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August 25, 2000

CONTACT: Mark Hunker

Statement by Janice R. Lachance
Director, U.S. Office of Personnel Management
Concerning the Payment of Incentives in the Fight to Suppress Western Wildfires

"President Clinton's decisive action today authorizing incentives to recognize those who make sacrifices and work long hours in the difficult battle to suppress the Western wildfires is just what is needed to build their ranks. This initiative will insure that the firefighters on the line have the very best leadership possible.

"Now, the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture can use these payments to recognize employees for their extraordinary managerial contributions in this massive effort.

"I am delighted that we are dealing with the disincentive that has drained experienced supervisory people away from managerial duties to work on the fire line. It is time for the Congress to act on the administration's proposals to establish a permanent solution to this problem."


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Web page created 25 August 2000