- W. STUCKEY DISTRICT 8 GEORGIA REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM Congressman Stuckey's district is included in the Regional Medical Program whose geographic area is the entire state of Georgia. Current funding level is $233,688. This program is currently in its first year of planning. The Coordinatina Headquarters is the Medical Association of Georgia, with Dr. J.W. Chambers of that Association as Coordinator and Dr. Gordon Barrow as Program Director. The Advisory Group is broadly representative of the health resources of the state including practicing physicians, dentists, nurses, representatives of Medical Societies, Medical Schools, Hospital Associations, Planning Agencies, voluntary health organizations and the general public. Special emphasis has been placed on grassroots involvement through extensive use of local advisory groups formed by community hospitals. Some 121 of these are participating. More specific details on the Georgia Regional Medical Program can be found in the following material. W. STUCKEY DISTRICT 8 LOWNDES GEORGIA REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM REGION State of Georgia COORDINATING HEADQUARTERS Medical Association of Georgia STARTING DATE January 1, 1967 FUNDING Current Award: $233,688 Zurrent Request: $2,183,092 Projected Next Year: 2,700,000 OPERATIONAL STATUS Application now under review PROGRAM COORDINATOR Dr. J. W. Chambers Medical Association of Georgia Dr. J. Gordon Barrow, Program Director ADVISORY GROUP Chairman: Arthur P. Richardson, M.D. Dean, Emory University School of Medicine Membership: 59 Practicing M.D.ls 2, Medical Society Representatives 17, Medical Schools-5, Hospital Association Officials 4, Planning Agencies 1, Cancer Society Representation 4, Heart Association Representatives 4, Other University Officials 1, Nurses 3, Dentists 3, Businessmen 4, Other 11. ORGANIZATION AND STAFFING The organization plan has seven divisions including Administration, Planning and Project Division, Budget and Fiscal Division, Continuing Education and Training Division, Field Service Division, Communications and Information Division, and Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Evaluation Division. The Georgia RMP has taken a unique and interesting approach to achieve involvement of the hospitals in the region. The hospitals have been asked to form local advisory groups to work in conjunction with the RMP. Of the 176 hospitals in the region 121 have appointed such groups and they represent 90% of the hospital beds in the region. They have three principal functions: GEORGIA -2- 1) to continue to advise on local needs and priorities and to suggest possible modifications of the task force reports which outline the broad objectives of the program, 2) to assist in the development of certain operational projects which involve the local hospital or the local community, and 3) to serve as liaison between the Regional Medical Program and the local medical and lay community. PLA14NING ACTIVITIES Thirteen Task Forces are the key to plan development including: 1) disease-oriented task forces to study the problems in specific disease areas, 2) coordinating task forces to coordinate the recommendations of the disease-oriented task forces and.to develop broad approaches suitable to all areas, and 3) an evaluation task force to build in proper evaluation in the design of each phase of the operational plan. The Medical College of Georgia has been chosen as the institution to be responsible for all data-gathering-and the biostatistical and epidemioloc-,ic functions of the Georgia Regional Medical Program. Data collection will begin early in 1968 to define the current situation regarding health manpower, continuing education and training, health facilities and services, and the economics of health care in the region. This can serve not only to point but areas and magnitudes of needs, but also to furnish a baseline for measuring and evaluating changes which may result from the cooperative efforts of the Regional Medical Program. There is currently under review an application from the program for $324,137 to expand planning activities. This is to expand the staff and increase the rate of program development and move more quickly into operations. RELATIONSHIP TO COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH PLANNING The Program Coordinator formerly was employed by the Georgia State Health Department and has extensive personal and professional relationships with key personnel. Also in multi-hospital communities the local advisory groups formed by the hospitals have banded together to form a loca metropolitan group. These RMP groups will cooperate with the area planning councils set up under the Comprehensive Health Planning Act. ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR PLANNING FOR REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS IN GEORGIA Chairman Arthur P. Richardson, M.D. Dean Emory University School of Medicine Walter G. Rice, M.D. Dean Medical College of Georgia J. Rhodes Haverty, M.D. Secretary-Treasurer Medical Association of Georgia Steering Committee Members J. Willis Hurst, M.D., Chairman Professor and Chairman Department of Medicine Emory University School of Medicine Raymond P. Ahlquist, M.D. Associate Dean Medical College of Georgia Louis L. Battey, M.D. Robert L. Brown, M.D. J. B. Ellison, M.D. J. W. Chambers,, M.D. (ex officio) (Program Coordinator) J. Gordon Barrow, M.D. Director Georgia Regional Medical Program Representatives of the Medical Association of Georgia John T. Mauldin, M.D. President Medical Association of Georgia Atlanta, Georgia 2 J. Rhodes Haverty, M.D. Chairman, Education Committee Medical Association of Georgia Atlanta, Georgia Samuel P. Tillman, M.D. lst District Representative Statesboro, Georgia Charles H. Watt, Jr., M.D. 2nd District Representative Thomasville, Georgia Bruce C. Newson, M.D. 3rd District Representative Columbus, Georgia Floyd R. Sanders, Jr., M.D. 4th District Representative Decatur, Georgia Fleming L. Jolley, M.D. 5th District Representative Atlanta, Georgia T. A. Sappington, M.D. 6th District Representative Thomaston, Georgia E. L. Bosworth, M.D. 7th District Representative Rome, Georgia Van B. Bennett, M.D. 8th District Representative Valdosta, Georgia John B. O'Neal, III, M.D. 9th District Representative Elberton, Georgia M. C. Adair, M.D. 10th District Representative .Washington, Georgia 3. ol of Medicine Representatives of medical College of Georgia, Scho Walter G. Rice, M.D. Raymond P. Ahlquist, Ph.D. Representatives of Medical College of Georgia, School of Dentistry Hugh M. Averill, DDS, MPH Coordinator of Preventive Dentistry and Community Health Representatives of Emory University School of Medicine A. P. Richardson, M.D. Dean, School of Medicine J. Willis Hurst, M.D. Professor and Chairman Departraent of Medicine Representatives of Emory University School of D Charles A. Waldron, D.D.S.' Director, Graduate Studies Representatives of Georgia Medical Association J. B. Ellison, M.D. Atlanta, Georgia Louis C. Brown, M.D. Atlanta, Georgia J. T. Blasingame, Jr., M.D. Atlanta, Georgia W. L. Griffin, M.D. Augusta, Georgia 4. Representatives of Fulton County Medical Society William W. Moore, Jr., M.D. President Atlanta, Georgia Representatives of Richmond County Medical Societv. Daniel B. Sullivan, M.D. Augusta, Georgia Representatives of Georgia Dental Association Hunter Rackley, D.D.S. President Millen, Georgia James L. Cassidy, D.D.S. Vice President Macon, Georgia Representatives of Georgia State Nurses Association Miss Dana Hudson Past President Atlanta, Georgia Mrs. Pauline English Area Supervisor Public Health Nursing Fulton County Health Department College Park, Georgia Representatives of Georgia Society for Crip ldren and Adults pled Chi Miss Mary Webb Executive Director Atlanta, Georgia Representatives of Georgia State LeaRue for Nursing, Inc. Miss Ruth Melber, President Decatur, Georgia Miss Mabel Korsell Executive Director Atlanta, Georgia Representatives of Georgia Pharmaceutical Association, Inc.. Clifton F. Lord, Jr., Ph.D. Associate Dean Southern School of Pharmacy Mercer University Atlanta, Georgia Wallace D. Massey, R.Ph. Atlanta, Georgia Representatives of Georgia Hospital Association W. Daniel Barker President Atlanta, Georgia R. J. Weinzettel Adminostrator Memorial Hospital of Chatham County Savannah, Georgia Glenn M. Hogen Executive Director Atlanta, Georgia J. W. Mitchell Administrator, The Medical Center Columbus, Georgia Representatives of American Cancer Society Georgia Division Robert L. Brown, M.D. Emory University Clinic Atlanta, Georgia Lon E. Sullivan Executive Director Atlanta, Georgia A. H. Letton, M.D. Chief of Staff, Georgia Baptist Hospital Atlanta, Georgia Charles H. Hardy General Traffic Manager Southern Bell Telephone Company Atlanta, Georgia 6 Representatives of Georgia Heart Association Haywood N. Hill, M.D. President Atlanta, Georgia M. Linwood Beck Executive Director Atlanta, Georgia Louis L. Battey, M.D. Augusta, Georgia Henry S. Jennings, Jr., M.D. Gainesville, Georgia Representatives of Division of Vocational Rehabilitation State of Georgia Department of Education J. L. Hise, Director Division of Special Services Vocational Rehabilitation Atlanta, Georgia Representatives of Georgia Department of Public Health Elton S. Osborne, Jr., M.D. Deputy Director Atlanta, Georgia Representatives of State of Georgia Department of Family and Children Services Harold B. Parker, Director Division of Social Administration Atlanta, Georgia Representatives of Georgia Nursing Home Association William F. Schafer President Columbus, Georgia Representative of State Comprehensive Health Planning Agency (To be Named) 7. Member Jack Bell, President Columbus Gas Light Company Columbus, Georgia F. W. Dowda, M.D. Atlanta, Georgia Boisfeuillet Jones Emily and Ernest Woodruff Foundation Atlanta, Georgia Walter Bloom, M.D. Assistant to the President Georgia Institute of Te@hnology Atlanta, Georgia David D. Hariilton President and Chairman of Board Crown Cotton Mills Dalton, Georgia Benjamin E. Mays, Ph.D. President-Emeritus Morehouse College Atlanta, Georgia Myer 0. Sigal Vice President/Controller G. Bernd and Company Macon, Georgia C. A. Scott Editor and General Manager The Atlanta Daily World Atlanta, Georgia