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Mixed Oxide Fuel Facility
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Use of Mixed Oxide Fuel in Power Reactors

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Under the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Surplus Plutonium Disposition Program, mixed oxide (MOX) fuel would be fabricated with surplus plutonium and uranium. The MOX fuel would then be used as fuel for the Catawba and McGuire commercial nuclear power reactors. There would be no reprocessing or subsequent reuse of the spent fuel, which would ultimately be disposed of in a geologic repository. The following documents contain more information about the use of MOX fuel in commercial nuclear power reactors, including reports sent to NRC from Duke Cogema Stone & Webster.

Using Mixed Oxide Fuel
Title and Date
Catawba Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2 RE: Issuance of Amendments - March 3, 2005
Catawba Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2 RE: Exemptions from Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations for the Use of Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel Lead Test Assemblies - March 3, 2005
Supplement 2 to Safety Evaluation For Proposed Amendments to the Facility Operating License and Technical Specifications to Allow Insertion of Mixed Oxide Fuel Lead Assemblies - July 27, 2004
Supplement 1 to Safety Evaluation For Proposed Amendments to the Facility Operating License and Technical Specifications to Allow Insertion of Mixed Oxide Fuel Lead Assemblies - May 5, 2004
Safety Evaluation For Proposed Amendments to the Facility Operating License and Technical Specifications to Allow Insertion of Mixed Oxide Fuel Lead Assemblies - April 5, 2004
MOX Fresh Fuel Transportation Package
Viewgraphs from October 4, 2000 meeting
Agency Plan for Confirmatory Research Associated with the Use of Mixed-Oxide Fuel in Commercial Light Water Reactors - February 11, 2000
NRC Staff White Paper on Mixed-Oxide Fuel Use in Commercial Light Water Reactors - April 14, 1999
ACRS Letter to NRC Chairman Jackson regarding needs for revised source term for high burnup MOX fuel - May 17, 1999
Duke, Cogema, Stone & Webster (DCS) Reports sent to NRC*
MOX Fuel Qualification Plan - April 30, 2001
Updated MOX Fuel Qualification Plan - April 16, 2001
DCS transmits MOX Fuel Qualification Plan - July 14, 2000
DCS cover letter
Cover letter for first report
Fissile Materials Disposition Program Light Water Reactor Mixed Oxide Fuel Irradiation Test
Project Plan
Survey of Worldwide Light Water Reactor Experience with Mixed Uranium-Plutonium Oxide Fuel
Appendix A: U.S. MOX Experience Table
Appendix B: MOX Experience Excerpt from GESMO
Appendix C: Bibliography

NOTE: "Fissile Materials Disposition Program Light Water Reactor Mixed Oxide Fuel Irradiation Test Project Plan" and "Survey of Worldwide Light Water Reactor Experience with Mixed Uranium-Plutonium Oxide Fuel." The DCS reports are available as seven separate PDFs.

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