Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Forest and Rangeland Birds of the United States

Natural History and Habitat Use

Audubon's Oriole -- Icterus graduacauda

RANGE: Resident in southern Texas and Mexico.

STATUS: Uncommon.

HABITAT: Inhabits dense forests along stagnant water courses or old stream beds, occurring in mesquite, hackberry, ebony blackbead, or huisache with a thick undergrowth of shrubs or small trees. Also frequents thickets in forest openings.

NEST: Attaches half-pensile nest to upright terminal branches, twigs, and leaves 6 to 14 feet above the ground. Places nest in dense cover, usually mesquite.

FOOD: Forages at midlevel in trees in dense woods for insects and small fruits.

REFERENCES: Bent 1958, Kaufman in Farrand 1983c, Oberholser 1974b.

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