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Tribal Governments in Region 5

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Tribal Contacts Data System Tribes in Region 5 Region 5 Tribal Water Quality Standards Program Region 5 Air & Radiation Division Tribal Program Region 5 Tribal Solid Waste & Pollution Prevention

There are currently 35 federally-recognized tribal governments in Region 5. As set forth in the 1984 EPA Indian Policy (PDF) (4 pp, 213K About PDF ), "EPA recognizes tribal governments as sovereign entities with primary authority and responsibility for the reservation." The Indian Policy also states that EPA "will view tribal governments as the appropriate non-federal parties for making decisions and carrying out program responsibilities affecting Indian reservations, their environments, and the health and welfare of the reservation populace." The Agency works with each tribe on a one-to-one or "government-to-government" basis.

From this page we link to non-EPA web sites to provide more information about the Tribes. EPA is not endorsing these other sites nor the information they contain. Be aware that the privacy protection provided on the EPA.gov domain (see Privacy and Security Notice) may not be available at the sites we link to. exit EPA

Tribes/Consortia in Michigan

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Tribes in Wisconsin

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Tribes/Consortia in Minnesota

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Indian Environmental Office
U.S. EPA Region 5
77 West Jackson Blvd (R-21J)
Chicago, IL 60604-3590

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