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The USEPA initiates an enforcement action when a person, industry, or other entity fails to obey environmental laws, such as the Clean Air Act. There are a range of options available when pursuing an enforcement action. These actions may include: 1) an informal action, such as a notice of noncompliance or warning letter; 2) a formal administrative response, such as a legal order; 3) a civil judicial response, such as a lawsuit in the U.S. Court system; 4) a criminal judicial response, such as sanctions, fines, and/or imprisonment; and 5) disallowing receipt of Federal contracts. The following information, updated quarterly, identify major sources identified as violating Clean Air Act regulations and actions initiated and concluded by the USEPA Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Branch of Region 5.


We have provided a list of Companies in your area that are alleged by the State or USEPA to be violating Clean Air Act Regulations. You can also read enforcement documents issued to these Companies by USEPA.


ARD is looking at a more efficient and effective way to deliver compliance assistance /assurance to appropriately targeted sources or industries. We want to make every effort necessary in providing environmental education, tools, and resources that are available to businesses and industries which must comply with the Clean Air Act regulations.


Review technical papers and articles authored by USEPA staff. 


ARD's compliance and enforcement staff and experts are available by phone or e-mail, if you have questions or need more information. You can locate Air and Radiation Division staff by specialty area and submit questions or comments directly to the individual via e-mail or contact them by phone. 

Application for Certification of Pollution Control Facility EPA form 3300-1 ( pdf, 9 pages, 1.2 MB )

Protecting the environment is everyone’s responsibility. Help EPA fight pollution by reporting possible harmful environmental activity. To do so, visit EPA’s website at http://www.epa.gov/compliance/complaints/index.html

U.S. EPA, State, Local and Tribal 2nd Air Inspector Workshop Chicago, Illinois. on June 24-25, 2008

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