06 December 2006

Principled Responsibility: Transforming the Culture of Corruption

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (State Dept.)

Democracy only achieves lasting prosperity when the rule of law is sanctified and when government is transparent and accountable to its people. Corruption corrodes these underpinnings of free society and human progress. The international community stands united in our belief that every man, woman, and child deserves to be governed with the highest level of public integrity so that they can realize their full potential. Citizens deserve accountability and principled responsibility from their leaders. The best hope for winning the battle against corruption is our continued commitment to values of honest governance, openness, just conduct, and the rule of law.

Enduring Values

In cooperation with other dedicated partners, the United States will continue to promote transparency, prosecute high-level corruption, and deny safe haven to corrupt officials.

Through instruments such as the U.N. Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), we are committed to enhancing international commitment and cooperation to recover and return stolen assets that can be used to promote development and accountability.

The United States is proud to support those who advance the fight against corruption. We stand by partners who promote good governance, public and private sector integrity, and freedom of the press. These efforts will restore public trust in government and provide a framework for economic investment into the country to work.

In pursuit of these high standards, we must build a coalition of public and private partners at both the local and national levels. We and our partners must condemn, expose, and punish corruption. Through our shared principles, we can build the will and capabilities of peoples and governments to fight corruption and transform the culture.

New Horizons

The work of democracy is a daily process to build the institutions of democracy. We can create a better future by uniting in our support of good governance and against corruption. Through our continued cooperation with our international partners, we can build societies where all individuals can achieve the full extent of their liberty. And through a new commitment to responsibility, we can build a firm foundation of principle for future generations.

Condoleezza Rice

Secretary of State

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