January 10, 1997
  CONTACT: Debra Danforth

OPM Expands Children=s Benefits

Washington, DC-- The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) can now restart civil service annuity payments and continue health benefits coverage for children of deceased federal employees who previously lost those benefits because of marriage. OPM can resume benefits, as early as October 1, 1996, if a child=s marriage has ended and he or she is still eligible for benefits because of disability or enrollment as a full-time student while under age 22.

OPM Director Jim B. King says, AWe are pleased to announce that we will be able to serve people and communities better because, under a new law approved by President Clinton, we can resume annuity payments and provide health benefits coverage for surviving family members of federal employees and retirees who continue to be eligible.@

The Office of Personnel Management administers both of the retirement plans, the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) and Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), which cover most federal employees and provide benefits for families of deceased employees and retirees. Under both plans, when a federal employee or retiree dies, his or her surviving children who are unmarried and under age 18 are eligible for annuity payments and health benefits coverage. Those benefits can continue until age 22 for children who are not married and are enrolled as students on a full-time basis. If a child is unmarried and incapable of self-support, benefits can continue for his or her lifetime.

Under both plans, benefits for children end upon marriage. Prior to passage of the new law, benefits could not be restored if the marriage ended. Now, under Public Law 104-208, a child=s benefits can begin again as early as October 1, 1996; if he or she becomes divorced or the spouse has died before that date. Also, under the new law, if a child=s marriage ends after October 1, 1996, OPM will restore a child=s annuity and health benefits coverage beginning the first day of the month in which dissolution of the marriage occurs.

Surviving children reclaiming benefits under the new law can call Mr. Robert Barringer at OPM at (202) 606-0313 or write to him at the following address: U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Retirement and Insurance Service, 1900 E Street, NW, Washington, D.C., 20415.

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Web page created 2 December 1997