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News Release

January 31, 2005

Contact: J. Porter

Federal Personnel Agency Launches Annual USS Theodore Roosevelt Valentine Drive

Valentines bring a bit of home to America's service men and women

Washington, D.C. - The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) recently announced the fourth annual OPM Valentine Drive for the crew of the USS Theodore Roosevelt (USS TR). Team OPM has given over 10,000 valentines to the USS TR crew since the drive began, and this year has a goal of 5,500.

"The generosity shown to the crew members and their families exemplifies the spirit of OPM," stated OPM Director Kay Coles James. "Since adopting the USS Theodore Roosevelt in 2001, the employees of OPM have done what we can to show our support for the crew and their families, and to let them know they are cared for and loved."

OPM, which is housed in the Theodore Roosevelt Federal Building, officially "adopted" the USS TR after September 11, 2001, when the ship was deployed to the Middle East during the war on terrorism. The ship was deployed for five months in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, and is continually undergoing sea testing, requiring the crew to spend long weeks away from their families.

"The valentines are a humble gesture of appreciation to America's service men and women, and it provides a little comfort for them as they continue our fight for freedom," James said.

Over the past four years, OPM employees donated 4,117 toys for the annual Christmas party, 10,000 valentines, two USO-style talent shows, more than 2,500 music CDs and videos, and hundreds of books, candy, popcorn, cards and toiletries to the 5,500 men and women serving on the ship.

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Our mission is to ensure the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce. OPM supports U.S. agencies with personnel services and policy leadership including staffing tools, guidance on labor-management relations and programs to improve work force performance.

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