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Internews is an international media development organization whose mission is to empower local media worldwide to give people the news and information they need, the ability to connect, and the means to make their voices heard. more

Internews Media Leadership Awards

James NachtweyThe Internews Media Leadership Awards (IMLAs) celebrate the importance of empowering local media around the world. This year, we will honor renowned photojournalist James Nachtwey, whose career documenting more than 25 armed conflicts and dozens of critical social issues has raised awareness worldwide.More

How the Power of Information is Changing Lives:

Yemen Suspends 7 Papers Amid Southern Rioting

Yemen newspaper standMedia freedom groups have condemned Yemen’s suspension of seven publications — including the nation's most popular daily — in an effort to stifle reporting on an unprecedented wave of deadly rioting sweeping the south.More - AP Story


Yemen 'curbing freedom' of press, BBC

Yemen: Seven Newspapers Confiscated, Article 19      (Photo: AFP)

Barack Obama on World Press Freedom

Barak Obama in Chad“Today, I lend my voice of support and admiration to all those brave men and women of the press who labor to expose truth and enhance accountability around the world.”


US President Barack Obama, World Press Freedom Day 2009 Full Statement

Covering Swine Flu Accurately and Effectively

Pig on yellow signFor journalists around the world covering the swine flu outbreak, it can be difficult to find the line between hype and reality, and to sift facts from fears. Internews, which has trained over one thousand journalists to report on public health issues such as HIV/AIDS, avian flu, and malaria, has compiled a list of useful resources for covering swine flu (influenza A, or H1N1 flu). (Photo: Cruise Critic) More


The Vision behind Internews

Screenshot from KEET TV video about Internews

Emergency Media Fund
  • With a challenge grant from the MacArthur Foundation, Internews Network has established a fund to enable local media to provide vital news and information to survivors of humanitarian disasters and other crises. (More)
