-129m .01 5,000
Terbium-160 .01 4,000
Thulium-170 .01 4,000
Tin-113 .01 10,00
Tin-123 .01 3,000
Tin-126 .01 1,000
Titanium-44 .01 100
Vanadium-48 .01 7,000
Xenon-133 1.0 900,000
Yttrium-91 .01 2,000
Zinc-65 .01 5,000
Zirconium-93 .01 400
Zirconium-95 .01 5,000
Any other beta-gamma emitter .01 10,000
Mixed fission products .01 1,000
Mixed corrosion products .01 10,000
Contaminated equipment beta-gamma .001 10,000
Irradiated material, any form other than solid noncombustible .01 1,000
Irradiated material, solid noncombustible .001 10,000
Mixed radioactive waste, beta-gamma .01 1,000
Packaged mixed waste, beta-gamma4 .001 10,000
Any other alpha emitter .001 2
Contaminated equipment, alpha .0001 20
Packaged waste, alpha4 .0001 20
Combinations of radioactive materials listed above1



1 For combinations of radioactive materials, consideration of the need for an emergency plan is required if the sum of the ratios of the quantity of each radioactive material authorized to the quantity listed for that material in Schedule C exceeds one.

2 Waste packaged in Type B containers does not require an emergency plan.

[54 FR 14061, Apr. 7, 1989, as amended at 61 FR 9902, Mar. 12, 1996; 72 FR 55926, Oct. 1, 2007]

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Monday, April 20, 2009