15 February 2008

Advocate of Interfaith Understanding Discusses Muslims in America

Ask America webchat transcript, February 14


Courtney Erwin, Esq., who works to promote civil dialogue among persons of different faiths, answered questions in a February 14 webchat on America and Islam.

Following is the transcript:

(begin transcript)

Bureau of International Information Programs
Ask America Webchat Transcript

On Common Ground--America & Islam

Guest:     Courtney Erwin
Date:      February 14, 2008
Time:      1:00 p.m. EST (18:00 GMT)

Moderator: Welcome to our webchat. We look forward to hearing from you on February 14 at 18:00 GMT. You may send in your questions at any time before or during the webchat.

Moderator: Welcome to today's webchat. We will be getting started shortly. In the meantime, you may wish to visit our homepage at AskAmerica: http://www.america.gov/multimedia.html

We welcome your thoughts and will be posting select comments throughout the discussion.

Courtney Erwin: Hello everyone. My name is Courtney Erwin and I work as Director of Programs and Chief of Staff to Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf at the Cordoba Initiative in New York. However, I am currently in Rabat, Morocco, working with a Shariah scholar, on one of our projects, and I am typing on an Arabic-French keyboard, so please forgive my slower response. I am delighted to have this opportunity to dialogue with you all. It is both an honor and pleasure, even with my technical challenges over here.

Question [Chat Participant]: Hello. We are students from Dushanbe Islamic University wanted to know about American Muslims. How many Muslim people live in America? Can they pray free? Do they work in all places? Does the Government defend them?

Muslim students.

A [Courtney Erwin]: The numbers vary depending on who administers the poll or survey. However, most estimates say between 2 million and 7 million. They have a constitutional right to freely pray. They also have the right to work free from discrimination based on religion. The government must defend them when their rights are violated.

Comment [GCEP group 1 jalalabad Internet learning CenterAfg]: As my point of View and also i have visited American County, There were more respected for all Religions, For Islam Religion there were good Satuation Each Muslim can pray and do everything which is related to Islam there is no restriction.

Abdul Rashid -Active particpant of GCE-Jalalabd Internet Learning Center and also Lecturer of TTC-Afghanistan.

Q [Jo2]: Islam and democracy are NOT diametrically opposed ideas, as believed by some here in the west. But when it comes to the policies of US govt. it has more often than not supported dictators in most countries with a majority of Muslim population. How do you think future US administration should move forward and give democracy back its good name which today has become synonymous with "military occupation"?

A [Courtney Erwin]: I think this is a challenge, but one that the US government needs to address, especially if it wants to restore credibility in the Muslim world. Fortunately, I do think that it is trying to do this. I think that it is recognizing that there is no one uniform definition of democracy and that each community needs to actively participate in shaping their own democratic systems, just as the founders of American democracy did.

Comment [bader_Jenin: Bader Alhudhud from Jenin_CBLAC]: first of all Peace be upon you (it means hi but in islamic way), Islam is global relegion so it must be in USA, Islam is a flexible relegion so it can be adapted in any place. the real isalm invites to peace, and its spirit includes charity and perfect behaviors.

Q [GCEP group 1 jalalabad Internet learning CenterAfg]: Our Religion (Islam) says that Each Muslim must have respect to all other religions. our question is that do other religions respect Islam in America?

Azatullah Sahil-Student of GCEP-Internet Learning Center and also Student of Tajrobavi High school-Afghanistan

A [Courtney Erwin]: Yes. There is a very strong culture of interfaith dialogue and action. The Interfaith Alliance is a national organization that works with almost every religion in America to promote respect and understanding. Additionally, there are hundreds of local interfaith organizations that promote interreligious harmony. Lastly, many churches, synagogues, gurudwaras, and other houses of worship have interfaith programs and partnerships.

Comment [khoshal sherzad]: I am Abdul Qahar from GCEP/ JAAILC center, I thanks of those how make such as this webchat about Islam.

Comment [Ahmad_Jenin]: I am ahmed 17 years old from jenin CBLAC am a moslim and am broud of that becous its the graetest religion had ever sent from god i dont want to say mach about islam but i wanna say few word that i hope it will explain islam better than any essay.

islam is peace , love , happy ,kind ,and alot of emotional human feeling that mede us humans.

Q [khoshal sherzad]: I am khoshal sherzad from GCEP/ JAAILC center. Whenever some one raped with others and this event evidence on them, then the law huge punish them. How about there?

A [Courtney Erwin]: In America, rape is a criminal offense and can be punishable by lengthy jail sentences or, in some states, death.

Q [Nour_cblc]: thanx for adress this topic its very important for us as a muslims and especially that the American people do not have an enough informations about us and its very nice to have good relations between muslims and american peaople in united state of America but what i would to know is how american peaple see islam and muslims?

thanx again


Q [khoshal sherzad]: In Islamic Religious a woman has right to go with mask to the mosque. So those who live in US, Do they have this right?

Abdul Qahar from GCEP/ JAAILC center

A [Courtney Erwin]: Women have the right to go to mosque in the US. When they pray, they wear hijab, but do not need to cover their faces. Non-Muslims are allowed to enter most mosques and some, but notall, request that non-Muslim women wear hijab in the mosque.

Comment [huda2]: I am Huda 24 years old, Nablus: I am Muslim and like my religion, because it is a Comprehensive and does not object or Opposed with any other religion in the world, and Islamic civilization has been achieved a grate a achievements in allover the world in all aspects of sciences, and politic, and economic. American people look to our world as a Terrorist, but this view is wrong at all, because Islam ask us to respect others opinions, religions, life, and this what our grate Prophet Muhammad says" Islamic religion is how people deal with each other"

Q [khoshal sherzad]: In Islam a spouse can prevent his wife from going out side, how about those Muslim who live in US? I am khoshal sherzad from GCEP/ JAAILC center.

A [Courtney Erwin]: It is not legal for a person of any faith to prevent another person from going outside if they do not consent to staying inside.

Comment [doctorsayedhassan]: Afghanistan GCEP/Relief international Taluqan ILC

1) "Islam" means "peace through the submission to God".

2) "Muslim" means "anyone or anything that submits itself to the will of God".

3) Islam is not a cult. Its followers number over 1.5 billion worldwide. Along with Judaism and Christianity, it is considered to be one of the three Abrahamic traditions.

4) There are five pillars of practice in Islam. These practices must be undertaken with the best of effort in order to be considered a true Muslim


Comment [Gandalf hcblc]: First of all thank you for making the effort of making this discussion, because I think it's just a matter of communicating with each other, but the communicating needs to be world wide, there is alot of people in Palestine who think that the US is a land of sins, and in the US People think that Muslims are terrorists, and nothing more. but we believe that american people have good picture about muslims because of some good activities done by muslims in America, and thanks again!

Mohammed Al-khatib :) Hebron

Q [GCEP group 1 jalalabad Internet learning CenterAfg]: Is in America any Religious School for Muslims?

Hamed -GCE-Jalalabad Internet Learning Center- and also Student of Imam Al Bokhary Religious School-Afghanistan

A [Courtney Erwin]: There are many private Islamic schools in America for kindergarten through year 12. There is also a Muslim seminary to train imams and scholars of Islam and the Islamic sciences. There are also university programs in non-Muslim institutions that teach Islamic studies. I took classes on Islam at Georgetown and received a certificate in Muslim-Christian Understanding. I then studied Shariah and the Islamic sciences such as falsafa, tafsir, and Islamic history, receiving my MA in Islamic Studies in Canada.

Comment [fraidonfojan]: Islam is a faith followed by 1/5 of the world's people. Learn more about Islam, Muslims, we blief that islam is one best wanted way to going to word of success and this is a time we oughto pay more attention about islam and realy way some times some islamist do some action it is not acceptable by islam islam want to bring brotherhood equality and stability in the world and it want peace in all over the world

Nasim alizada Afghanistan GCEP Relief international Taluqan ILC

Q [Naimat Ullah Khan]: LC Karachi: Media always plays a vital role in confrontation or resolution of any social issues, it can play a vital role in interfaith harmony & diversity too, if the negatives are avoided & positives are highlighted, it’s a common sense. What strategy would you suggest for Muslims to come out of this deteriative situation when every 2nd member of this community considered being a suspect?

A [Courtney Erwin]: I think that Muslims need to aggressively use the media and become media savvy. They need to enter media professions, they need to learn how to write strong opinion editorials for local and national print publications, they need to pursue TV spots so that they can show the average, non-Muslim that Muslims are their neighbors, colleagues, and friends. Media can help to humanize, but it does take some familiarity with the system.

Comment [aseel-HCBLC]: thanks to address this topic to discuss with American people

I think that islam and muslims have good effect in all sections if we know how to use it in right way and our religion is give us freedom to live and deal with all people like American people, we can deal with them even they are not muslims, and there is 7 milion muslims in america and this good thing becouse this thing is right evedince that america has free in all things

thanks again - Aseel - Hebron

Q [Naimat Ullah Khan: LC Karachi]: Like any spiritual religion, say Christianity, Judaism or Islam, the religion remains on the one hand & its followers sometimes found onto another hand, but this does not mean to treat all followers of that specific religion with special circumstances. I mean to say that there should be no religious discrimination of Muslims in the western society & Christians & Jews in the Eastern society. Do you agree?

A [Courtney Erwin]: I completely agree. It helps when adherents of each religion repect and honor each other.

Comment [fraidonfojan]: Afghanistan GCEP Relief internation Taluqan ILC

dear all at first i want to offer my best wanted regard and salutation and so i am too happy that to day i can say personal ideas about islam and it,s aim in the world and i am so gratfull from u to provide some facilities for us to say or commenns in this website and so we want from US peoples to provide and help us up to we can find our one perfect peace and stability in our country

fresta stduent of BIBI MARYAM HIGH SCHOOL/ student of Taluqan ILC

Q [adolatkal]: What can you say about many donations for Ex. of Saudi Prince to Georgetown University and others higher institutions made last year for research about Islam and Muslim issues for creating a real image of Islam worldwide. Are the researchers from Central Asian countries involved there too?

A [Courtney Erwin]: I think this helps cultivate understanding. After 9/11, there was a surge in students in the US studying Islam. We need to have the resources available for such demand. I also would add that I think it would be beneficial if there were more institutions and programs in the Muslim world for the study of Christianity, Judaism, and Western or American Studies.

Comment [Ashraf_Jenin]: i'm ashraf jafar 16years old i'm student arabic muslim i think that the islam is a gret religion and because i live in islamic community i know what is the islam. The islam is a whol world religion because we can find a lot of people who is muslims in many places in the world and islam include all of the others religions that god sent to people ever so that we can see alot of forign people who want to be moslim and love islam.


this is my comment about AMERECA AND ISLAM as u all know that islam is one the best wanted and accepted religion in the world but some of the Terorist and extrimests wanted to intreduce islam in a bad name. and so this is a time we oughto pay more attention about exchanging our ideas about deferent issues which are the need of our coutries and so we are very gratfull from unided state Governmetn and peoples of USA to provide this facilities to say our comments about deferent issues which is happend in our country and a round the world

best regard Fraidoon Fojan student of Taluqan ILC

Comment [gcep, afghanistan, kabul ILC2]: this is well that we are chatting as online and we are much happy and we use very good for such a opportunities that we found in afghanistan strightly and face to face solveing our problems with earning good ideas or responses from diffrent peoples form diffrent countries i hope every one should use better and exactly

Q [Naimat Ullah Khan]: LC Karachi: Muslims are the second largest religious community in the world, they are playing a vital role in the US Armed forces, Department of State, Civil Society, Media, & Community Services, what do you think, how can they become a more respective Part of this global village, when there are some so called wars of the civilization is going on?

A [Courtney Erwin]: I think that the best way to refute claims of a clash of civilization is to literally work together. In other words, create programs and projects together, invite each other over to your homes and houses of worship, work together on community councils. In other words, show one another that you have similar concerns and fundamental values. A lot can happen on the international and national levels but I am a big believer in the power of the grassroots, which is why I am keen to see the growth and expansion of civil society in all parts of the world.

Comment [yassinrasa]: AFGHANISTAN TAKHAR PROVINCE TALUQAN CITY GCEP RELIEF INTERNATIONAl this is my comment about the Muslims in USA:

this is realy clear that the poeples of USA decided to build and want to setup there activities with muslims in the world this a uniqe oppertunity for us to write our comment in this website and discuss about the live of muslims who they living in the USA.

Q [Naimat Ullah Khan]: LC Karachi: Reference to current reiteration of religious believes in American politics by Mitt Romney at college station Texas, “Freedom requires religion just as religion requires freedom”. As an expert on interfaith, don’t you think after J.F. Kenedy’s use of his catholic believes in American politics, This religious diversification in politics will again build a house divided situation in current scenario, where Latinos, Irish, Muslims & other religions now a integral part of American Society?

A [Courtney Erwin]: I think that one of the best things about the US is that there are people of every ethnicity, every nation, every ideology, and every religion, and that we, as a society, value diversity. Therefore, I believe that religious pluralism is a gift to the US. However, I strongly believe in the separation of church and state in the US because I believe that it protects religious communities while protecting governance, as well.

Comment [doctorsayedhassan]: AFGHANISTAN GCEP/RELEF INTER NATIONAL Taluqan ILC

Islam is one of the fastest-growing religions in the United States today. According to one recent survey, there are 1,209 mosques in America, well over half founded in the last 20 years. Between 17 and 30 percent of American Muslims are converts to the faith. At the center of both traditional American life and the lives of the generally more recent Muslim immigrants is the family

Bahruddin student of Taluqan ILC

Comment [fraidonfojan]: GCEP of AFGHANISTAN TAKHAR PROVINCE TALUQAN CITY: my comment about islam and USA is this:

we are very happy that Isalm is increasing as a best religion in the world. also we are happy from the USA goverment because they give us chance for giving idea about Islam and USA.

Moderator: Americans are as diverse as the land they inhabit. Explore this vast country and meet the people who call themselves Americans at America.gov's homepage on diversity in the U.S.:


Comment [marziajan]: AFGHANISTAN GCEP RELIEF INTERNATIONAL TALUQAN ILC my comment about Islam and USA is this:

the people of afghanistan is proud that they are dicussing about Isalm and USA

marzia (female class) from taluqan GCEP

Q [Naimat Ullah Khan: LC Karachi]: In 1789, members of first United States Congress drafted the First Amendment to the constitution, it included” CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW RESPECTING ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION , OR PROHIBITING THEREOF FREE EXERCISE”. These sixteen words always remained centre of focus of all US policies towards religious freedom & handling of different faiths. But this war against terrorism forced US government to handle its citizens with different faith differently. Would you like to put some light on it?

A [Courtney Erwin]: This is a tough and important question. As I mentioned earlier, I believe strongly in the First Amendment. Some of the US responses with respect to the war against terrorism have compromised some of our basic rights and liberties, including the No Establishment Clause. However, even when I am terribly disappointed in some of the policies of the US government, I always have faith in our system. By this, I mean that there are always those ready to challenge and fight for justice and our system provides a space for this. The courts, the media, the government, civil society all struggle with these issues, and I believe that in the end, we arrive at the right place.

Moderator: A number of participants have asked about specific facts and figures about America. Please visit our "USA Map with Facts in Brief" for details about who makes up the America: http://usinfo.state.gov/products/pubs/map/

Q [GCEP group 1 jalalabad Internet learning CenterAfg]: Do the Americans Muslims Celebrated Eid days Same as other Muslims Counties int he World?

Gulali–GCEP –Jalalabad Internet learning Center –and also Student of Tajrobavi high school-Afghanistan

A [Courtney Erwin]: Yes. It is a very big deal and lots of fun. I have been to interfaith iftars and I break the fast with my Muslim friends.

Q [sanad_Jenin]: what is your opinion in the islam?

A [Courtney Erwin]: I think that Islam is a beautiful religion. I am sorry that there are so many people who are fearful of it. I am also sorry that there are those who use distorted interpretations for violent purposes. However, I think this can happen with all religions.

Comment [Nazmi-Jenin]: iam nazmi naffa

in these days we face lot of problems about religions on all over the world one of this biggest problem is the way that forign people look to islam... they belive that islam is terrorist, bombers and other bad things. islam is not how you know, our islam means peace, forgiveness and islam is the father of all the religions in the world. and i hope that every one in the world anderstand islam at its reallity.

Comment [Shoja]: The Islam in America spread out very fast I this time, because in USA there is many Islamic groups, who want to spread it and make it very public to all people who don't know about it and don't know what is mean. Because they only know about their tradition and religion, so they didn't try to know about Islam, but many American people become Muslim, because of their friends or company which send them to Islamic country to do job and some of them perception that when they listen to the mean of Islam and listen to the sound of Al-Quraan, so they understand our Islam and know the mean of Al-Quraan.

Q [rawan-Jenin]: there are many muslims who live in America do they live as other american i mean do they have all their rights? and is there discrimination against muslims in amirica?

A [Courtney Erwin]: Technically, every citizen in the US is guaranteed equal rights by our Constitution. In practice, Muslims have experienced discrimination. I do think, however, that they have opportunities to challenge that discrimination legally. The more difficult situation is challenging the prejudices that exist in the minds of individuals, which are usually responses to fear and insecurity. Therefore, the best way to combat prejudice is to get to know each other and also show and prove that Muslims are a part of the fabric of American society.

Q [Hala-Jenin]: Hi, am Hala Dwaikat, i want to ask a question,i want to know if there are mosques for muslims and if not, how do they know the time of prays??


A [Courtney Erwin]: There are many mosques all over the US. Muslims can also check online on certain cites for prayer times in their respective location.

Comment [ahmadhaking]: thank you very much for this topic and it`s very important to discuss this topic with american people , i thik the muslims are living good life in Amreica they are morethan 7 milion and they have all thier rights to share in elections and work in most of sections in America , i have some relatives work in Microsoft office and others in Nasa , its very nice to live in america as you live in your home , but iam so sorry for what happened in 11 sep becouse it damage the right picture of islam , we hope to deliver good imageabout islam through our sharing and discussions with American people.

thanks again - Ahmad


Q [sanad_Jenin]: (sanad_jnin)as i read in the introduction and as i know that america is a democracy nation I want to ask:

if the islamic people in the USA take compeletly it’s requirements, needs ,...do they suffer from rules and culture and values in the USA? if yes. how & why ?


A [Courtney Erwin]: I do not think that Muslims suffer in the US if they embrace its democracy because I think Islamic and American values complement each other and are not incompatible.

Q [Dalia-Jenin]: could woman wear Islamic dress in everywhere?

A [Courtney Erwin]: By law, yes, unless it presents a safety hazard in the workplace or a security risk.

Q [Naimat Ullah Khan]: LC Karachi: Religion continues to play a central role in American life. Is this true or not?

A [Courtney Erwin]: Absolutely. The US is one of the most religious countries in the world.

Q [marziajan]: GCEP afghanistan also my question about Islam are below :

1-what is the aim of taking like these dicussions?

A [Courtney Erwin]: This discussion is a way for us to learn from each other. I think it is an incredible opportunity for me to hear and understand your questions and for you to listen to the perspective of a non-Muslim young woman from the US.

Q [Zaid-hcblc]: fisrt I would thank Mrs. John to give us this chance to share in this nice discussion, and I think that all of people should cooperate with each other Muslims and Christians speacily in American society, and i think that most of people have false image about islam , we are not terrorist , we are peaceful and love all of people many amreicans muslims live in America and they are so happy becouse of other american people love and respect them.

thanks agian for this nice chance

Zaid - HCBLC -Hebron

Naimat Ullah Khan: LC Karachi: Would you like to share some perspective of your organization & kindly tell us about some valuable resources we can use to propagate the Interfaith Harmony & peace?

A [Courtney Erwin]: My organization believes that bridging divisions and misunderstandings between Muslims and Westerners is a critical task in the post 9/11 world. Our communities will grow and thrive the more we understand, respect, and work with each other. I recommend visiting our website at www.cordobainitiative.org. I also recommend doing student exchanges, inviting foreign students to live with you while they study, and I encourage you to develop leadership and media skills to assist in civil society growth and development. Be as proactive as possible.

Q [Tarek]: So many non-Muslims look at Muslims and just see terrorists. How can a non-Muslim know someone like you is really a moderate Muslim? What, in your view, is a "moderate" Muslim?


A [Courtney Erwin]: Well, I am a non-Muslim. So, I try to communicate with my non-Muslim friends that Muslims are human beings just them and that some are violent, like some secularists, Christians, Jews etc. are violent but that of the 1.2 billion Muslims worldwide, the majority are beautiful, normal folks who are just as bewildered and appalled by the terrorists and extremists as they are. I see a lot of my job as translating between communities.

Moderator: Do you have topic suggestions for future webchats? If so, e-mail them to askamerica@state.gov

Q [Tarek]: What is your opinion of a Muslim who chooses to leave Islam? In America, can this be allowed?

A [Courtney Erwin]: In America this is allowed because of our laws protecting freedom of religion. I think it is up to the individual if he or she chooses to leave Islam. If he or she wants to do this publicly, they have already done this privately anyway, so I do not really see the point in forcing someone to stay in a religion they do not believe in. I would look up the Grand Mufti of Egypt, Shaykh Ali Gomaa's opinion concerning apostasy.

Q [Tarek]: Muslims believe Allah rules all and Allah's law (sharia) is supreme. How do Muslims reconcile this belief with the American belief of "separation of church and state?" Shouldn't a good Muslim believe Sharia should ultimately reign in America and the world?


A [Courtney Erwin]: This is a very interesting question and I dedicate a lot of my energy to studying this and working on this. Ultimately, Muslims should have the freedom to follow their faith, which I believe they have in the US. As far as the establishment of a legal and political system, classical Shariah was responsive to the context and social situations in which it operated. The implementation of Shariah today would probably look a bit different than before colonization largely dismantled it. And, there is a body of fiqh that clearly addresses Muslim minorities in non-Muslim communities.

Moderator: We wish to thank Courtney Erwin for joining us today. The webchat is now closed. Unfortunately, there were so many great questions and comments that we could not get to all of them in the time we had. However, check for upcoming webchats, including several in Arabic, on our Ask America (http://www.america.gov/multimedia/askamerica.html) Homepage. Here you will also find the full transcript of today's webchat, usually available within one business day.

(Guests are chosen for their expertise. The views expressed by guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of State.)

(end transcript)

(Distributed by the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: http://usinfo.state.gov)

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