2005 FDA Science Forum:
Advancing Public Health through Innovative Science

April 27-28, 2005, Washington Convention Center

Co-sponsored by FDA, Sigma Xi, Williamsburg BioProcessing Foundation, and Prous Science

To our distinguished poster authors:

Updated December 02, 2004

We are pleased that you are submitting a poster abstract and that you are participating in the 11th Annual FDA Science Forum. We expect a record number of abstract submissions this year so the event should prove to be exciting and successful!

Here are a few key things you need to know:

  1. The Sigma Xi Poster Session will be in Hall D on Level 2 of the Washington Convention Center, Mt. Vernon Square, April 27-28, 2005.
  2. The deadline for submission of Poster Abstracts is Friday, March 18, 2005

  3. 2005 Science Forum Poster Abstract Submissions are done on-line. Both FDA and non-FDA submitters will create an account using their E-mail address as the account name and a user-selected password. Once a profile consisting of contact information has been created, the abstract title, author(s), and affiliation(s) are entered into a form, and the abstract itself is entered into a text editor using COPY/PASTE (Detailed instructions: Quick Start Guide to Science Forum Online Abstract Submission ). Microsoft Internet Explorer (5.5 or later) is recommended for abstract entry. Other browsers may not fully support symbols and formating. The body of the abstract should be 250 words or less. The abstract should have explicit sections for Background (or Introduction), Methods, Results, and Conclusion.   (Sample Abstract)

  4. Charts, figures, tables, etc. may be used in the poster itself but should not be included in the abstract.

  5. Authors or groups who would like to display posters on consecutive boards are advised to submit those poster abstracts in the SAME category, and contact Fred Fry (see below) with details including Category, Titles, and Author(s).

  6. Poster guidelines for the 11th Annual FDA Science Forum require the following:

    • Non-FDA Submitters:
      • The research or work described by the poster must be included in one of the categories based on FDA's Critical Path Initiatives.   (List of Categories)
      • The contents of the abstract and poster must present actual research (as described above) and not simply a product description or announcement.
      • Non-FDA abstracts will be reviewed and submitters will be notified of the status of their abstracts following the submission period. Any that are not accepted will have an opportunity to revise them to meet the above criteria
      • Submitters of accepted abstracts will be sent board assignments by E-mail after the abstract submission closes.
    • FDA Submitters:
      • The research or work described by the poster must be relevant to FDA's mission.
      • Submitters may select a category based on FDA's Critical Path Initiatives or from additional categories for their presentation.   (List of Categories)
      • The abstract and poster must have received appropriate Center or Office clearance or approval for presentation in a public forum. All FDA abstract submissions will be accepted.
      • The poster may be one that has been presented at a recent scientific Meeting (or will be presented at an upcoming meeting).
      • The poster should be based on work that has not been presented at previous FDA Science Forums unless there are new and significant results to be reported.

    • All Submitters will be sent board assignments by E-mail after the abstract submission closes.
  7. All Abstracts will be printed in the Forum Program and will be posted on the FDA FIRST web site (intranet - FDA access only) and on FDA Chapter of Sigma Xi web site (internet - available to the public). A Publish Only option is available for those scientists who would like to submit an abstract, but are not able to attend the Forum or do not wish to present a poster.

  8. Set-Up for Posters: You may set-up your posters on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 as early as possible so the Judges and Forum participants will have an opportunity to view them. Poster Presenters should plan to be present at their posters for discussion and questions from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm on Wednesday, April 27, 2005. The posters will be available for viewing throughout the Forum.

  9. Take-down for Posters: Posters should be taken down Thursday, April 28, 2005, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.

    The Science Forum and Sigma Xi are not responsible for posters not removed by 5:30 and they may be discarded; those who cannot be there to remove their posters should make arrangements with a colleague to help them.

  10. Poster boards are 4 ft. tall by 8 ft. wide (the usable space is approximately 3½ x 7½ ft)
    Pushpins will be provided, but you may want to bring your own, just in case we run out of them.

  11. Poster Board assignments will be sent to each submitting author in an E-mail confirmation before the start of the Forum and will be available on-line as well. Poster board numbers will be also be printed in the back of the FDA Science Forum program, sorted by category and author.

  12. If you experience any problems with the submission process, please contact Fred Fry, 301-436-1976, ffry@cfsan.fda.gov

We appreciate your participation and look forward to seeing all of your accomplishments!

Jan Johannessen, Manager
FDA Science Forum
Thomas F.X. Collins, President
FDA Chapter, Sigma Xi


Fred Fry
Sigma Xi

Jan Johannessen
FDA Office of Science

Science Forum Home Page | 2005 FDA Science Forum | FDA Chapter, Sigma Xi | CFSAN | FDA
Last updated on 2005-DEC-21 by frf