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Mixed Oxide Fuel Facility
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Use of MOX Fuel in Power Reactors
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Standard Review Plan (NUREG-1718)
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Licensing Schedule for the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility

The schedule in the following table is subject to change. It is based on the assumption that the Shaw AREVA MOX Services (MOX Services) application meets all applicable regulations.

Date Action
1/31/05 NRC issued the Final Environmental Impact Statement (NUREG-1767)
3/31/05 NRC issued the Final Safety Evaluation Report on the Construction Authorization Request for the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility at the Savannah River Site, SC (NUREG-1821)
3/30/05 NRC issued the Construction Authorization PDF Icon
9/27/06 & 11/16/06 MOX Services submits the License Application and the Integrated Safety Analysis Summary to possess and use radioactive material
12/20/06 NRC accepts license submittal for docketing
4/12/2007 Public meeting in Aiken, SC to discuss NRC’s role, responsibilities, and the licensing process; inspection and enforcement; and public participation related to the review of the License Application for the MFFF
12/20/10 NRC staff to complete review and prepare Safety Evaluation

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Tuesday, December 04, 2007