The vertical clustered column graph presents the number of applications submitted and filed for FY 1998 through FY 2005. The scale is in increments of 20 with a range from 0 to 120. It shows that the number of submitted and filed priority applications was just under 40 in FY 1998 and slowly dropped in FY 1999 and FY 2000 to just above 30. In FY 2001, the number of submitted and filed priority applications dropped to 13 and consistently increased from FY 2002 to FY 2005 to 34. The graph also shows the number of submitted and filed standard applications was just above 80 in FY 1998, increased in FY 1999 to 96, and increased again in FY 2000 to 100. In FY 2001, the number of submitted and filed standard applications dropped to 90, remained there in FY 2002, dropped again to 86 in FY 2003, increased to 100 in FY 2004, and then dropped to 79 in FY 2005.