Enforcement Report

The FDA Enforcement Report is published weekly by the Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services. It contains information on actions taken in connection with agency regulatory activities.
  May 20, 1998                                         98-20
  PRODUCT      Basha Foods brand Taboule Salad packaged in 7
               ounce and 12 ounce containers and in 5 pound
               bulk containers.  Recall #F-491-8.
  CODE         All lots containing a three or four digit
               numeric code which begins with the number 2 or
               the number 02 and all lot numbers containing a
               three or four digit code which begins with 3
               or 03 and is followed by two numbers ranging
               from 01 through 11.
  MANUFACTURER Basha International Foods, Inc., Hamtramck,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by visit beginning February 20,
               1998.  Firm-initiated recall complete.  See
               also FDA press release P98-7, February 20,
  DISTRIBUTION Illinois, Indiana, Michigan.
  QUANTITY     Approximately 1,250 pounds of taboule were
  REASON       Products may be contaminated with Listeria
               monocytogenes, Salmonella Arizona,
               Enterobacter cloacae, or Citrobacter freundii.
  PRODUCT      Various bakery products:
               1.  9 Inch Lemon Glazed Angelfood Cake, item
                   code 80362, net weight 24 ounce
               2.  Dillons Signature 6 German Chocolate
                   Brownies, item code 80375, net weight 8 ounce
               3.  Dillons Signature 6 Caramel Brownies, item
                   Code 80376, net weight 8 ounce
               4.  7 Inch German Chocolate Cake, item code
                   80312, net weight 26 ounce
               5.  Supreme Chocolate Cake, item code, 80346,
                   net weight 20 ounce
               6.  6 German Chocolate Cupcakes, item code
                   80371, net weight 10 ounce
               7.  7 Inch Cherry White Cake, item code 80302,
                   net weight 25 ounce
               8.  7 Inch Cherry Nut Cake, item code 80311,
                   net weight 26 ounce
               9.  Supreme Cherry White Cake, item code
                   80342, net weight 16 ounce
               10. 6 Cherry White Cupcakes, item code 80368,
                   net weight 10 ounce
               11. 7 Inch Devilsfood Cake, item code 80305,
                   net weight 26 ounce
               12. 7 Inch Pecan Fudge Cake, item code 80306,
                   net weight 26 ounce
               13. 7 Inch Chocolate Almond Cake, item code
                   80309, net weight 26 ounce
               14. 8 Inch Devilsfood Cake, item code 80321,
                   net weight 33 ounce     
               15. Supreme Devilsfood Cake, item code 80344,
                   net weight 16 ounce
               16. Supreme Pecan Fudge Cake, item code 80345,
                   net weight 20 ounce
               17. 9 Inch Cherry Glazed Angelfood Cake, item
                   code 80363, net weight 24 ounce
               18. 6 Devilsfood Cupcakes, item code, 80369,
                   net weight 10 ounce
               19. 12 Pk. Mini Chocolate Cupcakes, item code
                   80412, net weight 8 ounce.  
               Recall #F-454/472-8.
  CODE         All misbranded product.
  MANUFACTURER Dillons, Hutchinson, Kansas.
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by fax on March 6, 11 and 12,
               1998.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
  QUANTITY     Approximately 865 packages were distributed.
  REASON       The products contain undeclared certified
               colors, FD&C Yellow No. 5, Yellow No. 6, Blue
               No. 1, and Red No. 40.
  PRODUCT      Refrigerated pizza in 10 ounce pop-open cans,
               12 cans per case, under various private labels
               a.  Kroger Pizza Crust Ready To Bake,
                   Distributed by The Kroger Co., Cincinnati, OH
               b.  America's Choice Pizza Crust, Distributed
                   by Compass Foods, Montvale, NJ  
               c.  Stop & Shop Roll Out, Top, and Bake Pizza
                   Crust, Distributed by The Top & Shop
                   Supermarket Company, Boston, MA  
               d.  Price Chopper Roll Out, Top and Bake 
                   Hot'n Fresh Pizza Dough, Distributed by The
                   Price Chopper, Inc., Schenectady, NY  
               e.  Merico Roll Out, Top & Bake Pizza Crust,
                   Distributed by Merico, Inc., St. Louis, MO  
               f.  Weis Quality Hot'n Fresh Roll out...Top
                   and Bake Pizza Crust, Packed for Weis Markets
                   Inc., Sunbury, PA  
               g.  Roundys Quality Ready To Bake Pizza Crust,
                   Distributed by Roundy's Inc., Milwaukee, WI  
               h.  Acme Hot 'N Fresh Pizza Crust, Distributed
                   by American Procurement & Logistics Co., Salt
                   Lake City, UT  
               I.  Grand Union Read to Top & Bake Pizza
                   Crust, Distributed by The Grand Union Co.,
                   Wayne, NJ
               j.  Flavorite Hot'n Fresh Roll Out, Top & Bake
                   Pizza Crust, Distributed by Preferred
                   Products, Inc., Chaska, MN  
               k.  HyVee Pizza Crust, Distributed by Hy-Vee
                   Inc., West Des Moines, IA 
               l.  Food Club Roll Out..Top & Bake Hot'n Fresh
                   Pizza Crust, Distributed by Topco Associates,
                   Inc., Skokie, IL  
               m.  Smith's Hot'n Fresh Roll Out, Top and Bake
                   Pizza Crust, Distributed by Smith's Food &
                   Drug, Layton, UT.  Recall #F-490-8.
  CODE         All product with an expiration code of May 31,
               AFDxx or earlier.
  MANUFACTURER Merico, Inc., Carrollton, Texas.
  RECALLED BY  The Earth Grains Company, Clayton, Missouri
               (responsible for labeling), by letter dated
               April 3, 1998.  Firm-initiated recall ongoing.
  DISTRIBUTION Nationwide.
  QUANTITY     Approximately 5,200 - 7,000 cases were
  REASON       Product contains undeclared milk.
  PRODUCT      Holiday Cookies (St. Patrick's Day variety),
               manufactured by several different companies
               who packaged the cookies in bulk into fully
               labeled cases.  Recall #F-492-8.
  CODE         All with codes on the market as of February
               26, 1998.
  MANUFACTURER Various manufacturers.
  RECALLED BY  Dillons, Hutchinson, Kansas
               (repacker/responsible firm), by fax on
               February 26, 1998.  Firm-initiated recall
  QUANTITY     700 5-pound or 10-pound cases were
  REASON       Product does not bear an ingredient statement
               and contains eggs.
  PRODUCT      Amenity Hair Conditioner and Hand & Body
               Products:  a) Canterbury conditioner, 1.25
               fluid ounce bottle; b) Canterbury Hand & Body
               Lotion, 1.25 fluid ounce bottle.
               Recall #F-488/489-8.
  CODE         a) I257P, J207P; b) I187P, KII7P, K157P,
  MANUFACTURER Packaging Technology GP, Inc., Waukegan,
  RECALLED BY  The Dial Corporation, Scottsdale, Arizona, by
               letter on April 1, 1998.  Firm-initiated
               recall ongoing.
  DISTRIBUTION Nationwide.
  QUANTITY     614 cases (288 units per case) were
  REASON       Products are contaminated with Burkholderia
               cepacia (formally Pseudomonas).  
  PRODUCT      Premarin Tablets, (Conjugated Estrogens
               tablets, USP), Rx, 1.25 mg, repacked into 100
               count bottles.  NDC #0046-0866-81.
               Recall #D-136-8.
  CODE         Lot #9971786 EXP 5/02.
  MANUFACTURER Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories, Philadelphia,
  RECALLED BY  National PharmPak Services, Inc., Zanesville,
               Ohio (repacker/responsible firm), by letter
               faxed on April 20, 1998.  Firm-initiated
               recall ongoing.
  DISTRIBUTION Nationwide.
  QUANTITY     14,750 bottles were distributed.
  REASON       Mispackaging - Some units may contain Ceftin
               (Cephalosporin) 250 mg tablets (light blue
  PRODUCT      Levothroid (levothyroxine sodium tablets,
               USP), 100 mcg tablets, repackaged in 100 count
               bottles, indicated as replacement therapy for
               diminished thyroid function resulting in
               hypothyroidism, distributed under the AHP
               American Health Packaging label.  
               NDC #0456-0323-01.  Recall #D-137-8.
  CODE         Lot #6667 EXP 11/99.
  MANUFACTURER Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc., St. Louis,
  RECALLED BY  AmeriSource Health Services, doing business as
               American Health Packaging, Columbus, Ohio, by
               letter on April 21, 1998.  Firm-initiated
               recall ongoing.
  DISTRIBUTION Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, New Jersey,
               Tennessee, Massachusetts, Texas, New York,
  QUANTITY     324 bottles were distributed.
  REASON       Dissolution failure.
  PRODUCT      Levothroid Tablets (Levothyroxine sodium
               tablets, USP), 100 mcg, in 5,000 tablet
               bottles, Rx, indicated as  replacement therapy
               for diminished thyroid function resulting in
               hypothyroidism.  NDC #0456-0323-51.
               Recall #D-138-8.
  CODE         Lot #109732 EXP 11/99.
  MANUFACTURER Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Cincinnati,
  RECALLED BY  Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc., subsidiary of
               Forest Laboratories, Inc., St. Louis,
               Missouri, by letter on April 17, 1998. 
               Firm-initiated recall ongoing.
  DISTRIBUTION California, Illinois, New York, Ohio, Oregon.
  QUANTITY     282 5,000-tablet bottles were distributed.
  REASON       Dissolution failure.
  PRODUCT      Levothroid (Levothyroxine Sodium Tablets USP),
               100 mcg, repackaged in 100 count bottles,
               under the National PharmPak label, indicated
               as replacement therapy for diminished thyroid
               function resulting in hypothyroidism,
               NDC #0456-0323-01.  Recall #D-139-8.
  CODE         Lot #109732 EXP 11/99.
  MANUFACTURER Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc., St. Louis,
               Missouri (responsible firm).
  RECALLED BY  National PharmPak Services, Inc., Zanesville,
               Ohio (repacker), by fax on April 27, 1998,
               followed by telephone on April 28, 1998. 
               Firm-initiated recall ongoing.
  DISTRIBUTION Nationwide.
  QUANTITY     2,485 bottles were distributed.
  REASON       Dissolution failure.
  PRODUCT      Levothroid Tablets (Levothyroxine sodium,
               USP), 50 mcg, hospital unit dose blister
               strips, 10 tablets per strip, 10 strips per
               carton, Rx, for use as replacement or
               substitution therapy for diminished or absent
               thyroid function.  Recall #D-142-8.
  CODE         Lot #69635 EXP 7/98.
  MANUFACTURER Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Cincinnati,
  RECALLED BY  Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc., subsidiary of
               Forest Laboratories, Inc., St. Louis,
               Missouri, by letters dated April 22 and 29,
               1998.  Firm-initiated recall ongoing.
  DISTRIBUTION Nationwide.
  QUANTITY     6,826 boxes were distributed.
  REASON       Subpotent (stability 18 month interval).
  PRODUCT      Armour Thyroid Tablets (Thyroid tablets, USP),
               1 grain (60 mg), in 50,000 tablet drums, Rx
               for use as a replacement or supplemental
               therapy in patients with hypothyroidism.
               NDC #0456-0459-69.  Recall #D-143-8.
  CODE         Lot #19813 EXP 10/98.
  MANUFACTURER Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Cincinnati,
  RECALLED BY  Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc., subsidiary of
               Forest Laboratories, Inc., St. Louis,
               Missouri, by letter on April 16, 1998. 
               Firm-initiated recall ongoing.
  DISTRIBUTION Rhode Island, Arkansas, Wisconsin.
  QUANTITY     8-50,000 drums were distributed.
  REASON       Tablets were found out of specification for
               weight and thickness.
  PRODUCT      Q-Tuss Sustained Release (SR) Tablets
               (Phenylephrine HCL 25mg/phenylpropanolamine
               HCL 50 mg/Chlorpheniramine Maleate 8
               mg/Hyoscyamine Sulfate 0.19 mg/Atropine
               Sulfate 0.04 mg/Scopolamine Hydrobromine 0.01
               mg), in bottles of 100 and 500,
               antihistaminic, nasal decongestant and
               anti-secretory preparation.  Recall #D-131-8.
  CODE         043096B        002047B        043096C
               015067A        043096D        015067B
               043096E        016067A        044096A
               016067B        044096B        030106A
               001047D        031106A        001047E
               031106B        001047F        031106C
               002047A        031106D.
  MANUFACTURER Vintage Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Charlotte,
               North Carolina.
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by letter dated January 22,
               1998.  Firm-initiated recall ongoing.
  QUANTITY     78,255 bottles were distributed.
  REASON       Incomplete validation data.
  PRODUCT      Atrohist Plus Sustained Release (SR) Tablets,
               (Phenylephrine HCL 25 mg/phenylpropanolamine
               HCL 50 mg/Chlorpheniramine Maleate 8
               mg/Hyoscyamine Sulfate 0.19 mg/Atropine
               Sulfate 0.04 mg/Scopolamine Hydrobromide 0.01
               mg), in bottles of 100 and 500 tablets, and 4
               tablet samples, Rx, antihistaminic, nasal
               decongestant and anti-secretory preparation.
               Recall #D-132-8.
  CODE         Lot numbers:
               045056A        046056C        047056A 
               001086A        002086A        003086A
               004086A        022106A        023106C
               003017A        004017A        064047B
               005087C        006087A.
  MANUFACTURER Vintage Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Charlotte,
               North Carolina.
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by letter dated January 22,
               1998.  Firm-initiated recall ongoing.
  QUANTITY     537,692 bottles were distributed.
  REASON       Incomplete validation data.
  PRODUCT      Cyanocobalamin Injection, USP, 1,000 mcg/mL,
               in 1 mL multiple dose vials, 25 vials per
               carton, Rx indicated for Vitamin B12
               deficiencies.  NDC #0469-1044-25.
               Recall #D-133-8.
  CODE         Lot numbers:  370007, 370080, 370139, 370187,
               370305, 370338, 370396, 370489, 370570,
  MANUFACTURER FUJISAWA USA, Inc., Grand Island, New York.
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by letter dated April 10, 1998. 
               Firm-initiated recall ongoing.
  DISTRIBUTION Nationwide, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Canada.
  QUANTITY     1,651,450 units (66,058 cartons) were
  REASON       Unapproved change in raw material.
  PRODUCT      Luvox (Fluvoxamine Maleate) 100 mg, in unit
               dose blisters (hospital use) of 10 tablets
               with 10 tablets per blister card, Rx,
               indicated for the treatment of obsessions and
               compulsions in patients with Obsessive
               Compulsive Disorder(OCD), as defined in the
               DMS-III-R.  Recall #D-135-8.
  CODE         Lot #88007.
  MANUFACTURER Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Marietta,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by letter sent on April 7, 1998. 
               Firm-initiated recall ongoing.
  DISTRIBUTION Nationwide.
  QUANTITY     4,944 units were distributed.
  REASON       Some units are missing the strength
  PRODUCT      Promotion brochures for (OTC):
               a) DHEA Therapy Tablets, Wild Yam, Ginkgo
               Biloba, Gotu Kola, Siberian Ginseng, Kelp, 
	       L-Tyrosine, L-Glutamine, L-Arginine,
               L-Ornithine) 90 tablets per bottle;
               b) Pycnogenol Capsules, (Grape seed extract,
               Pine bark extract...) in 60 capsule bottles.
               Recall #D-140/141-8.
  CODE         None.
  MANUFACTURER Energy Factors, Inc., Largo, Florida.
  RECALLED BY  Jack Davis and Associates, Inc., Albany,
               Georgia (own label distributor/responsible
               firm), by instructing sales people to pickup
               product on February 26, 1998.  Firm-initiated
               recall ongoing.
  DISTRIBUTION Nationwide.
  QUANTITY     Undetermined.
  REASON       Misbranding - Promotional literature makes
               unapproved drug claims.
  UPDATE       Gliadel Wafer, Polifeprosan 20 with Carmustine
               Implant, (Rhone Poulenc Rorer Pharmaceuticals,
               Inc., Collegeville, Pennsylvania), 
               Recall #D-065-8, which appeared in the
               February 18, 1998 has been extended to include
               lot #K97B4.
  PRODUCT      Red Blood Cells.  Recall #B-798-8.
  CODE         Unit #49Y46174.
  MANUFACTURER American Red Cross Southwest Region, Tulsa,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by telephone on December 17,
               1997.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
  QUANTITY     1 unit was distributed.
  REASON       Failure to quarantine a blood product that was
               exposed to uncontrolled shipping and handling
  PRODUCT      a) Red Blood Cells; b) Platelets.
               Recall #B-925/926-8.
  CODE         Unit #22FR83033.
  MANUFACTURER American Red Cross Blood Services,
               Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by letters dated September 3 and
               15, 1997, and October 3, 1997, and by
               telephone on August 29, 1997.  Firm-initiated
               recall complete.
  DISTRIBUTION Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
  QUANTITY     1 unit of each component was distributed.
  REASON       Blood products were not quarantined after
               receiving information concerning a post
               donation illness.
  PRODUCT      Platelets.  Recall #B-993-8.
  CODE         Unit #12R53725.
  MANUFACTURER American Red Cross, Charlotte, North Carolina.
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by letter dated December 8,
               1997.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
  QUANTITY     1 unit was distributed.
  REASON       Blood product was incorrectly labeled with the
               wrong ABO typing.
  PRODUCT      Pheresis, Split Unit, Leukocytes Removed. 
               Recall #B-1010-8.
  CODE         Unit #42FR60438.
  MANUFACTURER American Red Cross Blood Services, Cleveland,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by letter dated November 13,
               1997.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
  QUANTITY     1 unit was distributed.
  REASON       Leuko-reduced blood products were not
               collected in accordance with manufacturers
  PRODUCT      Red Blood Cells.  Recall #B-1011-8.
  CODE         Unit #3872501.
  MANUFACTURER Camp Memorial Blood Center, Fort Knox,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by letter dated either September
               12 or 15, 1997.  Firm-initiated recall
  DISTRIBUTION Washington state.
  QUANTITY     1 unit was distributed.
  REASON       Blood product was collected from a donor who
               had ear piercing within 12 months of donation.
  PRODUCT      a) Red Blood Cells; b) Fresh Frozen Plasma.
               Recall #B-1012/1013-8.
  CODE         Unit #3871699.
  MANUFACTURER Camp Memorial Blood Center, Fort Knox,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by fax dated either September 12
               or 16, 1997.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
  DISTRIBUTION Georgia, New Jersey, New York.
  QUANTITY     1 unit of each component was distributed.
  REASON       Blood products were collected from a donor
               whose suitability was not adequately
  PRODUCT      Red Blood Cells.  Recall #B-1014-8.
  CODE         Unit #3876786.
  MANUFACTURER Camp Memorial Blood Center, Fort Knox,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by fax dated August 7, 1997. 
               Firm-initiated recall complete.
  DISTRIBUTION California.
  QUANTITY     1 unit was distributed.
  REASON       Blood product was collected from a donor who
               had taken medication within four weeks of
  PRODUCT      a) Red Blood Cells; b) Recovered Plasma.
               Recall #B-1021/1022-8.
  CODE         Unit #3871684.
  MANUFACTURER Camp Memorial Blood Center, Fort Knox,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by fax dated September 12, 1997. 
               Firm-initiated recall complete.
  DISTRIBUTION Georgia and Florida.
  QUANTITY     1 unit of each component was distributed.
  REASON       Blood products were collected from an
               unsuitable donor.
  PRODUCT      a) Red Blood Cells; b) Recovered Plasma.
               Recall #B-1027/1028-8.
  CODE         Unit #2258987.
  MANUFACTURER Camp Memorial Blood Center, Fort Knox,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by fax dated either September 12
               or 15, 1997.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
  DISTRIBUTION Florida, Kentucky, Missouri.
  QUANTITY     1 unit of each component was distributed.
  REASON       Blood products were collected from a donor
               whose suitability was not adequately
  PRODUCT      Red Blood Cells.  Recall #B-1029-8.
  CODE         Unit #2258972.
  MANUFACTURER Camp Memorial Blood Center, Fort Knox,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by fax dated either September 12
               or 15, 1997.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
  DISTRIBUTION Kentucky and Missouri.
  QUANTITY     1 unit was distributed.
  REASON       Blood product was collected from a donor whose
               suitability was not adequately determined.
  PRODUCT      a) Red Blood Cells; b) Fresh Frozen Plasma.
               Recall #B-1031/1032-8.
  CODE         Unit #3874773.
  MANUFACTURER Camp Memorial Blood Center, Fort Knox,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by fax dated July 17, 1997. 
               Firm-initiated recall complete.
  DISTRIBUTION New Jersey, District of Columbia,
  QUANTITY     1 unit of each component.
  REASON       Blood product was collected from a donor whose
               suitability was not adequately determined.
  PRODUCT      Red Blood Cells.  Recall #B-1040-8.
  CODE         Unit #2258991.
  MANUFACTURER Camp Memorial Blood Center, Fort Knox,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by fax dated September 12, 1997. 
               Firm-initiated recall complete.
  DISTRIBUTION California.
  QUANTITY     1 unit was distributed.
  REASON       Blood product was collected from a donor whose
               suitability was not adequately determined.
  PRODUCT      a) Red Blood Cells; b) Recovered Plasma.
               Recall #B-1041/1042-8.
  CODE         Unit #2258926.
  MANUFACTURER Camp Memorial Blood Center, Fort Knox,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by fax dated September 12, 1997. 
               Firm-initiated recall complete.
  DISTRIBUTION Kentucky and Florida.
  QUANTITY     1 unit of each component was distributed.
  REASON       Blood product was collected from a donor whose
               suitability was not adequately determined.
  PRODUCT      Red Blood Cells, Leukocytes Reduced.  
               Recall #B-1043-8. 
  CODE         Unit numbers:  49GF05481, 49GF05482,
               49GF05483, 49GF05504, 49GF05510, 49L85971,
               49R82971, 49R82976, 49R82985, 49S74686,
               49S74688, 49Y45703, 49Y45705.
  MANUFACTURER American Red Cross Blood Services, Tulsa,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by telephone on December 15,
               1997 and by letters dated December 17, 1997,
               and January 20, 1998.  Firm-initiated recall
  DISTRIBUTION Oklahoma and Texas.
  QUANTITY     13 units were distributed.
  REASON       Blood products were mislabeled as CMV antibody
  PRODUCT      Red Blood Cells.  Recall #B-1045-8.
  CODE         Unit #06LR57563.
  MANUFACTURER American Red Cross, Los Angeles, California.
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by telephone on July 31, 1997. 
               Firm-initiated recall complete.
  DISTRIBUTION California.
  QUANTITY     1 unit was distributed.
  REASON       Blood product was not quarantined while
               resolving an ABO/RH historical discrepancy,
               which confirmed the donor as B positive, was
               labeled as B negative.
  PRODUCT      a) Platelets; b) Fresh Frozen Plasma.
               Recall #B-1046/1047-8.
  CODE         Unit #13FJ28936.
  MANUFACTURER American Red Cross Blood Services, Detroit,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by letter dated January 29 and
               30, 1998.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
  QUANTITY     1 unit of each component was distributed.
  REASON       Blood products corresponded to a unit of red
               blood cells that was reported as clotted.
  PRODUCT      Red Blood Cells.  Recall #B-1048-8.
  CODE         Unit #38FC32811.
  MANUFACTURER American Red Cross Blood Services, Fort Wayne,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by telephone on January 21,
               1998.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
  QUANTITY     1 unit was distributed.
  REASON       Blood product was collected from a donor who
               previously tested CMV positive, was labeled
               CMV negative.
  PRODUCT      Red Blood Cells.  Recall #B-1049-8.
  CODE         Unit #18FC94471.
  MANUFACTURER American Red Cross Blood Services, Lansing,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by telephone on January 12,
               1998. Firm-initiated recall complete.
  QUANTITY     1 unit was distributed.
  REASON       Blood product was prepared from an overweight
               unit of whole blood.
  PRODUCT      Platelets, Pheresis.  Recall #B-1065-8.
  CODE         Unit #1041735.
  MANUFACTURER Community Blood Center, Dayton, Ohio.
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by letter dated January 9, 1998. 
               Firm-initiated recall complete.
  QUANTITY     1 unit was distributed.
  REASON       Blood product was collected from a donor who
               traveled to an area designated as endemic for
  PRODUCT      a) Red Blood Cells; b) Platelets.  
               Recall #B-1066/1067-8.
  CODE         Unit numbers:  a) 1037096, 1030621, 1023482 
               b) 1023482.
  MANUFACTURER Community Blood Center, Dayton, Ohio.
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by letter dated January 9, 1998. 
               Firm-initiated recall complete.
  QUANTITY     a) 3 units; b) 1 unit was distributed.
  REASON       Blood products were collected from a donor who
               reported travel to an area designated as 
               endemic for malaria.
  PRODUCT      a) Red Blood Cells; b) Platelets.  
               Recall #B-1068/1069-8.
  CODE         Unit #36-13640.
  MANUFACTURER Michigan Community Blood Centers, Bay City,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by letter on December 19, 1997. 
               Firm-initiated recall complete.
  QUANTITY     1 unit of each component was distributed.
  REASON       Blood products were collected from a donor
               with Graves disease.
  PRODUCT      a) Red Blood Cells; b) Platelets.
               Recall #B-1070/1071-8.
  CODE         Unit numbers:  61-30567 and 61-24420.
  MANUFACTURER Michigan Community Blood Centers, Grand
               Rapids, Michigan.
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by letter on July 9, 1997. 
               Firm-initiated recall complete.
  DISTRIBUTION Michigan and California.
  QUANTITY     2 units of each component were distributed.
  REASON       Blood products were collected from a donor
               with Graves disease.
  PRODUCT      Red Blood Cells.  Recall #B-1092-8.
  CODE         Unit numbers:  0310652 and 0310612.
  MANUFACTURER Inland Northwest Blood Center, Spokane,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by telephone on January 8, 1998. 
               Firm-initiated recall complete.
  DISTRIBUTION Washington state.
  QUANTITY     2 units were distributed.
  REASON       Blood products were incorrectly labeled as
  PRODUCT      Red Blood Cells.  Recall #B-1093-8.
  CODE         Unit #2257923.
  MANUFACTURER Inland Northwest Blood Center, Spokane,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by letter dated December 23,
               1997.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
  DISTRIBUTION Washington state.
  QUANTITY     1 unit was distributed.
  REASON       Blood product was collected in a manner that
               compromises the sterility of the unit.
  PRODUCT      Red Blood Cells.  Recall #B-815-8.
  CODE         Contact FDA, Center for Biologics Evaluation
               and Research, Office of Compliance 
               (301) 827-6220 for individual unit numbers
  MANUFACTURER United Blood Services, Albuquerque, New
  RECALLED BY  Blood Systems, Inc., Scottsdale, Arizona, by
               telephone or fax between January 15 and 21,
               1998, followed by letter dated February 13,
               1998.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
  DISTRIBUTION New Mexico and Utah.
  QUANTITY     96 units were distributed.
  REASON       Blood products were leukoreduced by filtration
               at an unacceptable temperature.
  PRODUCT      Platelets.  Recall #B-987-8.
  CODE         Unit #50LH00012.
  MANUFACTURER American Red Cross Blood Services, Toledo,
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by letter dated December 9,
               1997.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
  QUANTITY     1 unit was distributed.
  REASON       Blood product was prepared from a unit of
               whole blood which may have had an extended
               collection time.
  PRODUCT      Red Blood Cells, Leukocytes Removed By
               Filtration.  Recall #B-1064-8.
  CODE         Unit numbers:  1041172, 1041173.
  MANUFACTURER Community Blood Center, Dayton, Ohio.
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by telephone on November 24,
               1997.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
  DISTRIBUTION Ohio and Indiana.
  QUANTITY     2 units were distributed.
  REASON       Unlicensed blood products were distributed
               without obliteration of the firm's license
  PRODUCT      Recovered Plasma.  Recall #B-1072-8.
  CODE         61-30567, 61-24420.
  MANUFACTURER Michigan Community Blood Centers, Grand
               Rapids, Michigan.
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by letter on July 9, 1997. 
               Firm-initiated recall complete.
  DISTRIBUTION Michigan and California.
  QUANTITY     2 units were distributed.
  REASON       Blood products were collected from a donor
               with Graves disease.

  PRODUCT      IVAC MedSystem III Administration Sets, Model
               28080E.  Recall #Z-549-8.
  CODE         Lot #801548.
  MANUFACTURER Sistemas Medico Alaris, SA DE C.V., Tijuana,
  RECALLED BY  Alaris Medical Systems, Inc., San Diego,
               California, by telephone and by letter on
               April 7, 1998.  Firm-initiated recall ongoing.
  DISTRIBUTION California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, North
               Carolina, Wisconsin.
  QUANTITY     500 sets were distributed; firm estimated that
               384 sets remained on market at time of recall
  REASON       Devices were mis-assembled. The tubing
               sections were reversed which could result in
               medication not being delivered and/or blood
               being drawn from the patients IV site.
  PRODUCT      Dermagraft brand of Human Dermal Replacement,
               indicated for use as a temporary wound
               covering for surgically excised thermal burn
               wounds:  a) Dermagraft-TC; b) Dermagraft.
               Recall #Z-571/572-8.
  CODE         Lot numbers:  a) 101182 to 102722, non-sequential;
	       b) 101720 to 12783, non-sequential.
  MANUFACTURER Advanced Tissue Sciences, Inc. (ATS), La
               Jolla, California.
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by letter on March 25, 1998, and
               by press release on March 30, 1998. 
               Firm-initiated recall ongoing.
  DISTRIBUTIO  a) Nationwide and international; b)
  QUANTITY     a) 478 units; b) 281 units were distributed.
  REASON       Devices were manufactured and distributed from
               fetal bovine serum that did not meet firms
               specification for endotoxin.
  UPDATE       Recall #Z-514-8, Model TED 60T Portable Oxygen
               Monitor (Teledyne Electronic Technologies
               Analytical Instruments (TET/AI), City of
               Industry, California), which appeared in the
               April 22, 1998 Enforcement Report should read:
               RECALLED BY:  Manufacturer, by letter on
               August 27, 1996.  Firm-initiated recall
  PRODUCT      Ormco C-Type Release Module, for orthodontic
               headgear or neck pads:
               a) Part No. 715-2020, medium (white) force; 
               b) Part No. 715-2021, heavy (gray) force.  
               Recall #Z-563/564-8.
  CODE         Lot numbers beginning with 7K, 7L, 7M, 8A, 8B,
               and 8C, covering lots manufactured in October,
               November and December 1997, and January,
               February, and March 1998.
  MANUFACTURER Sybron Dental Specialties, Inc., Orange,
               California (responsible firm).
  RECALLED BY  Ormco Corporation, subsidiary of Sybron Dental
               Specialties, Inc., Glendora, California, by
               letter on March 19, 1998.  Firm-initiated
               recall ongoing.
  DISTRIBUTION Nationwide and international.
  QUANTITY     1,152 units were distributed.
  REASON       The release module does not release the neck
               pad or headgear from the face bow if it is
               accidentally pulled away from the patient.
  PRODUCT      Motloid Cold Pac Tooth Acrylic, Formula 302M,
               in 8 fluid ounce and 16 fluid ounce bottles, a
               liquid self cure temporary crown and bridge
               resin monomer (cross-linked, colorfast) used
               to prepare temporary dental work.
               Recall #Z-567-8.
  CODE         Lot Nos. 348601 and 348602.
  MANUFACTURER The Motloid Company, Chicago, Illinois.
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by telephone on January 29,
               1997.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
  DISTRIBUTION Nationwide and The Netherlands.
  QUANTITY     96 8-fluid ounce bottles and 60 16-fluid ounce
               bottles were distributed.
  REASON       The resin does not harden.
  PRODUCT      Motloid Cold Pac Tooth Acrylic, Formula 302M,
               in 4 fluid ounce and 8 fluid ounce bottles, a
               liquid self cure temporary crown and bridge
               resin monomer (cross-linked, colorfast), used
               to prepare temporary dental work.  
               Recall #Z-568-8.
  CODE         Lot numbers:  363701 (4 oz), 363702 (8 oz).
  MANUFACTURER The Motloid Company, Chicago, Illinois.
  RECALLED BY  Manufacturer, by telephone on February 4,
               1998.  Firm-initiated recall ongoing.
  DISTRIBUTION Nationwide.
  QUANTITY     200 4-fluid ounce and 144 8-fluid ounce
               bottles were distributed; firm estimated that
               50 percent of the product remained on market
               at time of recall initiation.
  REASON       The resin does not harden.


End of Enforcement Report for