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Export Import Bank of the United States




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Chairman Harold F. Linder (center) with Vice Chairman Walter C. Sauer (left) and Directors: Hobart Taylor, Jr. (standing), Tom Lilley, and Elizabeth S. May c.1965.

Featured Story: Ex-Im Bank staff site visit to Papua New Guinea

Conference 2008These pictures depict an Ex-Im Bank staff site visit to Papua New Guinea (PNG), January 28-30, 2009, to the site of a new liquefied natural gas facility. The visit was organized by the PNG LNG project sponsors for participating ECAs from Ex-Im, Italy (SACE), Japan (JBIC), Korea Ex-Im, KEIC (Korean Export Insurance Corporation) and EFIC (Australia), as part of the lenders' fact-finding "due diligence" process.". Ex-Im Bank was represented by: Karl Kendall and Steve Parsons (E&E), Kathryn Hoff-Patrinos (OGC) and Hala El Mohandes (SFD). Karl and Steve went on a grueling and exciting trip to the remote highlands to visit the gas gathering area, while Hala and Kathryn visited the coastal plant site and one of the local villages in the area affected by the plant.

It is interesting to note that there are about 700-800 different languages spoken in PNG. So, when our group of about 40 lenders visited the village and received this wonderful reception by the villagers, we were told that, in fact, this is a joint effort among four villages to provide all this entertainment and welcome to the lenders.

Letter from President Barack Obama


April 15, 2009

I send my warmest wishes to all who are celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Export-Import Bank of the United States.

Since its creation by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the Export-Import Bank has been a strong advocate for American exporters, filling the gap when private financing is unavailable. This vital institution creates American jobs, strengthens our economy, and helps our businesses succeed in increasingly competitive global markets.

I congratulate the Export-Import Bank for its important work, and I wish you all the best as you celebrate 75 years of success.

Barack Obama's Signature

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Travelled to an exotic emerging market for an Ex-Im Bank deal?
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Tell us about it! Write to exim.stories@exim.gov with your contact information, story, and photos. Exporters, banks, brokers, staff, alumni, and the public are encouraged to contribute. All submissions will be considered for posting on this site.

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