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Environmental Review for the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility

As required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the NRC develops an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for "major Federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment." Licensing a mixed oxide (MOX) fuel fabrication facility (MFFF) is considered a "major Federal action" requiring an EIS. For more information about NEPA and the environmental review process, see NRC's Role Under NEPA Frequently Asked Questions.

NRC's NEPA actions for a MFFF are related to DOE's NEPA actions in that DOE has published an EIS and a Record of Decision for the Surplus Plutonium Disposition. A Record of Decision is a concise statement of an agency's final decision, discussing the chosen alternative from the various ones considered. DOE's EIS covers alternatives related to the entire Surplus Plutonium Disposition program, while NRC's EIS will focus on the MFFF. NRC plans to use as much of the information provided in DOE's EIS as possible. The applicant’s environmental report (ER) will need to update the information provided in DOE's EIS, and provide details specific to the MFFF.

The applicant, Duke Cogema Stone & Webster (DCS), submitted an ER in December 2000. DCS revised its ER on July 12, 2002, (Rev. 1 and 2), June 20, 2003, (Rev. 3), August 14, 2003, (Rev. 4), and June 10, 2004, (Rev. 5). The NRC staff issued a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) on February 28, 2003. The comment period ended May 15, 2003, and staff continued to prepare the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). The FEIS was issued on January 31, 2005, documenting the results of the staff's environmental review. Relevant documents related to the environmental review stage of the licensing process are provided below.

The following links on this page are to documents in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). See our Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools page for more information. For successful viewing of PDF documents on our site please be sure to use the latest version of Adobe.

Environmental Review
Title and Date
Followup to Notice of Error in the DEIS - 4/9/03
Errata Sheets for MOX DEIS - 4/9/03
Transcripts from 3/26/03 MOX DEIS public meeting in N. Augusta, GA - 3/26/03
Transcripts from MOX DEIS public meeting in Savannah, GA - 3/25/03
Notice of Error in the DEIS - 3/6/03
Followup to Notice of Error in the DEIS - 4/9/03
MOX Draft Enviromental Impact Statement - 2/20/03
Notice of Availability of Draft Enviromental Impact Statement - 2/20/03
Supplemental Information for Responses to Request for Additional Information (RAI) on the Enviromental Report, Revisions 1 & 2 (54 KB) - 12/12/2002
Update to the Enviromental Report, Revisions 1 & 2 (695 KB) - 12/10/2002
Responses to RAI on the Enviromental Report (57 KB) - 11/21/2002
Corrections to RAI on the Enviromental Report (165 KB) - 11/15/02
Resonses to RAI on the Enviromental Report (12,542 KB) - 10/29/2002
Request for Additional Information on the Environmental Report (35 KB) - 10/2/2002
Acceptance Review of the Enviromental Report for the DCS MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility (4.98 MB) - 8/12/02
Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility Enviromental Report Revisions 1 and 2, part 1 of 4 (3.88 MB), part 2 of 4 (6.63 MB), part 3 of 4 (8.46 MB), part 4 of 4 (4.98 MB) - 7/11/02
NRC's Scoping Summary Report of Comments Received Related to the Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a Proposed MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility (323 KB) - 8/9/01
DCS response to NRC's Request for Additional Information on the MOX Environmental Report (6.36 MB) - 7/12/01
NRC's Request for Additional Information on the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility Environmental Report (121 KB) - 6/8/01
Acceptance Review for the Environmental Report for the MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility (33 KB) - 1/29/01
Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Environmental Report (34.4 MB) - 12/19/00
NRC Staff Review of the DOE Surplus Plutonium Disposition Final Environmental Impact Statement (1.44 MB) - 5/3/00


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