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Office of Public Affairs, Region IV
611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400, Arlington TX 76011

No. IV-06-020   September 19, 2006
CONTACT: Victor Dricks
Phone: 817-860-8128

Printable Version

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has proposed a $9,600 fine against Sterigenics International, Inc. of Oak Brook, Il., for violating NRC requirements for handling security-sensitive information.

NRC staff discussed the violations, their significance, the root cause, and the company’s corrective actions during a meeting with Sterigenics officials on May 3.

In a letter to the company, Bruce S. Mallett, Administrator of the NRC’s Region IV office in Arlington, Texas, said that as a result of an NRC inspection and investigation, the agency determined that the company violated three NRC requirements. The company operates 13 panoramic irradiators throughout the U.S., primarily to sterilize medical equipment.

The violations occurred when a senior manager of the company faxed a document containing security-sensitive information to the company’s security contractor over an unprotected phone line; provided inaccurate information to an NRC investigator when questioned about the incident; and failed to ensure that the security contractor would follow company policies and procedures while handling the security-sensitive information.

“The NRC depends on its licensees to handle security-sensitive information with appropriate care and to cooperate fully with its investigators when questions about activities arise,” Mallett said. “The civil penalty underscores the seriousness with which we view these violations.”

The company has acknowledged that it violated NRC requirements. “We are pleased the company has taken corrective action that appropriately address these issues, and is improving its employee training procedures for handling security-sensitive information to prevent recurrence,” Mallett said.

The NRC’s letter and the company’s response will be made available to interested members of the public through the agency’s electronic reading room at: Help in accessing these documents is available from the NRC Public Document Room at: 1-800-397-4209.

The company has 30 days from receipt of the Notice of Violation to either pay the civil penalty or to protest it, in whole or in part. It can also request alternate dispute resolution within 10 days of receipt of the Notice of Violation.

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