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No. 99-155

June 23, 1999


The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has re-elected Dr. B. John Garrick as Chairman and Dr. George M. Hornberger as Vice-Chairman of its Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste (ACNW).

The ACNW is an advisory group established by the NRC in 1988 to provide the agency with independent technical review and advice on the disposal of nuclear waste. Members are appointed part-time for four-year terms, and may serve for two consecutive terms. Dr. Garrick came to the Committee in March 1994 and was first appointed Chairman last July.

Before joining the ACNW, Dr. Garrick had retired as President and Chief Executive Officer of PLG, Inc., an international engineering, applied science, and management consulting firm. He currently consults in the development and application of risk sciences to a variety of industries, including nuclear power, space, chemical, petroleum, marine systems, and nuclear waste.

Dr. Garrick received doctorate degrees in engineering and applied science from the University of California in 1962 and 1968, respectively, where he authored a thesis that first advocated a safety analysis that is now known as probabilistic risk assessment.

Dr. Garrick's honors include election to the National Academy of Engineering in 1993, President of the Society for Risk Analysis from 1989 to 1990 and recipient of its most prestigious award, the Distinguished Achievement Award, in 1994. He also chairs several National Research Council committees.

Dr. George Hornberger was appointed to the ACNW in September 1996 and became Vice Chairman the next year. He is currently the Ernest H. Ern Professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia, where he began teaching in 1970. Dr. Hornberger performs research on catchment hydrology, hydrochemistry and the transport of colloids in geological media. He has also been a visiting professor at Stanford University and at the United States Geological Survey, and is Chairman of the Commission on Environment, Geosciences and Resources for the National Research Council.

Dr. Hornberger received his doctorate in hydrology from Stanford University in 1970.

His honors include the Robert E. Horton Award from the American Geophysical Union in 1993, and the John Wesley Powell Award from the U.S. Geological Survey in 1995.

Other members of the ACNW are Charles Fairhurst, Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota; and Raymond Wymer, Retired Director of Chemical Technology Division, Oak Ridge (Tenn.) National Laboratory.
