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News Release

September 21, 2004

Contact: Brenda Bertrand

OPM's USAJOBS Website Logs Nearly 88 Million Visits

780,891 Americans posted new resumes this past year

Washington, DC -- The U.S. Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) USAJOBS web site continues to experience great success as it helps jobs seekers identify opportunities in the federal government. OPM Director Kay Coles James says the internet job website offers Americans a "go to" resource and gateway to the world of career opportunities in the civil service system.

A key component of USAJOBS' success has been the attention paid to user feedback.

In September 2004 the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) revealed OPM's third quarter customer satisfaction score was a 76, a significant improvement from the previous year's score of 71.

"USAJOBS offers job seekers invaluable, state-of-the-art job search technology that assists them in identifying opportunities which match their skills. It also offers tools to help them learn more about different federal occupations, as well as some self-assessments to identify potential career paths," said Director James. "Federal agencies have an invaluable resource available to recruit and retain America's best and brightest."

Since its launch on August 4, 2003, USAJOBS has logged more than 87,902,000 visits and job seekers have created in excess of 780,891 new resumes.

"Americans stand ready to serve their country, and this site helps illustrate that. USAJOBS remains one of the most popular sites on internet with 853,294,112 hits since its launch in August 2003." James said. "We take seriously our responsibility to offer an effective and efficient point of access into the world of federal opportunities. To do this, we are continually seeking feedback from the users to improve the USAJOBS website."

Last month marked the one year anniversary of the redesign and re-launch of OPM's USAJOBS. Under James' leadership, OPM has demonstrated its commitment to exceeding the expectations of federal job seekers by continuously improving the USAJOBS website (www.usajobs.gov).

Since introducing the new USAJOBS technology, OPM has implemented numerous site enhancements including design upgrades, improved search options, innovative spell checking tools, streamlined job announcement templates, and prime publicity for key government-wide recruitment efforts to support our homeland defense.

James said, "The OPM team is making strides to improve the federal hiring process, and prospective employees can be assured that the federal government is fully committed to the principles of the merit system and to veterans' preference, which together help make our civil service a model for the world."

As part of President Bush's Management Agenda e-Government initiative, Recruitment One-Stop, USAJOBS is the premier website tool for finding federal jobs, and is the main source of information on federal occupations.

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Our mission is to ensure the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce. OPM supports U.S. agencies with personnel services and policy leadership including staffing tools, guidance on labor-management relations and programs to improve work force performance.

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