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Federal Employees Health Benefits Program Handbook

Termination, Conversion and Temporary Continuation of Coverage
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Employing Office Responsibilities

The employing office that is responsible for your TCC enrollment on the date of the qualifying event remains responsible for your enrollment for the length of your TCC enrollment. (Many employing offices contract with the National Finance Center to administer TCC enrollments and to act as the employing office.) Your employing office's responsibilities in administering temporary continuation of coverage (TCC) include:

Providing Information for Employees

The employing office is responsible for providing all employees who are enrolled or eligible to enroll in FEHB with information about their right to TCC. This information is included in plan brochures and the booklet Temporary Continuation of Coverage under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (RI 79-27).

However, your employing office is not obligated to notify you or your family member when he/she is no longer eligible for coverage under your enrollment or provide notification of his/her eligibility for TCC.

Administering the Enrollment Process

Each employing office must establish procedures for notifying former employees about their eligibility to enroll, including what documents are needed to determine eligibility, and accepting enrollment elections from former employees, children and former spouses.

Verifying Eligibility to Enroll

The employing office must verify the eligibility of a child or former spouse to enroll. If there is conflicting information on a child's date of birth or marriage or the date of your divorce, the employing office must determine the correct date.

Collecting Premiums

The employing office of the employee or annuitant at the time of the qualifying event is responsible for collecting premiums. The employing office sends the premiums it collects to OPM.

Maintaining the Health Benefits File

The employing office must maintain a health benefits file for each TCC enrollee separate from his or her personnel records as an employee or former employee.

Denying TCC Due to Involuntary Separation for Gross Misconduct

The employing office must make determinations of gross misconduct and follow the required administrative procedures.

Maintaining Enrollment

The employing office must provide services to TCC enrollees similar to those provided to enrolled employees. For example, it must provide Open Season information and process enrollment changes and cancellations.

Notification Requirements for Separating Employees

When you separate from service and are eligible for temporary continuation of coverage (TCC), your employing office must notify you no later than 61 days after your separation of your opportunity to elect TCC.

This notice should include your right to convert to an individual contract offered by your plan. This notice must explain your right to enroll in TCC and how you can get the registration form and additional information. Your employing office should attach the pamphlet, Temporary Continuation of Coverage under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (RI 79-27) to the notice. If you want to elect TCC, you must respond within the specified time limit.

Sample Notice for Separating Employees

Your employing office may use the following sample notice to notify you of your TCC rights upon your separation:

Dear (name):

Your coverage in the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program ends on the last day of the pay period in which you separate from Federal service, subject to a 31-day extension of coverage (at no cost to you) with opportunity for conversion to an individual contract with your insurance carrier.

You also have the right to temporarily continue your FEHB coverage for up to 18 months after your separation instead of converting to an individual contract at this time. You may select any plan in the FEHB Program in which to continue your coverage if you are eligible to enroll in the plan. To continue your coverage, you must pay the full amount of the premium (both the employee and Government shares) plus a 2 percent administrative charge. If you choose to continue your coverage, you have the free coverage described above for the first 31 days. Your Temporary Continuation of Coverage (TCC) enrollment and premium charges begin on the day after the 31-day period of free coverage ends. If you continue TCC to the end of the 18-month period, you will have another 31-day extension of coverage with opportunity for conversion to an individual contract.

If you are interested in continuing your FEHB coverage, you can get additional information and an election form by calling (Name of person to contact) at (telephone number) or you can pick up the material at the following address: (enter address).

If you want to continue your coverage, your election form must be received at the address shown below within 60 days after the date of separation or 65 days after the date of this notice, whichever is later. Bring or mail your election form to:(enter address)


(Name of appropriate official)

If your employing office gives this notice directly to you, it should add the following note and make two copies of the notice:

I acknowledge receipt of this notice.

Employee's signature                                                   Date

Notification Requirements for Children

If your child becomes eligible for temporary continuation of coverage (TCC), it is your responsibility as the enrolled employee to notify your employing office of the change in your child's status. You must provide your child's name, address, and date of the event that caused his/her loss of FEHB coverage within 60 days from the loss of coverage. Your employing office then has 14 days to notify your child of his/her TCC rights.

Your child or another person may notify your employing office of the child's loss of coverage; but the time limit for electing TCC will be shorter than if you provided the notification.

The notice from your employing office to your child must include:

  • an explanation of your child's right to TCC;
  • FEHB Guide (RI 70-5);
  • Health Benefits Election Form (SF 2809);
  • Temporary Continuation of Coverage Under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (RI 79-27);
  • how the child can get additional information; and
  • if there is doubt about the date of the qualifying event, a request for the appropriate information or documentation.

Sample Notice for Child

Employing offices may use the following sample notice of TCC rights when you timely notified your employing office of your child's loss of coverage:

Dear (child's name):

Your coverage in the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program as a family member of (enrollee's name) ended when you (enter reason), subject to a 31-day extension of coverage (at no cost) with opportunity for conversion to an individual contract with your insurance carrier.

You also have the right to temporarily continue your FEHB coverage for up to 36 months after the date of (enter reason) instead of converting to an individual contract at this time. You may select any plan in the FEHB Program in which to continue your coverage if you are eligible to enroll in the plan. If you choose family coverage, your spouse and your children will also be covered. To continue your coverage under the temporary continuation of coverage (TCC) provision, you must pay the full amount of the premium (both the employee and Government shares) plus a 2 percent administrative charge. If you choose to continue your coverage, during the first 31 days you have the free coverage described above. Your TCC enrollment and premium charges begin on the day after the 31-day period of free coverage ends. If you continue the coverage to the end of the 36-month period, you will have another 31-day extension of coverage with opportunity for conversion to an individual contract.

An election form and detailed information about your opportunity to continue coverage is enclosed. You may get additional information by calling (name of contact) at (telephone number).

If you want to continue your coverage, your election form must be received at the address shown below within 60 days after the date of your (enter reason) or 65 days after the date of this notice, whichever is later. Bring or mail your election form to: (enter address).


(Name of appropriate official)

If your employing office gives the notice directly to your child, it should add the following note and make two copies of the notice:

I acknowledge receipt of this notice.

Child's signature                                                                                         Date

If someone other than yourself (the enrollee) notified the employing office of your child's loss of coverage, the sample notice's last paragraph should be replaced by the following paragraph:

If you want to continue your coverage, your election form must be received at the address shown below within 60 days after the date of your (enter reason). Bring or mail your election form to: (enter address).

Notification Requirements for Former Spouses

If your former spouse is eligible for temporary continuation of coverage (TCC), either you or your former spouse must notify your employing office within 60 days after the date of your divorce or annulment. Your employing office then has 14 days to notify your former spouse of his/her rights. The notice to your former spouse must include the same information as the notice to a child. In addition, the notice must request a certified copy of the divorce decree or other document showing the date of the divorce or annulment. If he/she wants to elect TCC, he/she must respond within the specified time limit.

Another person may notify your employing office of your former spouse's loss of coverage; but the time limit for electing TCC will be shorter than if you or your former spouse provided the notification.

Sample Notice for Former Spouse

Your employing office may use the following sample notice of TCC rights when you or your former spouse timely notified your employing office:

Dear (former spouse's name):

Your coverage as a family member in the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program ended when you were divorced or your marriage was annulled, subject to a 31-day extension of coverage (at no cost) with opportunity for conversion to an individual contract with your insurance carrier.

You also have the right to temporarily continue your FEHB coverage for up to 36 months after your divorce instead of converting to an individual contract at this time. You may select any plan in the FEHB Program in which to continue your coverage if you are eligible to enroll in the plan. If you choose a family enrollment, it will cover yourself and the children of both you and the Federal employee under whose enrollment you have been covered. If your former spouse still carries a family enrollment, you can enroll for self only. To continue your coverage under the Temporary Continuation of Coverage provision (TCC), you must pay the full amount of the premium (both the employee and Government shares) plus a 2 percent administrative charge. If you choose to continue your coverage, during the first 31 days you have the free coverage described above. The TCC enrollment and premium charges begin on the day after the 31-day period of free coverage ends. If you continue the coverage to the end of the 36-month period, you will have another 31-day extension of coverage with opportunity for conversion to an individual contract.

Enclosed is an election form and detailed information about your opportunity to continue your coverage. You can get additional information by calling (name of contact) at (telephone number).

If you want to continue your coverage, your election form must be received at the address shown below within 60 days after the date of your divorce or annulment or 65 days after the date of this notice, whichever is later. Bring or mail your election form and a certified copy of the divorce decree or another document showing your divorce date to: (enter address).


(Name of appropriate official)

If your employing office gives the notice directly to your former spouse, it should add the following note and make two copies of the notice:

I acknowledge receipt of this notice

Former spouse's signature                                                                       Date

If someone other than you or your former spouse notified the employing office of his/her loss of coverage, the sample notice's last paragraph should be replaced by the following paragraph:

If you want to continue your coverage, your election form must be received at the address shown below within 60 days after the date of your divorce or annulment. Bring or mail your election form to: (enter address).

Receipt of Notice

Your employing office must either give the notice directly to the person eligible for temporary continuation of coverage (TCC) or send it by first class mail. (A notice that is mailed is considered to be received 5 days after the date of the notice.) If you, your child, or former spouse are given the notice directly by your employing office, it will require that you acknowledge receipt by signing a copy of the notice. The signed copy must be placed on the right side of your Official Personnel Folder (OPF) or the equivalent. If the notice is sent by mail, a dated copy of the notice must be filed in your OPF.

Time Limits for Electing Temporary Continuation of Coverage

If you are a separating employee, you must submit your Temporary Continuation of Coverage (TCC) election to your employing office within 60 days after the date of your separation or 65 days after the date of your employing office's notice, whichever is later.

Your eligible child must submit his or her TCC election to your employing office within either:

  • 60 days after the date of the qualifying event, if you (the enrollee) did not notify your employing office within the required 60-day notification period (even if someone else provided notification); or,
  • 65 days after the date of your employing office's notice, if you notified your employing office within the required 60-day notification period.

Your former spouse must submit his or her TCC election to your employing office by the later of:

  • 60 days after the date of your divorce or annulment, if you or your former spouse did not notify your employing office within the required 60-day notification period (even if someone else provided notification); or
  • 65 days after the date of your employing office's notice, if you or your former spouse notified your employing office within the required 60-day notification period; or
  • 60 days after the date he/she lost coverage under Spouse Equity provisions (because of remarriage before age 55 or loss of the qualifying court order), if the loss of coverage is within the 36-month period of TCC eligibility.

If you or your former spouse do not notify your employing office within the 60-day period, your former spouse's opportunity to elect TCC ends 60 days after the divorce or annulment.