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News Release

April 18, 2003

Contact: Michael Orenstein
(202) 606-2402

Director James Issues Combined Federal Campaign Audit Guide
OPM-Developed Guide Will "Protect the Integrity of the CFC"

Washington, D.C.--U.S. Office of Personnel Management Director Kay Coles James has issued new audit guidelines for the Combined Federal Campaign to strengthen oversight of the fund-raising program and promote better financial accountability in the nation’s largest workplace charity drive.

In a memorandum to Local Federal Coordinating Committees, which oversee the Principal Combined Fund Organizations and the local CFC campaigns they manage, James said the “availability of specific fiscal and program compliance information” will allow LFCC members and OPM to “more effectively fulfill our oversight responsibilities” of the campaign.

“Protecting the integrity of the Combined Federal Campaign remains OPM’s highest priority in overseeing the program,” James said in the April 17 memorandum. “By strengthening oversight of the CFC program and promoting better financial controls among campaign management organizations, we will build a stronger CFC for the future. Federal employees expect and deserve a program that honors their decision to donate their hard-earned dollars.”

The guidelines issued by OPM will help avoid a repeat of missteps and accounting transgressions committed by a PCFO, and which plagued last year’s Washington-area campaign.

The CFC Audit Guide was developed in collaboration with OPM’s Office of the Inspector General. In the spring of 2002, OPM, the Inspector General and the agency’s Office of CFC Operations began a process of review and special audit of the National Capital Area’s CFC, which led to the release of strengthened CFC audit guidelines.

The guide contains specific procedures for the audit of Principal Combined Fund Organizations’ financial statements by Independent Public Accountants, as well as other reporting requirements. PCFOs at each of the local campaigns across the country and overseas coordinate the marketing of the CFC, and are responsible for the collection and disbursement of donations to charities.

OPM’s CFC Audit Guide requires PCFOs to fairly state fiscal year statements “in all material respects in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and OPM’s prescribed accounting practices.” The guide also specifies that PCFO operations must be “conducted in accordance with the CFC regulations and OPM guidance.”

In addition to sections on the reporting requirements and responsibilities of PCFOs and LFCCs, the guide mandates procedures for LFCCs to follow in monitoring PCFO compliance and offers detailed instructions on the review of administrative functions, including the processing and tracking of pledge cards.

OPM oversees the federal work force and provides the American public with up-to-date employment information. OPM also supports U.S. agencies with personnel services and policy leadership including staffing tools, guidance on labor-management relations and programs to improve work force performance.


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