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Federal Employees Health Benefits Program Handbook

Leave Without Pay Status and Insufficient Pay
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When You Allow Your Enrollment to Terminate

Your enrollment will terminate if you:

  • do not sign and return the written notice within 31 days of receiving the notice (45 days if you live overseas), or
  • return the signed notice, electing to terminate your enrollment.

In either event, your employing office must terminate your enrollment on the Notice of Change in Health Benefits Enrollment (SF 2810). It must note in the remarks section: "Employee (did not timely return written notice)(elected to terminate the enrollment) during a period of (leave without pay status)(insufficient pay)." The file copy of the notice (or if you elected to terminate your enrollment, your signed notice) should be attached to the SF 2810 and filed in the permanent side of the Official Personnel Folder. Your employing office will distribute copies of the SF 2810 to your payroll office and carrier.

The effective date of your enrollment termination is retroactive to the end of the last pay period that premiums were withheld from your pay.

Effect of Termination

If you decide not to continue your coverage, your enrollment is terminated, not canceled. This means that you are entitled to a 31-day extension of coverage and conversion privilege. You do not have to wait until the next Open Season to reenroll.

A termination is not considered a break in the continuous enrollment necessary for continuing coverage during retirement.

You are not eligible for temporary continuation of coverage (TCC) when your coverage terminates during leave without pay status or insufficient pay. TCC is only available when your coverage terminates because of separation from employment.

Retroactive Reinstatement of Terminated Coverage

If you couldn't return the notice within the required time frame for reasons beyond your control, you may ask your employing office to reinstate your coverage. You must file the request within 30 calendar days from the date you were given notification of the termination by your employing office. You must describe the circumstances that prevented you from returning the notice on a timely basis and include the signed written notice electing to continue coverage and agreeing to either pay the premium directly or incur a debt.

If your employing office decides to reinstate your enrollment, it completes parts A, D, and H of the Notice of Change in Health Benefits Enrollment (SF 2810); notes in the remarks section "Employee reinstated"; and distributes copies of the SF 2810 to your payroll office and carrier.

If your employing office rejects your reinstatement request, it must notify you of your reconsideration rights.

When You may Enroll after Termination

If you terminated your enrollment while you were in leave without pay status, you may reenroll within 60 days of returning to pay status in a position in which you are eligible for FEHB coverage.

If you terminated your enrollment while your pay was insufficient, you may reenroll within 60 days after the end of the first pay period your pay becomes sufficient to cover the premium.

Your reenrollment takes effect the first day of the first pay period after your employing office receives your request to reenroll and that follows a pay period in which you were in pay status for any part of that pay period.

You can reenroll in any plan or option available to you. You are not restricted to enrolling into the same plan and option you had when your coverage terminated.

If you do not reenroll during the 60-day time period, you must wait for an Open Season to enroll, unless another qualifying event occurs before the next Open Season. This would be considered a break in the continuous coverage necessary for continuing coverage into retirement.

Special Circumstances

Student Trainees

If you are a student trainee with a career or career-conditional appointment, your enrollment continues during periods of leave without pay status as long as you are participating in the Student Career Experience Program (5 CFR 213.3202(b)). If you want to continue your enrollment during periods of leave without pay status, you must continue to pay the employee share of the premiums.

Active Duty Military Service

Under the Uniformed Service Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA), if you enter active duty military service for more than 30 days, you may continue your health benefits enrollment for up to 24 months, unless you elect to have your enrollment terminated before you enter active duty. (You are considered to be on military furlough for health benefits purposes.) During the first 365 days in leave without pay status, you are required to pay only the employee share of the premium and you may postpone payment. After the first 365 days, you must pay both the employee and Government shares plus a 2 percent administrative charge directly to your employing office on a current basis. Your eligibility under USERRA ends 24 months after your absence for service in the uniformed service began or 90 days after your service ends, whichever is earlier.

While Receiving Compensation

Your enrollment may continue when you receive compensation under the Federal Employees' Compensation law for the first 365 days while in leave without pay status. After that period, you must meet the same participation requirements as for continuing an enrollment after retirement. OWCP, not your employing office, is responsible for determining your eligibility.

Part-time Employees

If you are a part-time career employee who receives a prorated Government contribution, during periods of leave without pay status you must pay the same health benefits premiums that are withheld from your pay while you are in pay status in your regularly scheduled tour of duty.

Temporary Appointments

If you are a temporary employee enrolled for FEHB coverage, during periods of leave without pay status you must continue to pay both the employee and Government shares of the premiums.

If you accept a temporary position while your enrollment is continuing during leave without pay status, your enrollment must be transferred to the employing office for your temporary position.

If you are still in leave without pay status when your temporary employment ends, your enrollment must be transferred back to your original employing office. The original employing office must determine the remaining length of time you are entitled to continued coverage while in leave without pay status. If you are no longer being carried as an employee in your original position when your temporary position expires, your enrollment must be terminated.

The two employing offices involved must coordinate these actions so that withholdings and contributions are made timely. The employing office that first becomes aware of the situation must contact the other employing office and arrange for transfer of the enrollment, if appropriate.

Family and Medical Leave

Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 (Public Law 103-3), you are entitled to up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for certain medical and family needs. See www.opm.gov\oca\leave and 5 CFR Part 630 for information about family and medical leave.

FMLA leave usually runs concurrently with the 365 day period of coverage during leave without pay status allowed under the FEHB law. In these cases the regular rules for coverage during periods in leave without pay status apply. If you are granted leave under FMLA that exceeds the 365 days of continued coverage allowed under the FEHB law, you must pay your share of premiums directly to your employing office on a current basis during the period that exceeds 365 days. (This may happen if you have already used an extensive amount of leave without pay before you invoke your rights under FMLA).

If your coverage is terminated for nonpayment during FMLA leave, you may reenroll when you return to pay and duty status.

Appointments to Employee Organizations

If you go into leave without pay status to serve as a full-time officer or employee of an employee organization, you may elect to continue health benefits coverage within 60 days from the start of the leave without pay status.

The health benefits coverage continues for the length of the appointment, even if the leave without pay status lasts longer than 365 days. You must pay to your employing office the full cost of your health plan premiums. There is no Government contribution. You must pay your premiums to your employing office before, during, or within three months after the end of each pay period. You will be eligible for premium conversion if the employee organization adopts the OPM premium conversion plan.

Your employing office must keep you informed of all developments that affect health benefits. It must also adjust your share of the premium and the agency contributions when appropriate.

Your coverage will terminate if you do not pay your premiums within this time frame, subject to the 31-day extension of coverage and conversion right. Your coverage cannot resume until you enter in pay and duty status in Federal service. Exception: your coverage will be restored retroactively if your employing office finds that you were unable to make the premium payments for reasons beyond your control and you make the payments at the first opportunity.

Appointment to State or Local Governments or Institutions of Higher Education, Indian Tribal Government, or other Organizations

If you go into leave without pay status while assigned to a State or local government, institution of higher education, Indian tribal government, or certain other organizations specified in 5 CFR Part 334 , you are entitled to continue health benefits coverage for the length of the assignment, even if the leave without pay status lasts longer than 365 days.

You must elect to continue your health benefits coverage and pay the employee share of your premiums to your employing office before, during, or within three months after the end of each pay period. Your employing office must continue to pay its contributions as long as you make your payments.

Your employing office must keep you informed of all developments that affect health benefits. It must also adjust your share of the premium and the agency contributions when appropriate. Your coverage will terminate if you do not pay your premiums, subject to the 31-day extension of coverage and conversion right. Your coverage cannot resume until you enter on pay and duty status in Federal service. Exception: your coverage will be restored retroactively if your employing office finds that you were unable to make the premium payments for reasons beyond your control and you made the payments at the first opportunity.

If you elect to be covered under a State or local government's health benefits program that OPM determines to be similar to the FEHB Program, you are not entitled to continue coverage under the FEHB Program. Send your request for OPM's determinations to Office of Personnel Management, Retirement and Insurance Service, Office of Insurance Programs, P.O. Box 436, Washington, D.C. 20044.

Transfers to International Organizations

You may continue health benefits coverage if you are transferred to an international organization as provided in 5 U.S.C. 3582. You must elect to continue health benefits coverage and pay the employee share of your premiums to your employing office before, during, or within three months after the end of each pay period. Your employing office must continue to pay its contributions as long as you make your payments. You will be eligible for premium conversion if the organization agrees to adopt the OPM premium conversion plan.

Your employing office must keep you informed of all developments that affect health benefits. It must also adjust your share of the premium and the agency contributions when appropriate.

Your coverage will terminate if you do not pay your premiums, subject to the 31-day extension of coverage and conversion right. Your coverage cannot resume until you enter on pay and duty status in Federal service. Exception: your coverage will be restored retroactively if your employing office finds that you were unable to make the premium payments for reasons beyond your control and you made the payments at the first opportunity.

If you do not elect to continue your health benefits enrollment, you are not considered to be a Federal employee for health benefits purposes while employed by the international organization.

Regulations governing these transfers are in 5 CFR part 352.

If You Pay Your FEHB Premiums over less than 12 Months

If your annual salary is normally paid over a period of less than 12 months (such as a teacher on a 10-month contract), your employing office will prorate your annual health benefits contributions over the number of salary installments during the year, so that you don't pay any additional premiums during your expected nonpay period. If you enter a leave without pay status during your normal working period, you must pay premiums for that period the same as other employees in leave without pay status.